A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 5

It has been a few months and I am finally 1year-old. Kushina and Minato were true to their words and babysat me when they were able in between missions and their free time. I didn"t mind because I get to spend time with the future 4th Hokage, however briefly. I am also sneaking in some training because I can study the Flying Thunder G.o.d technique that Konoha"s Yellow Flash is known for. By studying it I can get a feel for the s.p.a.ce laws and have a clear understanding when I make my own Instant Transmission technique in the future.

Namikaze Minato: Kushina, I know we agreed to watch little Sage, but you didn"t have to bring him to the 3rd training ground, it could be dangerous for him.

Uzumaki Kushina: Don"t worry Minato, I already got the approval from Satsuki-san. She also told me that Sage-chan is quite hardy, so a little tumble won"t even make him cry. (Kushina was pressing my stomach with her finger like I was the Pillsbury doughboy). Besides, with us babysitting him it can prepare us when we have our first child.

Minato: Ok, ok. Just be careful. I just still can"t believe how smart he is. (Minato staring at me inquisitively)

Sage: Nee-chan, spar. (I asked as I was making a fighting stance with my tiny fists)

Kushina: Haha. Alright let"s see what you got. (Kushina put her hands up, as if to take my punches)

I startled Kushina by actually swinging my fists towards her palms. Loud smacking was heard when my small fists collided with her palms. The smacking sound was so loud that it caused Minato to stop what he was doing and turned towards us.

Kushina: Ok, ok. That"s enough Sage-chan. (Kushina stopped putting her hands up and started to blow on them)

Minato: Hey Kushina, are you guys ok? (Minato used the Flying Thunder G.o.d technique to teleport in front of us)

From the moment he executed the technique to the instant he landed in front of us, I was trying to a.n.a.lyze the power, the activation, the nature and the requirements need to use teleportation. I didn"t mean to make a ruckus and hurt Kushina but at the time it seemed to be the only way I would be able to witness the technique. I then tried to play the innocent baby role.

Sage: I sorry Nee-chan (I said while putting my head down and looking at her)

Kushina: (looking at her red palms). It"s ok Sage-chan, it"s my fault for underestimating your strength. I still can"t believe you are only a 1 year-old.

Minato: Kushina are you ok? What happened?

Kushina: I"m ok. It"s just that Sage-chan asked to spar and all I did was take his punched to my palms, but I didn"t think he would be so strong. Look. (Kushina showed her palms to Minato). My hands are numb. Maybe you would like to experience his strength yourself?

Minato: Hahaha. Maybe next time.

Sage: Nii-chan, jump! (I gestured toward his technique while putting my hands up to show that I wanted to be picked up, which Minato seemed to have picked up on with just that word).

Minato: So you wanna learn the Flying Thunder G.o.d technique do ya?

Minato picked me up and used his technique to teleport a few times. Thanks to him I was able to grasp the nature of the technique. Unfortunately I can only practice at home. I don"t want to be looked at as a freak to the nice couple more than I already am. As the sun was setting Minato used the technique again to take me home. To show that I was grateful to both of them I used my status as child.

Sage: Nee-chan, Nii-chan, thank you. Hug!

Kushina & Minato: Aww, you are very welcome.

Satsuki: I hope he wasn"t too rambunctious with you two.

Kushina: Oh he was no trouble at all Satsuki-san. In fact he was very polite and well mannered. I know you warned me before that he ate a lot but I didn"t know to what extent. Haha.

Minato and Kushina put me down.

Sage: I"m home. (I said to my mother)

Satsuki: Welcome home dear. Go get ready for dinner ok.

Sage: Ok. Bye Nee-chan, Nii-chan. (I made a small bow)

Minato: Satsuki-san, have you ever had Sage-kun tested to find out his attributes yet?

Satsuki: No, we haven"t. He is only a year old so we will wait at least until he starts at the academy.

Minato: Ok, I understand. The reason I ask is because earlier today when Sage-kun asked me to show him my Flying Thunder G.o.d technique I felt that he had an affinity for it.

Satsuki: Wow, really? Ok I will ask Kaien to use the Affinity testing strips but I doubt it will go well considering he has yet to have control over his own power let alone chakra, so infusing his chakra into the strips will not go well.

Minato: Oh ok. When he is able to use his chakra and is able to infuse the strip please let me know his results. Well then, have a good night Satsuki-san.