A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 52

The room was at a loss for words. No one has ever seen the Raikage being forced back, especially by a slap before. Considering it"s the Raikage never before has anyone ever seen a person shrug off the Jigokuzuki (h.e.l.l Stab) even at the Sanbon Nukite, Three-fingered strike, level. An eerie silence prevailed in the room. The Raikage finally shook his head and stood up.

Raikage: I see that you can at least back up your words.

Sage: I can do more than that. Since not only was I courteous and extended the invitation with good intentions, you insult us and even attacked us. (I addressed Naruto"s team) You guys are my witnesses.

Raikage: Witnesses or not you will die tod…

Sage: (I put a hand up indicating him to stop). Let me stop you right there. Stop raising death flags for yourself. I was even being nice when I said you attacked, not tried to kill. Because in order to kill me you would need the world against me. (I raise my aura enough to suppress the Raikages guards and aides). I didn"t start a fight with you but you better definitely believe that I will end you. Now the question is, since I already did what I came here to do, do you want to fight here, in the middle of your village, or a place farther from here?

Raikage: You come here to my village and threaten my people.

Sage: Correction! I threatened you not your village. You insulted then attacked me, all I did was slap you away. Now you are all b.u.t.t hurt that you think I am threatening your people by suggesting we move to barren location for their safety?! If you weren"t the Raikage you would"ve already been staining the wall.

Raikage: (Pointing to his right) There is a training ground 5 miles from here, there you will know this Raikages power.

I shook my head. I even tried to steer him away from a fight but regardless of my words he chose to get his a.s.s handed to him. Luckily for me Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are my witnesses for this incident. I cared less if the Raikage agreed to the meeting or not at least I can fight him. Unfortunately I couldn"t gauge his strength when I slapped him. He was too slow to react to my hit, but was st.u.r.dy enough to not have his neck snapped. I guess the 500X gravity is paying off. I will restrict myself by staying at 250X throughout the fight. Team 7 and I made it to the training ground he suggested.

Sage: Alright guys pay attention to his movements, especially you Sasuke. Use your Sharingan to catch his movements and the lightening chakra flow he surrounds himself in. This is a good reference for you. If he moves too fast for you let me know I will slow him down.

Sakura: Sage-san what can we get out of this?

Sage: I don"t know if Lady Tsunade has taught you any nature related jutsu but you can try to see if you can use lightening nature so that it can help you with medical ninjutsu.

Sakura: How so?

Sage: For example, if either Naruto or Sasuke"s heart stops, how would you restart it?

Sakura: Wouldn"t me using Healing Mystic Hand work?

Sage: The heart stopped, it"s not damaged. So in order to restart the heart you can either use chest compressions without caving in their chest to externally pump the heart or you can use a small lightening release to jolt the heart up again.

Sakura stared at me with wide eyes. From my knowledge, medical ninjutsu was barely touched upon. The most I"ve seen done was poison extraction, surgery on Rock Lee"s leg which was never shown, eye transplants which are ridiculous because I never see them attach the nerves. Since I told Sakura that and seen her expression then the medical ninjutsu or even modern medical practice has not gone far. I can not judge too much or presume too much because they did have proper hospitals and I only know first responder level medical knowledge. I"m guessing they never thought to use Raiton (Lightening Release) to resuscitate someone. Maybe she can do more with it now.

Naruto: What about me? What can I learn?

Sage: Use the Kyuubi chakra to catch his movements. Other than your dad, he is clearly second when it comes to speed. You can use wind nature to have a similar effect to push you faster.

Naruto: Ok.

Sage: Now then. Where were we?

The Raikage ran towards me. I saw the whole thing so him running to me looked very funny. He came at me clad in lightening with a straight left punch. I paid it no mind slightly stepped to the right, grabbed his face and flung him away. The overwhelming speed, power, pressure and force to which I used to fling him was too strong for him to recover in the air so all he could do was land, and hard. I just laughed out loud when I thought of what I did to the Raikage. I hope Naruto and Sasuke saw what I did. If the encounter was to be slowed down frame by frame you could see me flick a booger on the Raikage"s forehead protector, take a pen out and draw a d.i.c.k j.i.z.zing in his mouth on his left cheek and a word bubble saying "I"m gay" on the other. Judging from how both Naruto and Sasuke are rolling on the floor they did catch it.

???: Shine Konoyaro, Bakayaro (Die you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d)

When I heard this I couldn"t stop smiling. Now I will get to have some fun. I grabbed Killer B by the face as I did with the Raikage and gave him matching marks on his face as well before I flung him.

Sage: If you are trying to kill someone don"t yell it out bakayaro.

Killer B landed at the same location as the Raikage. They both stood up looked at each other then wiped their faces. Both of them started to get mad. Killer B started out with 6 tails from the Hachibi, 8 tails. The Raikage readied his Jigokuzuki Ippon Nukite (h.e.l.l Stab, One finger Nukite). I just stretched and cracked my fingers.

Sage: (With my left hand I beckoned them) Kakatte koi yo! (Come on)

The Raikage attacked me first with his attack but completely missed.

Sage: What did I tell you about poking me?

I broke his finger when I evaded his attack. I knew it wasn"t going to hurt let alone kill me but I liked my shirt, Mei gave it to me, so I didn"t want it to get damaged. Both B and the Raikage came at me together with the Double Lariat but were too slow to connect. I used the summoning jutsu and out came Enma.

Enma: Yo kozo (Brat or kid). In need of help I see.

Sage: Not really but these guys are in need of a good caning.