A Tale After Four Lives

Chapter 18

"I hate rats"

Mournomon slowly stood up from the bed, It made a weird sound when relived from his weight making him somewhat annoyed, "I"m not that heavy".

Stepping out of his room Mournomon started heading towards where he sensed the presences, there were about aight devils, six of whom boasted mid-cla.s.s strength and two with high-cla.s.s strength. They were split into two groups, each with one high-cla.s.s devil and three mid-cla.s.s devils.

Mournomon made his way towards the closest group, stopping in front of a wall he could sense the devils on the other side. Going close to the wall eh sensed a devil on the other side, a smile appeared on his face as he knocked on the wall


The other side of the wall.

The leader of one of the infiltrating devil groups had just gotten his men"s attention ready to a.s.sign positions to each one when he heard a sound coming from the other side of the wall. He turned around his eyes filled with caution as he went closer to the wall but found nothing suspicious, just before he was about to turn his attention back to his subordinates he heard the sound again coming from the wall, it was extremely quiet but he heard it and from his subordinate"s reaction and them slowly approaching the wall they heard it too.

The leader cautiously approached the wall and put his ear against it to more clearly hear what the sound was and that was the last thing he did.


A fist appeared where the devil squads leader"s head once was, brain matter and blood splattered the leader"s subordinates as they fell back on there a.s.ses in shock. The wall before them crumbled and from the opening came a giant of a man with horns and purple eyes, "Heh, idiot," the man said.


Looking at the pale faces of the three devils in front of him Mournomon couldn"t help but pity them for a brief moment, so brief that at the very next moment he kicked one of them through aight adjacent wall"s, his death, a.s.sured. The other two recovered from there shock and tried to run away, but try was the keyword as their heads were quickly grabbed by Mournomon, "Now I shall make two one" he said as he slammed the two devil"s head into each other creating one big mess.

Shaking his hand"s Mounomon tried to get some of the blood off while thinking," Ugh, disgusting I got weakling on me".


Mournomoon heard the cry of a baby with his superior hearing which sends a chill down his spine and caused a fire to burn in his heart. "How dare they!" he roared as he started heading to Sona"s room through a "self-made shortcut", which caused the mansion to shudder.


Mournomon entered Sona"s room through a self-created hole in the wall (Which was right next to the door) and stared at the scene of four men surrounding a crib and the leader of the four holding a baby.

The four couldn"t even react before the leader had Sona, taken from him, Mournomon"s hand holding him by the neck and his body planted in the wall behind him. "Stay there!" Mournomon ordered as he turned his attention to the other three devils.

"eeeeeeeeee?" Was the only reply he got from the walled leader.


Mournomon quickly started taking care of the other three devils with Sona safely tucked in his left arm he faces turned so she wouldn"t see the "Mess" he was about to make.

The first devil only had time to raise his sword before Mournomon griped his throat and ripped it out, throwing the ripped out piece of flesh away he pointed his palm towards the second devil that was approaching him within a split second a gush of purple-black flames spilled out engulfing the devil, not even having the chance to scream, he and his weapon were reduced to ashes.

Mournomon was just about to deal with the third when he saw a blade coming towards him from his left and by default approaching Sona, he quickly turned as to protect her and the blade slammed into his back making the sound of gla.s.s. .h.i.tting iron. The devil had used all his strength in his desperation which only caused his blade to shatter on Mournomon"s invincible back.

Mournomon swift to reciprocate the attack gave a swift back had with his right hand sending the devil twirling in the air with a dislocated jaw and teeth flying like a free bonus. The devil cried as he tried to get up after falling to the ground but a foot slammed him back down, "Don"t worry about being toothless, it won"t matter since you"ll soon be lifeless", Mournomon said he lifted his foot and slammed it down on the devils back once again, making the devil scream, he repeated the process until the devil lied lifelessly on the ground.


Mournomon felt a chilling cold in the air just as he finished the last devil. With a bang, the door to the room slammed open with Serafall charging in magic circle"s flashing as she was ready to unleash a frozen h.e.l.l only for herself to be ironically frozen in her step as she saw the scene in front of her.

Mournomon saying soothing words to a little son while his foot was planted into a devil, another devil lying on the ground with a torn out throat, a pile of ashes and a devil stuck in the wall while still making a high pitched sound. "eeeeeeeeee?"

Serafall slowly calmed down as she yelled at the door, "It"s safe, you guy"s can come in", immediately afterwords two devils rushed into the room, Lord Sitri stopped in shock at the sight in front of him while Lady Sitri didn"t give a d.a.m.n as she rushed towards Mournomon holding Sona.

"My baby, is my baby ok?" she asked with clear concern as she grabbed onto Mournomon"s arm as support to heave herself up and get a better look at Sona, almost climbing on top of Mournomon. She did it only because of there clear hight difference that if she didn"t she wouldn"t be able to clearly see Sona.

"Caught", Mournomon Caughed to get Lady Sitri"s attention, " Lady Sitri you may only need ask and I will hand her to you, there is no need for this".

"Ah!", Lady Sitri finally realized what she was doing and backed away with a red face, "I"m so sorry Lord Mournomon, please forgive my manners" she said.

"It"s no grave matter", Mournomon answered as he carefully handed over Sona to Lady Sitri, before speaking again, "If there are no further matters please excuse me I am a little tired", he said

"No, no. Please get a good night"s rest and thank you for protecting my treasure", Lord Sitri said with clear grat.i.tude and respect

Nodding his head Mournomon bid good night before returning to his home not before having an awkward moment of Serafall hugging him from the back saying "Thank you" before running off.

Laying down in bed once again Mournomon closed his eyes and welcomed sleep.