A Tale After Four Lives

Chapter 4

Alex looked out of the window of the cab as he stared at the pa.s.sing buildings and people, "I can"t thank you enough for this Anna," said Alex as he turned to Anne sitting next to him in the cab.

Anne just smiled at him and said, "Well, couldn"t have you wondering London penniless now could I. Besides this way you"ll ow me one", winking at him as she finished her sentence.


After boarding the ship, Alex spend a few days on it before it finally reached port, during this he befriended Anne and they got along well, realizing that Alex didn"t have a penny to his name and his home being in j.a.pan, she offered to give him a place to stay at her apartment. Alex was first quite against it since he was planning on flying over as a dragon but after a few rounds of persuasion coupled with a few threats and promises he eventually caved and agreed, which led to his current predicament.


"Yeah, ow you one," Alex said with a bitter smile only to be rewarded with a fierce gaze from Anne as she asked, "Come again", "Nothing, nothing" Alex quickly answered. "That"s what I thought," said Anne with a snort.

"What did I do to deserve this, I just wanted to quickly head to my home, how did I end up like this, and why is this woman so hung up on helping me," Alex thought as he sneakily peaked at Anne who was just sitting there with a smile while humming. "Oh G.o.d, why is she humming and what"s with that smile, she"s thinking something, I can"t fall into her trap, I"ve got to keep it together." Alex thought.


Finally arriving at what seemed to be the building in which Anne rented her apartment, Alex shook his head to clear it of all the bulls.h.i.t he was thinking and with a wry smile, he got out of the car. Looking at the building he couldn"t say it was lavish yet it wasn"t a dump either it was just... average.

After looking for a while he heard Anna yelling at him, "Are you just gonna stand there or help me", turning around he saw Anna pulling some luggage from the trunk of the cab"s trunk. Alex quickly went to help only to find two ginormous bags left. Alex stared at it for a while before look at Anne carrying a little bag and then back at the two large bags, he could help but think "Why the f.u.c.k does she have so much stuff".

Anne paid the cab driver then turned to Alex only to find him standing there doing nothing, quite irritated by now, she shouted at him, "Well, don"t just stand there take the bags out" and then sighed afterward, "Honestly".

Alex reacted quickly to Anne"s voice and grabbed the two bags by there handles and easily lifted them from the trunk causing the back of the cab to lift from being relieved from the luggage"s weight. "f.u.c.k they must weight at least a hundred kilo"s each, what did she put in here, Rocks?" thought Alex as he followed Anne into the apartment building.

The cab driver, who had previously packet the luggage into the cab, couldn"t help but suck in cold air as he watches Alex easily carry the two bags as if they weighed nothing. "I must be getting old," he thought as he drove off.


The duo quickly made their way to Anne"s apartment, standing outside Anne searched around in her purse looking for the keys while Alex just looked around out of curiosity. Out of nowhere Alex"s sensitive ears picked out a scream of pain from a few floors above the one he was, he quickly looked up as his pupils turned into slits and he activated his dragon eye"s to looked through the wall"s into the room where the scream came from.

As the image became clear to him his eyes bulge and then he suddenly closed them, "Ahh, f.u.c.k I"m going blind" Alex screamed as he staggered backward. Anne quickly walked to him and asked in a worried voice "Alex is everything all right, are you ok?", "No, I"m not f.u.c.king ok, I will never be able to unsee what I just saw," is what he thought but said something completely different, "Yeah, something just went into my eye it"s out now". Anne looked at Alex suspiciously but when she saw the red lines in the white part of his eyes she could only believe him.

Anne finally finding her keys unlocked her apartment door while ushering in a very broken looking Alex. Seeing him like that Anne couldn"t help but ask again as she took his hand, "Alex are you sure you"re fine". Alex hearing what she said couldn"t help but think back on what he saw and immediately regretting it, two male bodies are intertwined upon a bed and something sticking into a place it doesn"t belong, Alex"s eyes went red again and he used all his strength to keep his facial expression from contorting as he spoke in a low graveled voice, "I"m fine, let"s not talk about this again".

Anne after a few inquiry"s gave up on asking again and just lead him to her room. Opening the door she spoke, "You can just drop those bags here, Ill unpack later.". Alex nodded as he walked into her bedroom, It was a small room around three by three meters in of s.p.a.ce, there was a double bed in the middle room with a small table on each side. There were build in closets to the left of the bed and a window to it"s right looking out onto the road below. Alex put the two bags down next to the bottom of the bed and left the room.

Anne opened the door across from her bedroom and spoke, "Well this is your room, don"t hesitate to say if you need anything", Alex gave her a nod in reply as he entered his room which was about the same as her"s except for not having a window and there being a single bed with one table at its side.

Alex went towards his bed and lied down. Anne, seeing him make himself comfortable, left the room and closed the door behind. She entered her own room and started to unpack her things. Alex looked towards the ceiling as he thought about what to do next. He first planned on turning into Mournomon and flying to j.a.pan the moment he left the ship, but Anne"s kindness kinda got in his way. Although he didn"t want to accept, he also didn"t want to disappoint her so in the end friendship won over reason and he agreed to stay with her until he had an opportunity to go "home".

Alex heard Anne cursing across the hall from her room and couldn"t help but peek with his draconic eyes only to start laughing his a.s.s off at the sight of Anne trying to heave one of the big bags onto the bed.

After a while, Alex no longer paid attention to Anne"s antics and closed his eye"s only to quickly dose of.