A Tale After Four Lives

Chapter 42

Masaomi kept staring blankly at his own hands, the feeling he felt for that split second could not be explained and after that small amount of time he was completely healed, not even a scar remained, in fact, he felt better than ever. His old ailments all gone it was as if he was reborn!


"Can"t have you slowing us down, can we?"

Lambert quickly cut Masaomi of. Not wanting to explain anything he gave a reason and left it at that.

"Now that he is on his feet we can start making our way out of this town. Luckily we are already at the edge and it shouldn"t be too difficult. Thou I fear that those little devils and exorcists have already locked this place down, its nothing that can"t be handled by a bit of "persuasion"."

"What"s the plan", Cleria asked after making sure that Masaomi was completely fine, she couldn"t hide the shock from her face though. Masaomi"s injuries might not have been fatal but still would have required him to rest for at least a month maybe even more.

"Simple we walk", Lambert said as he started walking towards the building"s door, Aura and the little girl, Tosca close behind him.

Cleria could only helplessly follow helplessly, it"s not like she had a choice, it was either that or stay in the factory and wait to be caught by either devil or exorcist, neither a preferable outcome.

Lambert quickly leads the group away from the abandoned factory. Cleria found that Lambert was a lot more experienced in this sort of thing than Mournomon, he would stop every so often and close his eyes as if trying to sense something before opening them again and then leading the group in another direction. Just like that the group quickly and silently left Kuoh town, not meeting a single devil or exorcist on the way.

Leaving Kuoh town Cleria and Masaomi"s hearts calmed down somewhat and their confidence in Lambert increased as he leads them forward without them encountering any danger.

The direction they left was towards a small forest that surrounded the town, it would make it harder to spot them as they escaped, but not long after entering the forest Lambert stopped dead in his tracks.

"It seems they did put up some blockades to stop us from escaping."


After Lambert spoke laughter sounded from the front as a large group of devils slowly made there way out from behind the trees.

"Surprisingly, you could actually find us, quite the senses you have there human, unfortunately, they will not help you now"

The one at the front spoke, he was also the one who laughed. The devil was tall but had a very skinny frame and looked almost like a beanpole as he stood with his back straight. His somewhat below average facial features were degraded even further by the arrogant facial expression he had on it as he looked towards LAmbert"s group with clear disdain in his eyes.

"Of course, I found you, dimwit, do you think you could have found us if I didn"t let you", Lambert thought as he smiled towards the beanpole devil.

The beanpole devil although not that pleasant to look at still, was a high-cla.s.s devil and as if afraid no one would recognize his as one he has been actively channeling his manna ever since he walked out behind one of the trees.

"So I believe you would be the leader of this group?", Lambert asked as he eyed the beanpole devil.

"That"s right, now surrender peacefully and you might still die quickly, resist and I will torture you for until you beg for death", The beanpole devil arrogantly spoke.

"Of course, of course"

Lambert said, causing Cleria and Masaomi"s facial expressions to violently fluctuate, they were really afraid that Lambert will surrender just like that but still had some hope that he still had some sort of way out, they were surrounded by about a hundred devils and all of them were mid-cla.s.s except for the beanpole devil.

"Now allow me to introduce my diplomat, she is excellent at handling situations like this. Aura, would you mind handling the "Diplomacy" and securing our safe pa.s.sage"

Lambert spoke calmly not betraying any emotions a gentle smile ever-present on his scarred but handsome face.

Aura gave Lambert a mischievous grin before composing herself and speaking in a somewhat formal tone.

"Of course"

Aura walked towards the front of there group

"Now let"s start our discussion"

"What ar..."

The beanpole devil was just about to shout at her but before he could even Finnish the second word, there was a flash of light and Aura suddenly appeared right in front of him. Her small and delicate hand reached out and slapped the devil in the face, the grace she had while executing that slap was unparalleled yet the force that was delivered by her hand that looked as weak and fragile as porcelain was harrowing.

His hands connected with the devil"s face, if one looked closely one could see the devil"s skin slowly disintegrate, his facial muscles burn to dust, and his bone crushed.


In a flash, the beanpole devil was flung backward, his subordinate could not even react before he slammed into the tree behind them. As the other devils looked towards the beanpole devil they couldn"t help but suck in the cold air as they saw him just sitting there hunched over. He would have seemed completely fine if not for the fact that half his head was missing, The place was it disappeared was replaced by a flat burned surface.

The devils looked back at Aura in horror and after seeing her there faces turned pale as paper from fear. She was currently hovering a few inches of the ground with a white radiance of light shinning of her, her white robe and hair fluttering but no wind could be found, her sky blue eyes shining with a blinding light.

At that moment Aura looked more beautiful and purer than ever but it was this look that frightened the devil so much, the light that came of her body was the same light they feared so much. Just standing there they felt as their skin was slowly burning away under the light.

Cleria was also staring at Aura in shock but strangely she was not affected by the light, but after looking around she quickly understood, before her Lambert was standing with his hands behind his back, and looked like he was being quite casual but Cleria clearly saw that the light that was shinning from Aura could not pa.s.s by him, it was hard to explain but although she could see the light, thanks to Lambert she did not feel the effects a devil would usually have when facing it.

"Aura, be quick. We still have to leave here"

Hearing Lambert"s reminder Aura no longer remained idle and in a flash of light, she disappeared from where she was and reappeared next to a very unlucky Mid-cla.s.s devil.

Not even having the chance to scream he was slapped to death, but unfortunately, he didn"t have the beanpole devils power and as a result, his entire head was slapped to ash by Aura.

The other Mid cla.s.s devils no longer stayed and watched as they saw her kill the first one, gathering all the courage they screamed there most powerful warcry... with there first step the world shook as they broke past there normal power and moved at twice the speed they normally could.

Lambert couldn"t help but whistle as he watched all the Mid-Cla.s.s devils run away while screaming miserably.

Lambert casually stood there as he watched Aura kill the Mid-Cla.s.s devils, he was holding out one of his hands covering Tosca"s eyes.

"I can"t see, what"s happening"

"That"s the point"

Tosca kept complaining but Lambert just ignored her as waited for Aura to finish.