A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines

Chapter 1

A Textbook of a.s.saying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.

by Cornelius Beringer and John Jacob Beringer.


The Text-book now offered to the public has been prepared to meet the existing want of a practical "handy book" for the a.s.sayer.

To mining men the word "a.s.saying" conveys a sufficiently clear meaning, but it is difficult to define. Some writers limit it to the determination of silver and gold, and others imagine that it has only to do with "furnace-work." These limitations are not recognised in practice. In fact, a.s.saying is becoming wider in its scope, and the distinction between "a.s.sayers" and "a.n.a.lysts" will in time be difficult to detect. We have endeavoured rather to give what will be of use to the a.s.sayer than to cover the ground within the limits of a faulty definition.

At first our intention was to supply a description of those substances only which have a commercial value, but on consideration we have added short accounts of the rarer elements, since they are frequently met with, and occasionally affect the accuracy of an a.s.say.

Under the more important methods we have given the results of a series of experiments showing the effect of varying conditions on the accuracy of the process. Such experiments are often made by a.s.sayers, but seldom recorded. Statements like those generally made--that "this or that substance interferes"--are insufficient. It is necessary to know under what conditions and to what extent.

Students learning any particular process cannot do better than repeat such a series of experiments. By this means they will, at the same time, acquire the skill necessary for performing an a.s.say and a confidence in their results based upon work under different conditions.

The electrolytic method of copper a.s.saying given under _Copper_ is a modification of Luckow"s; it was introduced by us into the offices of the Rio Tinto Copper Company, and has been in use for many years with success. This modification is now employed in copper-works in Spain, Germany, and England, and is used in place of the dry a.s.say for the commercial valuation of copper ores.

We have adhered to the gram and the "c.c." as the units of weight and volume. Those who prefer working with grains and grain-measures can use the figures given, multiplied by ten. For example:--When 1 gram is mentioned, 10 grains should be used, and 10 grain-measures take the place of 1 "c.c." It is not advisable to mix the two systems, as by using gram weights and grain-measures.

We have intentionally to a large extent omitted to mention the names of those who have originated or modified the various processes. The practice of naming a process after its discoverer has developed of late years, and is becoming objectionable. It is a graceful thing to name a gas-burner after Bunsen, or a condenser after Liebig; but when the practice has developed so far that one is directed to "Finkenerise" a residue, or to use the "Reichert-Meissl-Wollny" process, it is time to stop.

We are indebted to the standard works of Allen, Crookes, Fresenius, Lunge, Mich.e.l.l, Percy, and Sutton, and wish to express our sense of special indebtedness to Mr. Richard Smith, of the Royal School of Mines.

One or two of the ill.u.s.trations are taken from Mr. s.e.xton"s excellent little book on _Qualitative a.n.a.lysis_. Our obligation to some others is mentioned in the text.

Finally, we have to thank for a.s.sistance in the experimental work Messrs. Bailey, Beswick, Clarke, Grant, Higgins, and Smith.


CAMBORNE, _Nov. 1889_.




a.s.saying has for its object the determination of the quant.i.ties of those const.i.tuents of a material which add to or detract from its value in the arts and manufactures. The methods of a.s.saying are mainly those of a.n.a.lytical chemistry, and are limited by various practical considerations to the determination of the const.i.tuents of a small parcel, which is frequently only a few grains, and rarely more than a few ounces, in weight. From these determinations calculations are made, which have reference to a ma.s.s of material of, perhaps, hundreds of tons. But in all cases, whether the ma.s.s under consideration be large or small, whether the material be obtained by mining, grown, or manufactured, the a.s.sayer is supposed to receive a small quant.i.ty, called "the sample," which is, or ought to be, the exact counterpart of the ma.s.s of material that is being dealt with. The taking and making of this sample is termed "sampling"; and the men whose special work it is to select such samples are "the samplers."

But although "sampling" is thus distinct from "a.s.saying," the a.s.sayer should be familiar with the principles of sampling, and rigorous in the application of these principles in the selecting, from the sample sent him, that smaller portion upon which he performs his operations.

~Sampling.~--_In the case of gases_, there is absolutely no trouble in mixing. The only difficulty is in drawing off a fair sample where, as in flues, the body of the gas is in motion, and varies a little in composition from time to time. In this case, care must be taken to draw off uniformly a sufficient volume of the gas during a prolonged period; any portion of this larger volume may then be taken for the a.n.a.lytical operation.

_In the case of liquids_, which mix more or less easily--and this cla.s.s includes metals, &c., in the state of fusion--more or less severe agitation, followed by the immediate withdrawal of a portion, will yield a fairly representative sample.

_In the case of solids_, the whole ma.s.s must be crushed, and, if not already of fairly uniform quality, mixed, before sampling can take place. Most of the material which a sampler is called upon to deal with, is, however, in a more or less divided state and fairly uniform. In practice it is a.s.sumed that 5 per cent. of the whole (= 1/20th), if taken in portions of equal weight and at frequent and regular intervals, will represent the ma.s.s from which it was taken. Taking a heap of ore, A, and selecting one out of every twenty spade-, bag-, barrow-, or wagon-fuls, according to the quant.i.ty of stuff in the heap, there is obtained a second heap, B, containing one-twentieth of the stuff of the heap A. If we crush the stuff in B until this heap contains approximately the same number of stones as A did--which means, crushing every stone in B into about twenty pieces--B will become the counterpart of A. Selecting in the same manner 5 per cent. of B, there is got a third heap, C. This alternate reduction and pulverising must be carried on until a sample of suitable size is obtained. This may be expressed very clearly thus:--

A = 1000 tons of rocks and lumpy ore.

B = 50 " " rough stones, 1/20th of A.

C = 2.5 " " small stones, 1/20th of B.

D = 0.125 " " coa.r.s.e powder, 1/20th of C.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 1.





If the material to be sampled is already a dry powder, 5 per cent. of it should be heaped in a cone; each lot being added on the apex of the cone already formed, so that it may distribute itself by falling evenly in all directions. When the cone is completed, convert it into a low frustrum of a cone by drawing stuff uniformly and in a direct line from the centre to the circ.u.mference. Draw two diameters at right angles to each other, and reserving any two alternate quarters, reject the others.

Mix; and form another cone, and proceed until a sample is got of the bulk required.

This is the usual plan, and all samples should be treated in this way when the stuff is fine enough to fall evenly down the sides of a cone.

Samples as they reach the a.s.say office are seldom in a fit state for the work of the a.s.sayer; they are generally too coa.r.s.e, and ought always to be more than he wants for any particular determination. The portion he requires should never be taken at hap-hazard; the sample must be reduced systematically to the quant.i.ty required.

1. _If the sample is a liquid:_ it is sufficient to shake the bottle, and take out a measured or weighed quant.i.ty for the a.s.say.

2. _If a liquid with a solid in suspension:_ measure the whole of it.

Filter. Make up the filtrate with the wash-water or water to the original bulk. a.s.say it. Dry and weigh the residue, and make a separate a.s.say of it.

3. _If of a creamy consistency, free from heavy particles:_ mix well; spread out evenly on a glazed tile. Take up equal portions at equal distances. Mix and a.s.say.

4. _If a mud of coa.r.s.e and fine particles, or of particles of unequal density:_ weigh and transfer to a porcelain dish, or weigh in the dish.

Dry at 100 C., weigh. Treat the residue as a solid capable of being powdered.

5. _If a solid capable of being powdered, or already powdered:_ heap up into a cone; flatten with a spatula; divide along two diameters at right angles, and carefully reject the whole of two alternate quarters, brushing away any fine powder. Mix the other quarters, and repeat (if necessary). For small quant.i.ties a fine state of division is essential.

6. _If a solid with metallic particles:_ powder and pa.s.s through a sieve; the metallic particles will not pa.s.s through. Weigh both portions and a.s.say separately. _Sifting should be followed by a very thorough mixing._

7. _If a metal or alloy in bar or ingot:_ clean the upper surface of the bar, and bore through the bar. Use the borings. If the ingot or bar is small, cut it through and file the section. Filings must be freed from fragments of the file by means of a magnet; and from oil, if any be present, by washing with a suitable solvent.[1] Where practicable, metals and alloys are best sampled by melting and granulating. The student must carefully avoid any chance of mixing dirt or particles of other samples with the particular sample which he is preparing. One ore should be done at a time, and when finished, it should be labelled and wrapped up, or bottled, before starting on a fresh sample.

When an ore requires to be very finely ground in an agate mortar, it is often advisable to mix with a little pure alcohol and rub until free from grit; dry at 100 C. and mix well before weighing.

When an a.s.say is required of a quant.i.ty of ore made up of parcels of different weight and quality, each parcel should be separately sampled and parts of each sample, bearing to each other the same proportion by weight as the original parcels, should be taken and mixed. For example, a lot of ore is made up of one parcel of A, 570 tons, one of B, 180 tons, and another of C, 50 tons; a sample representing the whole may be got by mixing 57 parts of a sample of A with 18 parts of a sample of B, and 5 parts of a sample of C.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 2.]

A bruising plate, like that in fig. 2, is convenient for general office work. The slab is of cast iron, about an inch thick. It is firmly supported on a solid block of wood, and pivoted for convenience in emptying. The bruising-hammer is steel-faced, about 4 inches square, and 1-1/2 inch thick. The block is firmly fixed to a small table or tressel, so that the slab is about 2 feet 6 inches from the ground. The slab is cleaned, and the sample collected with the help of a stiff-haired brush.

~Drying: Determination of Moisture.~--In practice, the moisture is generally determined by the samplers, and the proportion is specified in grains per pound on the label attached to the sample when it reaches the a.s.say office. The method adopted is usually to dry 1 lb. = 7000 grs. of the ore in a frying-pan heated over a gas flame, or in an ordinary oven, until a cold bright piece of metal or gla.s.s is no longer damped when held over it. The loss of weight in grains = moisture.