A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines

Chapter 51


The determination of strontia in pure solutions is best made by adding sulphuric acid in excess and alcohol in volume equal to that of the solution. Allow to stand overnight, filter, wash with dilute alcohol, dry, ignite at a red heat, and weigh as sulphate (SrSO_{4}). This contains 56.4 per cent. of strontia (SrO); or 47.7 per cent. of strontium.


Baryta, oxide of barium (BaO), commonly occurs in combination with sulphuric oxide in the mineral barytes or heavy spar (BaSO_{4}), and in combination with carbon dioxide in witherite (BaCO_{3}). These minerals are not unfrequently found in large quant.i.ty (a.s.sociated with galena and other metallic sulphides) in lodes. Small isolated crystals of these are frequently found in mining districts. Barium is a const.i.tuent of certain mineral waters. The minerals are recognised by their high specific gravity and their crystalline form.

Compounds of barium are often used by the a.s.sayer, more especially the chloride and hydrate. The salts are, with the exception of the sulphate, generally soluble in water or hydrochloric acid. In such solutions sulphuric acid produces a white precipitate of baric sulphate, which is practically insoluble in all acids.

The dioxide (BaO_{2}) is used for the preparation of oxygen. On strong ignition it gives up oxygen, and is converted into baryta (BaO), which, at a lower temperature, takes up oxygen from the air, re-forming the dioxide.

~Detection.~--Barium is detected by the green colour its salts, especially the chloride, give to the flame. This, viewed through the spectroscope, shows a complicated spectrum, of which two lines in the green are most easily recognised and characteristic. The salts of barium give no precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen in either acid or alkaline solution, but with sulphuric acid they at once give a precipitate, which is insoluble in acetate of soda. In solutions rendered faintly acid with acetic acid, they give a yellow precipitate with bichromate of potash. These reactions are characteristic of barium.

Baryta is got into solution in the manner described under _Lime_; but in the case of the sulphate the substance is fused with three or four times its weight of "fusion mixture." The "melt" is extracted with water, washed, and the residue dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid.

~Separation.~--The separation is thus effected:--The solution in hydrochloric acid is evaporated to dryness, re-dissolved in hot dilute hydrochloric acid, and sulphuric acid is added to the solution till no further precipitate is formed. The precipitate is filtered off, and digested with a solution of ammonium acetate or of sodium hyposulphite at 50 or 60 C. to dissolve out any lead sulphate. The residue is filtered off, washed, dried, and ignited. The ignited substance is mixed with four or five times its weight of "fusion mixture," and fused in a platinum-dish over the blowpipe for a few minutes. When cold, it is extracted with cold water, filtered, and washed. The residue is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and (if necessary) filtered. The solution contains the barium as baric chloride mixed, perhaps, with salts of strontium or lime. To separate these, ammonia is added till the solution is alkaline, and then acetic acid in slight excess. Chromate of baryta is then thrown down, by the addition of bichromate of potash, as a yellow precipitate. It is allowed to settle, filtered and washed with a solution of acetate or of nitrate of ammonia. It is dried, ignited gently, and weighed. It is BaCrO_{4}, and contains 60.47 per cent. of baryta.


The gravimetric determination of baryta, when lime and strontia are absent, is as follows:--The solution, if it contains much free acid, is nearly neutralised with ammonia, and then diluted to 100 or 200 c.c. It is heated to boiling, and dilute sulphuric acid is added till no further precipitation takes place. The precipitate is allowed to settle for a few minutes, decanted through a filter, and washed with hot water; and, afterwards, dried, transferred to a porcelain crucible, and strongly ignited in the m.u.f.fle or over the blowpipe for a few minutes. It is then cooled, and weighed as sulphate of baryta (BaSO_{4}). It contains 65.67 per cent. of baryta (BaO).

In determining the baryta in minerals which are soluble in acid, it is precipitated direct from the hydrochloric acid solution (nearly neutralised with ammonia) by means of sulphuric acid. The precipitated baric sulphate is digested with a solution of ammonic acetate; and filtered, washed, ignited, and weighed.


The principle and mode of working of this is the same as that given under the Sulphur a.s.say; but using a standard solution of sulphuric acid instead of one of barium chloride. The standard solution of sulphuric acid is made to contain 32.02 grams of sulphuric acid (H_{2}SO_{4}), or an equivalent of a soluble alkaline sulphate, per litre. 100 c.c. will be equal to 5 grams of baryta.

Five grams of the substance are taken, and the baryta they contain converted into carbonate (if necessary). The carbonate is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. Ten grams of sodium acetate are added, and the solution, diluted to 500 c.c., is boiled, and t.i.trated in the manner described.

Lead salts must be absent in the t.i.tration, and so must strontia and lime. Ferrous salts should be peroxidised by means of permanganate or chlorate of potash. Other salts do not interfere.


Magnesia, the oxide of magnesium (MgO) occurs in nature in the rare mineral periclase (MgO); and hydrated, as brucite (MgH_{2}O_{2}). As carbonate it occurs in large quant.i.ty as magnesite (MgCO_{3}), which is the chief source of magnesia. Mixed with carbonate of lime, it forms magnesian limestone and dolomite. It is present in larger or smaller quant.i.ty in most silicates; and the minerals, serpentine, talc, steat.i.te and meerschaum are essentially hydrated silicates of magnesia. Soluble magnesian salts occur in many natural waters; more especially the sulphate and the chloride. Kieserite (MgSO_{4}.H_{2}O) occurs in quant.i.ty at Sta.s.sfurt, and is used in the manufacture of Epsom salts.

~Detection.~--Magnesia is best detected in the wet way. Its compounds give no colour to the flame, and the only characteristic dry reaction is its yielding a pink ma.s.s when ignited before the blowpipe (after treatment with a solution of cobalt nitrate). In solution, it is recognised by giving no precipitate with ammonia or ammonic carbonate in the presence of ammonic chloride, and by giving a white crystalline precipitate on adding sodium phosphate or a.r.s.enate to the ammoniacal solution.

Magnesia differs from the other alkaline earths by the solubility of its sulphate in water.

Magnesia is dissolved by boiling with moderately strong acids; the insoluble compounds are fused with "fusion mixture," and treated as described under _Silicates_.

~Separation.~--It is separated by evaporating the acid solution to dryness to render silica insoluble, and by taking up with dilute hydrochloric acid. The solution is freed from the second group of metals by means of sulphuretted hydrogen, and the iron, alumina, &c., are removed with ammonic chloride, ammonia, and ammonic sulphide. The somewhat diluted filtrate is treated, first, with ammonia, and then with carbonate of ammonia in slight excess. It is allowed to stand for an hour in a warm place, and then filtered. The magnesia is precipitated from the filtrate by the addition of an excess of sodium phosphate and ammonia. It is allowed to stand overnight, filtered, and washed with dilute ammonia. The precipitate contains the magnesia as ammonic-magnesic phosphate.

In cases where it is not desirable to introduce sodium salts or phosphoric acid into the a.s.say solution, the following method is adopted. The solution (freed from the other alkaline earths by ammonium carbonate) is evaporated in a small porcelain dish with nitric acid. The residue (after removing the ammonic salts by ignition) is taken up with a little water and a few crystals of oxalic acid, transferred to a platinum dish, evaporated to dryness, and ignited. The residue is extracted with small quant.i.ties of boiling water and filtered off; while the insoluble magnesia is washed. The filtrate contains the alkalies.

The residue is ignited, and weighed as magnesia. It is MgO.


The solution containing the magnesia is mixed with chloride of ammonium and ammonia in excess. If a precipitate should form, more ammonic chloride is required. Add sodium phosphate solution in excess, stir and allow to stand overnight. Filter and wash the precipitate with dilute ammonia. Dry, transfer to a platinum or porcelain crucible, and ignite (finally at intense redness); cool, and weigh. The substance is magnesic pyrophosphate (Mg_{2}P_{2}O_{7}), and contains 36.04 per cent. of magnesia.


The magnesia having been precipitated as ammonic-magnesic phosphate, which is the usual separation, its weight can be determined volumetrically by the method of t.i.tration described under _Phosphates_.

The same standard solution of uranium acetate is used. Its standard for magnesia is got by multiplying the standard for phosphoric oxide by 0.5493. For example, if one hundred c.c. are equivalent to 0.5 gram of phosphoric oxide, they will be equivalent to (0.5 .5493) 0.2746 gram of magnesia. The method of working and the conditions of the t.i.tration are the same as for the phosphate t.i.tration. The quant.i.ty of substance taken for a.s.say must not contain more than 0.1 or 0.2 gram of magnesia.

After precipitating as ammonic-magnesic phosphate with sodium phosphate, and well washing with ammonia, it is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, neutralised with ammonia, and sodic acetate and acetic acid are added in the usual quant.i.ty. The solution is boiled and t.i.trated.


~Silica and Insoluble Silicates.~--Take one gram of the dried sample and dissolve it in 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid; filter; wash, dry, and ignite the residue.

~Organic Matter.~--If the residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid shows the presence of organic matter, it must be collected on a weighed filter and dried at 100. On weighing, it gives the combined weights of organic and insoluble matter. The latter is determined by igniting and weighing again. The organic matter is calculated by difference.

~Lime.~--Where but little magnesia is present, this is determined by t.i.tration with standard acid. Take one gram, and dissolve it in 25 c.c.

of normal hydrochloric acid. Tint with methyl-orange and t.i.trate with semi-normal ammonia. Divide the quant.i.ty of ammonia used by 2, deduct this from 25, and multiply the remainder by 2.8. This gives the percentage of lime. Where magnesia is present, the same method is adopted, and the magnesia (which is separately determined) is afterwards deducted. The percentage of magnesia found is multiplied by 1.4, and the result is deducted from the apparent percentage of lime got by t.i.trating.

~Magnesia.~--Dissolve 2 grams of the limestone in hydrochloric acid, and separate the lime with ammonia and ammonium oxalate. The filtrate is treated with sodium phosphate, and the magnesia is weighed as pyrophosphate, or t.i.trated with uranium acetate.

~Iron.~--Dissolve 2 grams in hydrochloric acid, reduce, and t.i.trate with standard permanganate of pota.s.sium solution. This gives the total iron.

The ferrous iron is determined by dissolving another 2 grams in hydrochloric acid and at once t.i.trating with the permanganate of pota.s.sium solution.

~Manganese.~--Dissolve 20 grams in hydrochloric acid, nearly neutralise with soda, add sodium acetate, boil, and filter. To the filtrate add bromine; boil, and determine the manganese in the precipitate. See page 300.

~Phosphoric Oxide.~--This is determined by dissolving the ferric acetate precipitate from the manganese separation in hydrochloric acid, adding ammonia in excess, and pa.s.sing sulphuretted hydrogen. Filter and add to the filtrate "magnesia mixture." The precipitate is collected, washed with ammonia, ignited, and weighed as pyrophosphate.


The oxides of sodium, pota.s.sium, lithium, caesium, and rubidium and ammonia are grouped under this head. Of these caesia and rubidia are rare, and lithia comparatively so. They are easily distinguished by their spectra. They are characterised by the solubility of almost all their salts in water, and, consequently, are found in the solutions from which the earths and oxides of the metals have been separated by the usual group re-agents.

The solution from which the other substances have been separated is evaporated to dryness, and the product ignited to remove the ammonic salts added for the purpose of separation. The residue contains the alkali metals generally, as chlorides or sulphates. Before determining the quant.i.ties of the particular alkali metals present, it is best to convert them altogether, either into chloride or sulphate, and to take the weight of the mixed salts. It is generally more convenient to weigh them as chlorides. They are converted into this form, if none of the stronger acids are present, by simply evaporating with an excess of hydrochloric acid. Nitrates are converted into chlorides by this treatment. When sulphates or phosphates are present, the substance is dissolved in a little water, and the sulphuric or phosphoric acid precipitated with a slight excess of acetate of lead in the presence of alcohol. The solution is filtered, and the excess of lead precipitated with sulphuretted hydrogen. The filtrate from this is evaporated to dryness with an excess of hydrochloric acid, and the residue, consisting of the mixed chlorides, is gently ignited and weighed. In many cases (such as the a.n.a.lysis of slags and of some natural silicates where the percentage of alkalies is small) the percentage of soda and potash (which most commonly occur) need not be separately determined. It is sufficient to report the proportion of mixed alkalies; which is thus ascertained:--Dissolve the ignited and weighed chlorides in 100 c.c. of distilled water, and t.i.trate with the standard solution of silver nitrate (using pota.s.sic chromate as indicator) in the manner described under _Chlorine_. The c.c. of silver nitrate used gives the weight in milligrams of the chlorine present. Multiply this by 0.775, and deduct the product from the weight of the mixed chlorides. This will give the combined weight of the alkalies (Na_{2}O and K_{2}O) present. For example, 0.0266 gram of mixed chlorides required on t.i.trating 14.2 c.c.

of silver nitrate, which is equivalent to 0.0142 gram of chlorine. This multiplied by 0.775 gives 0.0110 to be deducted from the weight of the mixed chlorides.

Mixed chlorides 0.0266 gram Deduction 0.0110 "

------ Mixed alkalies 0.0156 "

a.s.suming this to have been got from 1 gram of a rock, it would amount to 1.56 per cent. of "potash and soda."

The relative proportions of the potash and soda can be ascertained from the same determination. Sodium and pota.s.sium chlorides have the following composition:--