A Thought Through Eternity

Chapter 127


He had a feeling that if he was too slow in his escape, it would be his death!


One day later, he looked back multiple times to make sure that there weren’t any evil spirits chasing him, especially that little girl. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.


“What went wrong in refining the pill this time…?” Bai Xiaochun made a crying face as he wanted to give up slightly, but after remembering that the pellets could actually attract evil beasts, he decided not to. Clenching his teeth, he moved forward once more, searching for evil beasts as he researched the possible errors in his own recipe. Three days pa.s.sed, and finally, after making adjustments to his recipe, He gathered his determination before reopening the furnace to start refining again.


It wasn’t long before the nothingness around him rippled, evil beast after evil beast shot towards Bai Xiaochun’s direction, attracted by the pellets. Bai Xiaochun didn’t dare to attack immediately, instead quickly flying back to observe his surroundings.


“Success!” Bai Xiaochun laughed out loudly as he took out a talisman to stick onto his body, instantly enveloping him in a protective multi-coloured light. He charged into the group of evil beasts, his speed fast, and his skin tough as the wooden blade in his hand turned into a rainbow, fluttering like silk as the battle with more than twenty evil beasts ensued.


A while later, after killing off all the evil beasts in the area, Bai Xiaochun looked happily with satisfaction at the dao bottle in his hand. In only a short while, he had managed to collect a few days’ worth.


Time pa.s.sed, and with the help of the pellets, the grey liquid in Bai Xiaochun’s dao bottle increased with each pa.s.sing day. This speed of collecting was shocking, and after another few more days, marked the first complete month of Bai Xiaochun’s time in the Ancient Blade Abyss world since he had first stepped in, and his dao bottle was filled to almost eighty percent with Earth Pulse Qi.


But his personality dictated that he preferred a more stable progress. Making his decision, he decided to charge up the bottle to a hundred percent with one breath!


Soon, the s.p.a.ce started twisting in the distance, and evil beasts started coming out in waves. Bai Xiaochun attacked without delay, and as the rumbling of the battle echoed, silks of Earth Pulse Qi a.s.similated into the dao bottle with the death of each evil beast.


Slowly, the evil beasts here weren’t just a few tens in number, but almost a hundred, with most of them being at the middle level and the occasional high level Great Evil Beast. Only one of these Great Evil Beasts needed the allied efforts of a few Heaven’s Chosen to take it down.


There were already some disciples of the other four sects noticing this, and they quickly made their way over to kill some of the beasts on the sides. When one youth in particular was pa.s.sing by, he paused after seeing the evil beasts gathering there. With a careful look at everyone present, he stepped into the crowd of evil beasts and started attacking as well.


The fact that the evil beasts that Bai Xiaochun himself had attracted were being killed by other people displeased Bai Xiaochun a little, but after realizing that it would be hard for them to kill the beasts faster than himself, he snorted, and didn’t think much of it afterward.


Some of the people there were, in fact, Spirit River Sect disciples, and upon noticing Bai Xiaochun, they slowly made their way to him, and under his wing, reaped an even larger harvest.


The figures in the rainbow all wore the same clothing, all of them were Mystic River Sect disciples. Their leader was a huge man, with lightning surrounding his body, he was intimidating.


“Lei Shan!”


But just as the expressions on the people gathered here changed, so did Lei Shan’s, bursting into a delightful face as he saw the amount of evil beasts here. He heard about a weird pool of beasts forming here from a disciple of his own sect who was on his way, quickly rus.h.i.+ng here.



These thirty people, under Lei Shan’s leaders.h.i.+p, took control of the area by force, killing anyone who tried to resist instantly. It wasn’t long before the place erupted into chaos.


“Those who refuse to leave, why don’t you leave your lives here as well!” As the Mystic River Sect’s crowd’s eyes shone, the people from the Blood River Sect looked at each other, immediately stepping back and leaving.


The Pellet River Sect disciples felt helpless, their only option for them was to leave. Lei Shan hesitated, seeing Fanglin in the middle of a group of evil beasts. He didn’t want to go against someone like Fanglin, suspecting that the terrifying war zones he saw half a month earlier was caused by Fanglin while he was battle with other people.


Seeing the departure of Blood River Sect and Pellet River Sect, the disciples of the Spirit River Sect all looked towards Bai Xiaochun.


“Let’s leave, it’s just a beast tide, after all. Uncle Bai will make another one for you guys later!” Clenching his teeth, Bai Xiaochun was just about to leave when Lei Shan, who was watching them from afar, started laughing suddenly.


“Spirit River Sect disciples, you can go, but the dao bottles stays! Otherwise don’t think that any of you are leaving!” The killing intent in Lei Shan’s eyes shone, and the faces of the Spirit River Sect disciples changed. Bai Xiaochun got angrier.


“That’s what we’re doing. You want to blame something, blame the fact that there’s no strong people in your group!” Snorting coldly, Lei Shan flung his body out, heading straight for the Spirit River Sect. The other Mystic River Sect disciples grinned as they closed in from all sides.


“What do we do, Uncle Bai!” Just as the disciples of the Spirit River Sect was worrying, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes reddened. Raising his right hand, he revealed a black pellet in his palm, the pellet that was attracting the beasts.


“That’s… The legendary aphrodisiac pellet?”


“Uncle Bai is a G.o.dlike figure, whether it works on the beasts or not, that just depends on Uncle Bai’s will… Leave, quickly! It’ll get dangerous if you’re not fast enough!”