Above All

Chapter 14 - Nether Devouring Flower (2)

Chapter 14 - Nether Devouring Flower (2)


The afternoon was spent with the Village Chief mostly explaining about all the details that happened before the beasts encircled their farmland, then it led to how the village was founded. Before the Village Chief finished, Arthur has already become impatient, hence, he stopped him with the excuse of training, Heina and Darriel also followed him afterward. The Village Chief didn"t understand their true intentions but he still followed suit and personally escorted them in their rooms, along with some servants for their convenience.

Arthur was already informed by Heina and Darriel that he can go to the farmland anytime he wants, they will be staying here to protect the village if something unusual occurs. Since that was the case, Arthur planned to go immediately tomorrow afternoon to gather information first. The activity of these beasts was very suspicious and abnormal so Arthur plans to investigate them, not just merely kill them.

"The night is still young, I will cultivate for a few hours before I sleep." Arthur thought to himself.

With that, he deeply concentrated and focused on consolidating his foundation. But before he even started his meditation, he promptly came into an abrupt stop as he suddenly remembered something important.

"Immortal Body Holy Scripture"!

He completely forgot about its existence since the explanation it has sounded like a counterfeit from some dilapidated shop.

Anyways it"s still one of the memories given by the Item Spirit to him so he mustn"t casually judge it by its appearance. Everything that the Item Spirit has given is very useful for Arthur so far. He remembered that "Immortal Body Holy Scripture" can be used by Body Strengthening Realm cultivators so it must be a foundation building technique from the Divine World. He spared no time anymore as he directly entered his sea of consciousness and located the "Immortal Body Holy Scripture".

Subsequently, his body began to emit a faint glow with his forehead as the center. Countless words and strange symbols continuously appeared in his mind without any signs of stopping anytime soon. Strangely enough, the process was very smooth and even has traces of comfort, though there weren"t any significant changes in his body.

As the time gradually pa.s.s, the faint glow he released also got dimmer and dimmer as it finally became fully extinguished.

All of the scenes that occurred inside was seen by a figure outside his room. This figure is Bai Fuah, since the City Mayor strictly ordered him to protect this Vermillion boy in the shadows, he must completely conceal himself whenever he is around him. Originally he was about to go share a room with either Heina or Darriel, ignoring the fact that they were here at the order of the most important and powerful man in the city which is the City Mayor, the three of them were also the best of friends since childhood so they would be more than willing to help him get a place to rest.

Bai Fuah was always a sensible and loyal person, moreover, he owes a great favor to the City Mayor so he wouldn"t show even the slightest bit of irresponsibility with any of the latter"s orders. And for that reason, he would not casually leave behind someone whom the City Mayor sternly ordered him to protect until he could ascertain their absolute safety, especially in this barren village with a middle-aged mortal man as a guard.

Just as he was finally satisfied with this Vermillion boy"s safety, the latter"s forehead suddenly emitted a glow that even he was unsure of.

"Mn?! What..."

The faint glow that was being emitted gradually became even brighter and the shock on Bai Fuah"s face became just as much.

"T-T-T-This i-is..." His facial features slightly contorted before he reluctantly added, "...Enlightenment!!!"


-Vermillion Family"s Patriarch Hall-

The patriarch of the Vermillion Family, Jiu Vermillion, is currently sitting on the front seat in the hall. The two columns beside sat a total of six middle-aged men. They are the brothers of Jiu Vermillion and Elders of the Vermillion Family. The expressions on their faces were somewhat solemn, it seems that they were previously discussing something heavy.

At this time, Jiu Vermillion broke the silence and said, "Elders, as you all may know, the Vermillion Family has been performing very poorly at defending the beasts" siege on the city every time they attack."

The various elders" solemn faces didn"t waver in the slightest, it seems that their ears were numb to it as they didn"t even show a bit of pity. However, there were some elders who were confused about the Patriarch"s words.

One of the elders finally couldn"t help but ask, "What is the Patriarch getting at?"

Jiu Vermillion inhaled deeply. He swept his eyes past the six elders and said, "The decline of our family is mostly because of our disciple"s very little talent. Moreover, the resources that each of them receives are only enough to satisfy the City Mayor"s pet. So in that event..." He trailed off for a moment and continued, "We should focus only on nurturing one disciple! Most resources should go only to him and no one else... As for the matter of whom, I would like my son to be that disciple! Are there any objections?"

All the elders present nodded their heads in agreement but the last sentence of Jiu Vermillion shook nearly all of the elders present. Especially the ones who knew what situation Arthur Vermillion is in and detested him.

"As expected of the Patriarch, this will indeed give us more chance of producing a talent capable of holding our family for a couple of years more, however... Why should it be your son who gets to receive such treatment?" An elder immediately retorted, his meaning clearly obvious. He has already heard the circ.u.mstances of Jiu Vermillion"s son since the beginning, therefore, he has a very negative and cynical perspective towards him.

The idea that Jiu Vermillion proposed was the most appropriate and proper way for the Vermillion Family to survive. Dividing the scanty resource they have would benefit all the disciples temporarily, but once they fall from the position of the Great Families...

Falling from the Great Families would be a ma.s.sive talk in the city for at least a couple of months. It would also mean the deaths of many who are part of that family.

The previous elder"s words represented all the elders" present current thoughts. Although all of them, without exception, were loyal and respectful to Jiu Vermillion, it was only to him and not to his "crippled" son. That is why the tone of the elder who spoke earlier contained a trace of disdain and mockery, that was how infamous Arthur Vermillion was in the Vermillion Family.

"Elder Giu, if you are worried about little Arthur"s cultivation, then you must not worry," Jiu Vermillion said softly, "my son has already broken through Vigor Stage and is on the verge on breaking through the Superior Body Stage."

As expected, the faces of the elders present were full of shock and disbelief.

"Impossible! I b.u.mped into that kid last month and he wasn"t releasing even a mouthful bit of Genesis Energy."

"I also happened to chance by him some time ago and am also of the same conviction."

The various elders, both the ones who loathe Arthur and not, began to recall their recent encounters with Arthur. The dates that they have spoken were very close to each other, the latest one being two weeks earlier.

When the noise finally started to die down, an elder seated at the front of Jiu Vermillion stood up and said, "All of you, stop talking. What the Patriarch has said is true, I inadvertently saw the City Mayor and the Patriarch with his son conversing and learned of Arthur"s cultivation, he did indeed officially step into the Body Strengthening Realm."


Author"s Note:

sorry for the late upload. A storm hit us badly and the flood got inside, had to clean it up first.


hehe, ill probably introduce more characters here and there.