Above All

Chapter 22 - Powerful

Chapter 22 - Powerful




As Bai Fuah was randomly sensing the various things in the core part of the forest within a distance of a kilometer. An unbelievable scene that astonished him suddenly appeared.

While he was using his perception to probe the area within a kilometer. He saw something unbelievable that made him immediately halt his movements.

He made an attempt to probe that specific area to confirm his suspicions but his senses did not even reach a hundred meters before it mysteriously vanished.

Everything happened instantly so Bai Fuah had no way to react.

Bai Fuah face grew somber. That wide-scale perception took him a quarter of his Genesis Energy, and he was clearly unsatisfied with the way it turned out to be.

If he had summoned another of that wide-scale perception, then counting the previous wide-scale perception in total, he would have consumed half of his total Genesis Energy. In a potential battle against a beast, he would undoubtedly lose. So he firmly decided against it, as for the other method, it was clear that they have to personally go there and investigate.

Bai Fuah opened his eyes and turned to Arthur.

By this time, Arthur was attentively watching Bai Fuah. He faintly guessed what Bai Fuah was doing so he was worried as to what kind of scene Bai Fuah saw. Now that Bai Fuah looked at him calmly, he was agitated so he instantly asked, "Senior Brother Bai Fuah! What were you doing?"

Seeing Arthur"s shimmering eyes, Bai Fuah couldn"t help but let out a small smile before turning serious again: "Little Brother Arthur, I must ask you. Do you still want to continue?"

Bai Fuah asked with a grave tone. This would be his second time asking Arthur this question, but this time, it was much more serious.

Arthur nodded.

"Good. Let"s go."

Besides Bai Fuah being dissatisfied due to his perception suddenly vanishing, his curiosity was also further piqued. If not, he would rather walk away than face an unknown danger. But if it truly came to that, he still had some confidence he could escape its grasp along with Arthur.

Every step they took was careful and slow, however, the unpleasant feeling they were getting increases that much more.

It was unknown where this feeling was coming from, but they are indeed getting it which even made Arthur"s foundation of resolution shake.

It was at this time that Bai Fuah suddenly came to a gradual stop. Arthur, who was walking behind him also stopped.

This time, Arthur was not confused, he immediately drew out his short dagger and a.s.sumed a defensive stance.

"Is a beast in sight? Senior Brother Bai Fuah?", Arthur asked with a firm face.

It was only a couple of seconds before Bai Fuah responded, "There is not."

"Then, what is it?"

"Look for yourself."

Arthur obliged and slowly left Bai Fuah"s shadow.

What he saw there was something that he would not forget for months.

The trees that were gray previously, were now colored black. It was as if every single ounce of living cells from them were sucked dry by an ancient phantom of an Asura. It was a state that was much worse than withering and more pitiful than decaying.

There were no signs of life to be seen anywhere.

Well, maybe there was since countless corpses of formidable beasts were stacked upon each other. Each one of them might be able to compare to the beast who loudly roared earlier.

If Bai Fuah were to face any one of them in a one on one fight, then he would be able to barely win with the amount of strength he has on him. However, those mighty beasts are now dead.

And sitting on top of these previously powerful beasts but now dead is... a black-haired little girl.

This black-haired little girl is also wearing a beautiful dark dress. With her silky white and flawless skin, she was no different from a seductive demoness that would make many women grit their teeth in jealousy. Her body was rather small and pet.i.te, but it was sure that once she was given enough time to grow, she would be a blooming flower that would arouse the greed of countless men, throwing each of their marriage proposals at her doorstep.

It was at this time that the black-haired little girl took a glance at the duo below him.

Both Bai Fuah and Arthur suddenly felt weak after receiving a glance at the black-haired little girl above the pile of corpses of beasts. Arthur even felt like kneeling but he barely stabilized himself by gritting his teeth.

"W-what?!" Bai Fuah stutteringly said, his face devoid of anything but fear. His previous calm demeanor was replaced with evident apprehensiveness, sweat protruding through his back.

It was only a mere glance but it felt like a mountain that fell from the sky struck his entire body.

"Senior Brother Bai Fuah!"

At this moment, the black-haired little girl seemed to notice that her glance caused the two men before her to feel extreme pressure. She slowly lifted her own left arm and slightly waved in the direction where Bai Fuah and Arthur is.

The pressure that the two of them felt immediately vanished. They took deep and long breaths and after a couple of minutes, they were now able to calm down. However, the fear they felt was greatly increased in those minutes.

The black-haired little girl continued to stare at the duo. It was as if this was her first time going out into the world and everything that she sees, seems attracting to her. If one were to focus more, he could see that the one he was actually focusing on was Arthur.

Upon seeing this, Bai Fuah seemed to gain some idea and took half a step back as he took a large gulp of saliva.

He closed his trembling eyes and turned to look at Arthur once again, who was also exchanging glances with the black-haired little girl above.

It was at this time that the black-haired little girl spoke for the first time: "You, where are you from?". Her voice was a bit high-pitched and pleasing to the ears, however, at the same time, it was cold and icy, making it hard for someone to regard her as a little girl.

The corpses beneath her even further solidified that idea.

Arthur was startled after hearing the black-haired little girl"s sudden curiosity about his background. He had his doubts but after turning his head below and seeing the mountain of body which he thought was impossible for someone to do. He reaffirmed his thoughts and answered honestly, "I-I come from the White Alyssum City. It should be south-west from here".

Finishing the last word he spoke, the black-haired little girl suddenly turned into a wisp of mist. He was startled yet again because he appeared right in front of him in that instant.

"S-s-such speed!"

Bai Fuah alarmedly thought, his previous idea immediately plummeted to the ground after seeing the black-haired little girl"s capabilities.

However, the black-haired little girl seemed to know nothing about Bai Fuah"s existence as he proceeded to take a step closer to Arthur and closely inspected him.

"Hmm... A mere city boy? Am I actually imagining things?"

The black-haired little girl whispered to herself but since she was very close to Arthur, he could hear what she was saying and he was confused.

Arthur couldn"t bear the awkwardness that he was feeling and he couldn"t help but say, "M-miss, how about you? Where are you from?"

a.n.a.lyzing the conversation that he had just started, he instantly turned green again. The way this was heading to was just like he was trying to woo her.

On the other hand, the black-haired little girl seems to not have mind and replied rather casually, "Nether Devouring Palace."

Both men drew a deep gasp.

Who wouldn"t know the name of something as colossal as the Nether Devouring Sect?

Among the Four Great Sects that rule over the entire Purple Sun Continent, the Nether Devouring Sect is the strongest. Anyone who hadn"t heard of their fame and prestige has surely been living inside the bottom of a well.

Not only are they the strongest, but they also have the most influence. The disciples they have are numerous, they couldn"t stay at one place or else they will be squeezing with each other.

Therefore, the palaces, cities, and land they own are many. However, only one palace can be ranked number one in the entire Nether Devouring Sect, rather, the entire Four Great Sects, and that is none other than the Nether Devouring Palace.

Besides being the training ground of elite youths and the sons and daughters of the various elders of the Nether Devouring Sect, Nether Devouring Palace is also the home of the Patriarch and many other high-level figures of Nether Devouring Sect.

"No wonder, no wonder"

Bai Fuah seemed calmed himself down after hearing the black-haired little girl. White Alyssum City is subsidiary to a small sect who is allied to the Nether Devouring Sect. Based from that point, the little girl before him kind of stands as an ally.
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After realizing something, Bai Fuah asked rather hesitantly.

"Then... miss"s name?"

The black-haired little girl expression finally changed a little, her eyebrows were furrowed as she answered, "Nether Devouring Flower."

Arthur still caught in surprise, saw Nether Devouring Flower"s expression, and he immediately became apprehensive again.

He doesn"t know that the White Alyssum City was indirectly an ally of Nether Devouring Sect so he did not put his guard down in front of Nether Devouring Flower.

"d.a.m.n. Clearly, she showed a hint of displeasure earlier, is she going to kill us now?"

Before he could do anything, the black-haired little girl spoke, "Despite my cute appearance, I also know the workings of my sect so I understand that you are my ally, therefore, I will not harm you,"

Evidently, Arthur was confused, "Allies? This powerful black-haired little girl is our ally?".

But before he could clear his confusion, Nether Devouring Flower added, "However, I must ask you one thing. Do you by any chance, saw what I was doing here? Your survival will depend on your answer."

The temperature dropped by more than a degree. This was not a sudden climate change but it was the manifestation of Genesis Energy through killing intent.

Such fierce killing intent appearing within the body of a twelve or so little girl frightened Bai Fuah once more.

Arthur wasn"t much worse, he knew that if they answered incorrectly, they would immediately lose their lives right here and then.

Bai Fuah responded first while restraining his fear, "N-no, before I-I had tried to investigate w-with my perception. However, it vanished b-before I can get a glimpse."

Nether Devouring Flower stared right at Bai Fuah"s eyes like a prey.

"He seems to be not lying. Indeed, I detected a little energy vanish under my barrier. It must have been his."

Nether Devouring Flower looked satisfied and closed her eyes.


Again, she turned towards Arthur.

"His soul really is..."

The black-haired little girl shook her head as if she was trying to deny something.

With their eyes still staring at the other, she said to him whisperingly, "We will meet again."

Nether Devouring Flower disappeared without a trace after that.

The two looked around them once more to find her shadow, but to no avail.

After that, Bai Fuah immediately told Arthur that they should get out of here fast.
