Above All

Chapter 19 - Nether Devouring Flower (7)

Chapter 19 - Nether Devouring Flower (7)




At this moment, a guttural sound resounded throughout the forest. It was not really loud but it was enough for a Vigor Stage cultivator to slightly tremble. Arthur kneeled in one knee and did his best to withstand the pressure emanated by that growl.

After a couple of seconds, Arthur was finally able to stand up again.

Although the growl sounded rather distant from him. The pressure alone was enough to make him kneel. It definitely came from a very powerful beast, it was something that he would not be able to deal with. For the first time today, he was now sensing a slight feeling of fear within the deepest part of himself.

However, having come this far, he simply could not bring himself to give up. Furrowing his eyebrows, he suddenly came up with an idea, he turned his whole body around and walked a step over.

The scene before him had never changed, only the gray trees and flowers covered the whole area. Yet Arthur unstirringly had his expression relaxed, his mouth curved with a meaningful smile.

"Come out."

These words were spoken by Arthur with extreme calmness. Yet, the response that came to him was none other than the rustling of leaves and the lilting wind.

"You have been following me since this, you must be tired. Come out for a bit and take a rest here with me." Arthur extended his right hand towards a nearby tree, beside it are two large stones big enough for a person to sit.

The gentle smile on Arthur returned into a calm expression, however, the friendly atmosphere that he was exuding remained.

Not long after several moments have pa.s.sed, a figure wearing a white robe with a sword strapped to his waist walked out behind a tree. His hair was short and a small wound cut can be visibly seen on his left chin.

When Arthur squinted his eyes to inspect this person, he immediately felt a sharp feeling coming out from him as if he were some treasure being contained in a hidden box.

Bai Fuah was feeling somewhat awkward ever since Arthur had discovered him.

However, what mostly occupied his mind right now was much more important than this. A child who was half his age, a realm and a stage below him, a "crippled" scion from a declining family, has discovered him! Moreover, it was a him who was seriously concealing himself!

He felt that his reaction from this trifling matter was highly immature, however, he was, nevertheless, greatly depressed about it. As one of the few geniuses who has reached the Yellow Blood Realm before the age of 30, he was confident about his strength when facing others even stronger than him, much less some brat with his half body still in his mother"s womb.

Under the scrutinizing eyes of Arthur, Bai Fuah scratched his head and revealed a fiddly smile, "This, little brother... I know you may not completely believe me, but I must say that I am actually just protecting you from the shadows..."

Arthur remained unmoved. After seeing the person in front of him, he was instantly astounded in his heart.

That was because he was completely ignorant of this person"s ident.i.ty!

His age must be in the middle or late twenties, yet the cultivation level suppression he was getting from his aura is actually comparable to Heina and Darriel, which were both at the age of late forties. This kind of talent in White Alyssum City is already considered extraordinary. In that case, for a man half their age to have the same cultivation level, it must only mean that he is a rare genius!

Such a person must have been given quite a lot of limelight when he was in his junior days. So Arthur must have heard of him somehow. However, even after juggling his head countless times, he was still not clear about this man"s ident.i.ty...

Arthur ignored his previous words just now and went directly straight to the point, "Who are you?"

Bai Fuah"s brows immediately perked up upon hearing this question, "My name is Bai Fuah. The mayor specifically a.s.signed me to protect you from the shadows," his eyes focused on Arthur"s calm expression, and he continued, "but, as you can see, I have made a "slight" mistake."

Underneath Arthur"s calm and tranquil behavior are thoughts that are rapidly appearing one after the other.

"Bai Fuah... Bai... Fuah... Nope, never heard of him, just who the f*ck is this guy?!"

Unchangingly since a child, Arthur has never strayed his eyes off of training. With the exemption of his father and a few others, he rarely interacted with anybody else unless it was something important.

It was even more so in cla.s.s, he seldom talks to anybody even when they are talking bad behind his back or even on his face.

So unless the man themselves introduces himself to Arthur, or, if his deeds and talent are bright enough for him to be seated in the throne of attention, which should the man in front of him is getting. Arthur would never know that person"s existence even if he, in all seriousness, is right beside him.

Stopping his wildly running thoughts, he replied, "I apologize, but I don"t seem to recognize who Senior Brother is,". He shook his head slightly, and then he added, "Don"t worry, I know that you have good intentions. With a man of your cultivation, it would only take you a single glance to kill me ten thousand times over."

Bai Fuah seems to have already expected Arthur to not recognize his ident.i.ty, he smiled and said, "There"s no need to apologize, I am actually not that famous in White Alyssum City... By the way, Little Brother Arthur. I was more than a kilometer away from you, it should be hard for you to detect me, how did you do it?"

It was not just a matter of being "hard" or not, it is basically impossible for Arthur"s senses to detect Bai Fuah a kilometer away.

Arthur mulled it over for a bit and said in return, "Actually, I have already confirmed your existence since the moment we left the village. It was only a faint premonition at first, but it became stronger and stronger until I have finally confirmed that it was indeed not just some mere hallucination. I would not have dared to enter this death forest if my chance of survival is non-existent."

Twisting his words slightly, Arthur had already known of Bai Fuah"s existence from the start. He also knew that Bai Fuah had not followed him with the intention to harm.

This was much more incredulous compared to simply discovering Bai Fuah"s presence!

"As for how I did it... It was probably because of a cultivation technique my family practices."

Arthur is smart and extremely cunning, he would never tell anyone about his encounter with an Item Spirit that gave him its memories. And it wasn"t just some ordinary memories. If the current him were to be discovered to have the memories and experience of countless peerless auxiliary masters. He would be kidnapped, locked up, tortured, and might live a life worse than death, all of these just for them to extract whatever is in Arthur"s head.

So of course, Arthur lied when he said "a cultivation technique that my family practices.".

The reason why he was actually able to detect a powerful hiding ent.i.ty is because of the first stage of "Sable G.o.d"s Movement Technique", Immortal Eyes.

There are tons of enhancement that would be received upon comprehending the first stage of "Sable G.o.d"s Movement Technique", and one of that is the ability to perceive extremely small details.

Coincidentally, the level of Bai Fuah"s concealment wasn"t exquisite enough to the point where he can move swiftly without having to affect his surroundings.

Upgrading the superior inherent perception of Arthur even further, Arthur was able to detect the abnormalities of the rustling leaves and other factors caused by the hidden Bai Fuah.

Furthermore, when he activated the second and third stages of the "Sable G.o.d"s Movement Technique", Bai Fuah was forced to use at least a quarter of his full strength to keep up with him, thus affecting his concealment technique which made it a bit easier for Arthur Vermillion to discover him.
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