Above All

Chapter 25 - Return

Chapter 25 - Return




The four walked for almost an hour. And along the way, only Bai Fuah and Arthur seemed to be the only ones capable of speaking.

The other two, on the other hand, would only occasionally snuck a glance at Arthur, their reasons obvious.

Time flew by really quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the sun had already centered itself above the earth. It was also at this time that they finally reached the gates of the city.

Darriel and Heina were considered slightly above average amongst cultivators, they were rather popular amongst commoners.

The guards then quickly opened the gate and tried to pull a few pleasant remarks as they pa.s.sed.

Right after they"ve gone some distance away from the gate. Heina and Darriel said that they have some official matters to attend to, they bade farewell to Bai Fuah and left.

Not even glancing an eye towards Arthur.

After that, Arthur also turned towards Bai Fuah and said, "Then, Senior Brother Bai Fuah, I also must be going now."

"Mn. I will report everything that happened there to the city mayor. Of course, excluding those that occurred within the forest" Bai Fuah looked meaningfully at Arthur, then continued, "it"s a pity that I wasn"t able to witness how you"ve managed to kill off those Green-scaled Lizard beasts, it would"ve surely been a feast to his ears."

Arthur dryly laughed.


-Vermillion Family"s Patriarch Hall-

"Patriarch! I have come to request an audience with you!"

A man with a frantic appearance shouted at the door outside the hall. He had run for quite a bit of a distance, hence, his slightly disheveled face.

However, he did not care about that now as he tirelessly shouted the patriarch"s name.

Seeing how this man behaved, the guards stationed there were enraged and were about to use force to suppress this crazy individual when a voice stopped them.

"Let him enter!"

Walking speedily towards the center of the hall, the man knelt with both of his knees. His upper body down while tears flowed from beneath his eyes.

"Speak," Jiu Vermillion said.

"Patriarch, I... we... we must not let them have their way!" the man said with his voice shaking.

"What is the matter?" Jiu Vermillion asked. Confusion written across his face.

However, in his heart, he already knew why this man came to him.

"Patriarch, just earlier, people from the Bluan Family suddenly..." the man paused, it was clear that he was finding it hard to keep himself composed, then he continued, "they suddenly stormed into my store... and told me to pack my personal things up and get out! They said that it was an order from Patriarch and theirs! I don"t believe it! Patriarch, there must be some sort of misunderstanding! They are going too far!!"

The man explained everything in vague details. Right now, his breath was agitated and it became even harder to keep himself composed in front of the Patriarch.

Jiu Vermillion, on the other hand, only sighed. His guess was right on the mark.

A few breaths of silence fell between them.

"Give it up."


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The man felt his heart tighten when he heard Jiu Vermillion"s words.

"What they said wasn"t wrong. Indeed, I and their Patriarch engaged in a negotiation, with your store as my chip. Hence, that store, is no longer in your management."

The Vermillion Family wasn"t just a powerful martial artists" family. They are also well-known for their art of blacksmithing.

Back at the time of their prime, many n.o.bles from other cities would even traverse many miles just to buy a weapon made by the Vermillion Family.

Even now as they decline, the weapons they made were still rather above the average blacksmiths. Although the quality is rather lacking compared to when they weren"t weakened.

However, the majority of the Vermillion Family took blacksmithing as their auxilliary jobs.

Furthermore, blacksmithing, albeit an infrequent profession, there are far too many in this city. And over half of those belong to the Vermillion Family.

Hence, while it might be a good way to quickly raise their money. They technically are having half the result with twice the effort.

That"s why the blacksmiths at the lowest tier from the Vermillion Family, with their profit not increasing in the slightest, were just a burden upon the family and thus, Jiu Vermillion decided to just forcefully sell those stores off.

Doing this might be against Jiu Vermillion"s character. However, there is nothing else he could do...

As the Patriarch, he has to be decisive and cruel, especially at a time like this.

The man"s face turned white and roared, "I beg of you, Patriarch! I have 2 children that I must feed and a wife to medicate! Just half of my original salary would suffice! I will do anything!"

Realizing that what he has done might anger the Patriarch, the man immediately kowtowed as he snivel.

Jiu Vermillion sighed yet again.

"Fine. I will arrange for you to work under Go Su. As for your salary, he decides. Now, go!"

Rising, the man looked gratefully at the Patriarch.

"Thank you, thank you! May the heavens bless the Patriarch!"

With that, the man immediately left.

Jiu Vermillion slumped directly to his seat. A bit more than a week has only pa.s.sed since Arthur left yet he has done almost twice as what his work originally would have.

Especially the negotiation between him and the Bluan Family"s Patriarch.

Surprisingly, that sly old fox was rather amiable during their discussion. This is a great contrast to what he originally acted on more than a century ago.

In exchange for some of their stores that did poorly, the Bluan Family bought their land at a fair price.

Jiu Vermillion was expecting to get less due to the fact that his impression of Mue Bluan was as such. However, it seemed that even people like him could change.

"It"s the eighth day today. I wonder when Arthur will be back."

The reason why he was working twice as hard these past few days in the first place was for Arthur.

Just after Arthur left, the higher-ups of the Vermillion Family decided to hold a martial contest between their disciples.

The final victor will get the full support of the whole family. Even the personal possessions of the various elders and the Patriarch itself will be at his disposal, with a few limitations, obviously.

The full support of the Vermillion Family focused on a single disciple! Even though their declining, as a family that stood for over 1000 years. They have acc.u.mulated many resources that the other families could only dream of.

To focus all of that acc.u.mulated wealth and effort on a single disciple... even an idiot knew what would happen after that.

Not only that, besides that, the victor will also directly inherit the position of the Patriarch once his age reaches the appropriate number.

However, he would also have to carry the burden of leading a declining family.

But once he manages to survive this impending catastrophe, then he would have the chance to bring back the golden era of the Vermillion Family and be respected by all.

That"s why, right after the meeting a week ago, Jiu Vermillion decided. That he will go all-out in a.s.sisting his son, Arthur Vermillion, to break through and get stronger.

Right now, his son might possibly a late-blooming monstrous genius. Due to the laid out facts before him, he has come to this conclusion.

As his father, how could he not be excited? He immediately thought up ways to get sufficient money to buy herbs and pills that a.s.sists a martial artist in their cultivation.

He even skipped his own cultivation just so he could earn more money.

And now, he has already bought quite a lot.

Looking at the ma.s.sive amount of pills and herbs just sitting at the corner of the hall. He couldn"t hide his excitement and prevent the smile on his face.

"If he"s really about to break through, then this will be a great boost to him."

The only thing left now is for Arthur to return home and give it to him.

Although he doesn"t want to force Arthur to work too much. In his heart, he really wished for Arthur to break through as soon as possible.

In the martial contest that would soon be held, the strongest of them is an Altering Bones Stage martial artist.

Arthur"s current strength would not be able to fight this kind of opponent. Much less defeat them.

But Jiu Vermillion still supported Arthur without hesitation. He only wished for his son to have a bright future. Arthur winning or losing doesn"t really matter much to him.

However, if the minuscule chance of Arthur winning ever comes true. Then he would be beaming with pride for his son that much more.

At this time, rushed footsteps could be heard outside the hall. For a powerful martial artist like Jiu Vermillion, he could easily hear something like these even from a hundred meters away.

Jiu Vermillion frowned, in the middle of the day, bothersome people just keep on coming.

A servant in long robes knocked on the door thrice.

"Patriarch! Good news!"

Hearing the familiar voice. Jiu Vermillion"s face has now started to lit up.

"Quickly, come inside!"

The servant in long robes cupped his fists.

"Is he back?" Jiu Vermillion asked. His excitement was clearly visible.

"Yes, Patriarch."

Jiu Vermillion suddenly laughed loudly.

Then, suddenly, with a stern voice, he ordered that servant in front of him.

"Quick, hide those pills and herbs at the corner. Don"t Arthur see them yet, I want to surprise him!" Jiu Vermillion laughed again.


Walking in calm footsteps outside the Vermillion Family"s Residence.

Although Arthur was only away for a bit more than a week. It was still enough for him to miss his dear home and the people within it.

He was, after all, only a 13 year old child. Familial affection is cherished greatly at ages like these.

"Big Brother Arthur!"

A cute childish suddenly called out to him.

Arthur turned around. There, he saw two kids running over to him. The one on the right had a bigger size, while the one on the left has a smaller one. Clearly, the one on the right is older.

"Oh, you two."

The two kids immediately widened their arms in a bid to hug Arthur. He reached out with his arms as well.

"Haha, you two brothers, were you out playing again?" Arthur looked at the dirty clothes that the brothers were wearing.

A smile couldn"t help but escape Arthur"s lips. These two brothers belonged to the Vermillion Family. And Arthur, in his spare time, would sometimes play with these two.

However, the two brothers and Arthur, even though they were members of the same family. They lived in different homes.

The Vermillion Family"s Residence that Arthur was currently residing in, is only for the main branch of the family. But, of course, elders can also come freely here as they"d like.

The two brothers in front of Arthur, were sons of an elder in the family. Being the sons of an elder, of course, these brothers could come here as they like.

But their father was too strict. He would rarely let these two travel all the way to the main branch to play with their Big Brother Arthur.

So, in truth, Arthur never really had that much interaction with them.

"Haha, Big Brother Arthur. Actually, we only wanted to play with you. But upon arriving here, we were told that you actually left! We brothers were extremely dissatisfied."

"Big Bro is right. We had no choice but to play with those other kids."

The two brothers snorted.

However, Arthur only laughed.

"Since you have come. Then, did Elder Bo come as well?"

Right before the two brothers could respond. An excited jubilant voice suddenly shouted behind Arthur.

"Arthur! Haha, good, good. You"ve returned!"
