Abyss Domination

Chapter 500: Chapter 35 Saint!

Chapter 500: Chapter 35 Saint!


The monster’s body was finally getting smaller and smaller. When its body size changed from a giant to an ordinary man, Soran finally saw a group of spirits in its body that cannot be seen by the naked eye; this was the perception of G.o.ds. If ordinary people tried to kill it, it might be difficult. However, in a battle between G.o.ds, Soran could directly destroy the spirit. It was a twisted spirit, which had been completely controlled by chaotic will; it didn’t even have its original form.

Even though they were both demiG.o.ds, the spirit in front of Soran had lost its form.

A spirit without a body was totally different from a spirit with a body. As of now, the growth of the Underlord was completely dependent on blood sacrifices. Whichever the wildlings prayed to, the spirit would change its form toward that direction. Finally, because of too many evil sacrifices, even the essence of the spirit could be maintained. Compared with the spirits Soran had seen in the past, this spirit had completely lost itself.

The path toward becoming a G.o.d was difficult.

If Soran had not destroyed the will of Fear previously, he might have become mad now.

Will and faith.

As a G.o.d, if he did not have strong willpower, it may even interfere with his own thoughts because a G.o.d had to receive many prayers every day for thousands of years; as an ordinary person, they would have long gone mad. Only with the power and will of the G.o.ds could they bear so much information. This was also why some ancient G.o.ds gave up their posts and only kept their divine power.

The G.o.d of death, Jergal, and Earthmother were both like this.

The G.o.ds also had their own responsibilities. They were not as free as demons and devils. Even the most depraved Underlord knew that believers were their own grazing lambs, and they had their own responsibilities to protect them.

With the corresponding divine t.i.tle, came the corresponding responsibility.

Some divine t.i.tles may be relaxed, but there was no doubt that they would be weak. The G.o.d of death needed to maintain the operation of the Styx river. They also needed to lead and distribute souls, and decide whether a soul belonged to the kingdom of G.o.d or to other places. The Lord of Glory had to maintain justice in the world no matter how dark and evil the world was. Divine t.i.tles were a gift from the world; even the weakest G.o.d of dance had to bear the responsibilities of the t.i.tle.

Soran’s divine t.i.tle, too; if he did not bear any responsibility, then he would pay the price!

This price would be becoming fallen.

It was an unrealistic idea to go back to seclusion after becoming a G.o.d. This, however, was not the case for the very powerful ancient G.o.ds, the G.o.d of death, the Earthmother. Even if they gave up their positions, other powerful G.o.ds might not be able to win them. A weak G.o.d could not do this because more powerful G.o.ds would come and take over the divine t.i.tle.

“Shadow Strike!”

Soran looked at the dispersing spirits with a calm expression.

He was born with a higher starting point than these souls because he had a body as a foundation; souls, on the other hand, were easily distorted and reshaped. This could be seen from the various mutant demons of the Abyss. The affinity to integrate of the soul and spirit was great, thus causing many mutations.

Thus to become a G.o.d as a spirit, the spirit would be forced by the people’s beliefs.

The wildlings prayed for strength to defeat the enemy. However, the evil way of sacrifice finally cultivated a demon-like spirit.

If it’s believers prayed for rain, the spirit may become another form!

A row of data appeared:

“Killed a demiG.o.d spirit!…”

“Extracting soul energy!… You’ve gained 125000 Slaughter EXP!…”

“Target has divinity!…”

“Extracting divine power!… You’ve gained 3 divinity points!…”

“Target has shards of divinity!…”

“Extracting shards of divinity!… You’ve gained two shards of divinity!…”

“Target has divine power!…”

“Detected unknown power!… Target power has 23% match!… Extracting its divine power would cause severe consequences!…”

“Do you wish to absorb the divine power?”

The spirit dissipated into nothing. Soran looked at the altar, shook his head, and said, “No.”

Chaotic divine power.

This divine power was not pure at all. Soran did not need this kind of power; the power he needed was the power of the faith of believers, not the power brought about by killing spirits. This power was chaotic and evil, and once absorbed, the power of this evil creature would be integrated into his own body.

The power on the altar was vanis.h.i.+ng!

Through his divine vision, Soran saw that the blood-red aura converging on the land was slowly dissipating. With the fall of the evil G.o.d, the power it possessed would also dissipate, and the altar would soon be abandoned.

The battle was now over.

When Soran killed the G.o.d they were wors.h.i.+pping, the wildlings’ will to fight was also gone.

A glow of light appeared!

Everything seemed to become brightened.

Divinity, a shard of divinity and divine t.i.tle.

Three huge forces burst out in Soran’s mind in an instant, then turned into a powerful force reshaping his soul.

A row of data appeared:

“Divine form achieved!”

“Divinity requirement [Minor Divinity], current divinity at [Lesser Divinity]!… You’ve satisfied the requirement to become a Saint!…”

“Shard of divinity requirement [Minor Shard of Divinity], currently at [Lesser Shard of Divinity]!… You’ve satisfied the requirement to become a Saint!…”

“Possess the divine t.i.tle [Half-elf]!… You’ve satisfied the requirement to become a Saint!…”

“Transforming into the form of Saints requires divine power to enhance the body!… After enhancing, the body would have extraordinary characteristics!…”

“Do you wish to perform transformation?”

Without hesitating, Soran nodded and said, “begin the transformation!”

“Extracting divine power!…”

“Divine power inadequate!… failed to transform!… Able to extract soul energy!… transformation requires 300000 Slaughter EXP!… Do you wish to transform?…”

Soran nodded without hesitation, “Continue transformation!”

A great amount of energy covered his body.

Because he did not have enough divine power, Soran could only consume the Slaughter EXP he had.

“Transformation into the Saint form successfully!”

“Gained ability [Perfect Self]!”

“Gained ability [Level 1-3 Spell Immunity]!”

“Transformation complete!…”


This moment!

The world in front of Soran seemed to be different. There were two ways to become a Saint. One was to automatically obtain the Saint form when becoming a G.o.d. The second way was to meet the standards of G.o.ds, and automatically gain the ability to change into the Saint form.

A Saint was only the starting point.

There were differences in a Saint’s power.

However, after becoming a Saint!

The person would gain an extreme ability, that was [Perfect Self] of the legendary monks!

“Perfect Self [Saint form]: the person has already surpa.s.sed the realm of mortals, and their bodies will not be harmed by ordinary weapons at all. No weapon below the level of rare can hurt them, because their bodies have incorporated the power of the law. Immune to damage from any weapon less than + 1 when you have the ability of “Perfect Self.”

“Level 1-3 Spell Immunity [Saint form]: the power of the G.o.ds to integrate themselves into the law has greatly enhanced their immunity to magic. From now on, the person would be immune to any spell below level 3. No matter the effect of the magic or the damage caused by the magic, it would not affect the person. ”

Physical immunity to any average weapon.

Spell immunity to any level 3 spells and below.

That was why Saints were powerful!

That was why many died in the past against these Saints!

[Lesser Divinity] All attributes +2!

[Minor Shard of Divinity] All attributes +1!

After killing the underlord, Soran finally met the criteria to become a Saint.

At this moment!

He had the power of G.o.ds!

His attributes had changed.

Name: Soran [DemiG.o.d] [Saint]

Race: Half-elf [Son of Slaughter]

Attributes: Strength 21(+9, Belt of Giant Strength+6), Dexterity 29 (+4), Const.i.tution 24 (+4), Intelligence 24 (+4), Wisdom 18 (+3), Charisma 19 (+3, Sadness of Mohe +2).

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Profession: Level 10 Commoner (Max)/ Level 7 Rogue (0/326500)/Level 8 Shadow Dancer (0/425000)/Level 10 Wizard (0/217500)/Level 1 Arcanist (0/255000)[Grade 5]

Health Points (HP): 272/355 [Strong]

Experience Points (EXP): 115075 Slaughter EXP, 7545 Profession EXP [Una.s.signed]

Skill Points: None

Attribute Points: None

Legend Rating: 100

Divine Points: 30 [Lesser Divinity]. (Level up to [Great Divinity] requires 100 divine points.)

Shard of Divinity: 10 [Minor Shard of Divinity]. (Level up to [Lesser Shard of Divinity] requires 30 Shard of Divinity.)

Divine Power: 0/200. (Level up to [Minor Divine Power] requires 100 Divine Power. Mastered ability [Change Form].)

Divine t.i.tle: Half-Elf, Rogues

Domain: Pirates

Status: Normal

Profession Skills: Sneak 305, Literacy 290, Steal 105, Pick Lock 120, Snare 85, Focus 125, Diplomacy 155, Appraise 65, Deception 60, Intimidation 245, Taunt 30, Performance 75, Listen 75, Evade 185, Parry 60, Block 60, Heal 85, Search 55, Detect 70, Scribe Scroll 60, Spellcraft 50, Survival 80, Use Magic Device 55, Cooking 40, Alchemy 30.

Saint form: Perfect Self, Level 1-3 Spell Immunity.

DemiG.o.d Skills: Comprehend Languages, Comprehend Words, Multi-plane Communication.

Legendary Skills: Omnipotent Hands, Epic Dexterity, Epic Prowess, Epic Dexterity.

Special Skills: Blessing of the Maid of Misfortune, Blessing of the Sea G.o.ddess, Dragonblood baptism level 2, Heart of Slaughter, Slaughterer, The Ascetic, Sage, Blasphemy (Once a day.)

Personal Abilities: Nimble Left Hand, Eidetic Memory, Perseverance, Able Learner, Practiced Spellcaster, Reflex Evasion, Danger Sense, Dodge Roll, Darkvision, Spell Control, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Minor Magic Resistance, Lesser Cold Resistance, Lesser Poison Immunity, Greater Dual-wielding, Regeneration [Moderate], 10 feet Telepathy.

Profession Abilities: Arcane Memory, Arcane Counterspell, Arcane Rune, Grasp of Shadows, Martial Weapon [Proficiency], Curved Sword [Legendary].

Combat Skills: Shadowstrike, Conjure Shadow, Shadow Jump [Twice], Shadow Leap [200 meters], Fear Gaze (Divine), Fear (Divine), Vampiric Touch (Divine), Counterspell, Sword Form [Heavy Hack], Sword Form [Horizontal Slash], Sword Form [Beheading], Sword Form [Spinning Strike].

After countless battles and s

Even an ordinary person.

If they had hundreds of years, they would be able to acc.u.mulate all these different skills.

This was only a matter of time.

Soran could still acc.u.mulate these skills after he became a G.o.d.

Special energy was expanding!

Soran suddenly felt that his body was rising, but this was an illusion. His body was still in the same place, but his consciousness suddenly crossed into s.p.a.ce and appeared in a silvery river.

Everything below his feet became small.

Soran saw an island, islands around the sea, a shrinking continent, the Frost Kingdom stretching for thousands of miles in the north, and a towering glacier in the South Pole.

The endless sea.

The largest land was in the center, and the other two were in more desolate places. Among them, there were terrible deserts that occupied nearly half of the land area, which was a disaster leftover from the Arcane Empire.


Soran saw a plane, as though it was a piece of drawing done by some powerful G.o.d.

That was the material plane.

Soran’s figure stood under the endless starry sky, and he saw the other planes that the starry world had at full speed. There were also half-planes that may have been left by previous kingdoms. The stars were s.h.i.+ning above him, but when he looked over, he saw not the stars but the kingdom of countless G.o.ds. There was a realm calling for him as if waiting for his return.

Soran stood in emptiness.

Behind him was a silvery river, and everything in front was amazing! This was something only G.o.ds could see!

Soon, his consciousness descended again.

When Soran opened his eyes, he was still on the ground. The ground was still soaking with blood.

It was as though what he saw just now was an illusion, but he knew it was real!