Adopted Soldier

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Emily held Kei"s hands to see if she would have any kind of reaction, and as expected she didn"t feel any different than normal . Kei, on the other hand, had his heart beating faster, and he couldn"t help but blush .

"Hey Kei so where do you want to eat?"

"Huh? Eat? What?" Kei who was still trying to get a hold of himself got confused when he heard what Emily said . Emily who saw Kei"s reaction giggled . She could practically read Kei"s mind since he was so simple .

"Don"t you remember I promise you, that I will treat you to a meal . So Where do you want to eat . "

Finally getting ahold of himself Kei remembered the steak place he wanted to try when Emily told him that she would treat him to a meal .

"I"m already here, there"s no backing out now . " Kei decided to just go with the flow .

"Yeah, there"s this place that supposedly serves good steak for a very cheap price . I want to try eating there . "

"Oh, I think I know where that is . " Emily who was hugging Kei"s right arm pulled him forward .

. . .

When the two reached the shop that Kei was talking about, they were surprised to see that it was now closed . There was a letter posted at the front door, stating that the Department of Health has found several issues with the food served which forced the shop to close .

When Kei saw this he sighed .

"I knew that kind of cheap steak that tastes good will have some problems . Well luckily I didn"t eat it or I might be in a hospital by now . "

"Sorry Kei, we won"t be able to eat here . So what do we do now?"

"It"s alright that"s everything I wanted to do for today . Since the shop"s closed why don"t we call it a day and head back home . " Kei for some reason felt both disappointed and relieved at the same time .

"I can"t allow that, I said I will treat you to a meal, so that"s what I"m going to do . " Emily still couldn"t understand what kind of feelings she has for Kei . So she didn"t want this pseudo date to end prematurely . She needed more time to understand what was going on with her emotional state .

Emily pulled Kei to a shop that she knows sells good steak . It was a bit pricey but seeing as she was the one paying Emily didn"t really mind .

. . .

Kyle who had left his guarding duties followed his little sister on her very first date . When Kyle looked at Emily"s partner, he felt his trigger finger itching .

"That"s the guy she picked? Isn"t he completely ordinary? Can that guy even keep up with my little sister?"

Kyle was watching the date of his little sister in the scope of his beloved rifle . Five times he wanted to shoot the guy .

"Even though Emi was the one who initiated the hug, he should"ve pushed her away . . . d.a.m.n it! If he did that I would"ve blown his brains out . Now their holding hands! This guy obviously seems troubled by this, his looking at my sister"s hand as if it was something dangerous . d.a.m.n him who does he think he is!"

Kyle was fuming mad as he watched Kei b.u.mble about . It irritated Kyle to see his sister with such a wishy-washy kind of guy .

"What does Emi see in him?"

Kyle continued watching over the two as they went from one place to another . After they ate at Emily"s favorite restaurant, the two proceeded to head to a cosplay shop . Emily kept on making Kei wear female clothes . Kyle who was watching had to admit that Kei actually looks pretty okay in female clothes .

"Is Emi just interested in this guy cause he"s a pushover that looks pretty okay in girly clothing? Is she making this guy into a dress up doll? Still, it does look like she"s enjoying her time with him . . . "

. . .

After making Kei dress up in anime girl clothing, Emily made him dress up in cool anime guy clothing . Unexpectedly Kei also looked pretty good in this type of clothing . It would seem because of his average looks, he could look like anything as long as the make-up artist is good enough, and Emily was pretty good .

Once they were done looking at costumes, Emily bought Kei a bunch of clothes and items . She insisted that Kei should come with her in cosplay conventions .

"If you go with me, I can finally wear pair costumes! This is going to be so much fun . "

Kei didn"t really want to go, but seeing Emily so excited made him feel like it would be fun . After going around from place to place, Kei felt a bit more comfortable with Emily than he was earlier today .

While Kei was thinking that he enjoyed this much more than he expected he heard, Emily"s voice .

"Hey, Kei I really enjoyed our little date today . I know I said this was my way of saying sorry for making you dress up as a girl in our play . . . But . . . It was really fun hanging out with you . " Emily smiled at Kei with her actual genuine smile, a smile that came from her heart and was not an act . This was the first time she has shown this smile to anyone else aside from her brother .

Kei was stunned by the sight of Emily smiling at him . He had already seen her smile numerous times, but this time it looks different . Kei could actually feel that this was different from all the other times Emily smiled .

In response to this, Kei also smiled at Emily before answering .

"Yeah, I had fun hanging out with you too . "

"Hey after going to the cosplay convention next week . How about we ask the guys to help us make a manga . " Emily suddenly asked out of nowhere . Getting used to Emily"s randomness kei responded .

"Sure, that does sound like fun . " Seeing Kei agree with her, made Emily smile even wider as she nodded her head .

. . .

Kyle who was still watching the two felt mixed emotions . Ever since their parents died, Kyle has always wanted to see her sister like this . Still actually seeing her have fun with another boy aside from him, was kinda irritating at the same time heartwarming .

"I gotta beat up that kid one time . I"ll be like, I won"t hand over my sister to a weakling like you . . . I guess I won"t be able to do that since that might make Emi hate me . . . I wonder if there is a way to legitimately beat up the kid . "

While Kyle was thinking this, Emily and Kei"s date drew to a close .