Adopted Soldier

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

When Lilitth separated from her onii-sama, she stood in front of the school gates . The people who saw the new girl were all staring at her . Not only because she was not someone they knew, it was also because the little girl in front of them was extremely cute, like a doll crafted by a master .

The teachers, the security guards, and most of the student body pa.s.sing through the gate, were staring at her . Lilitth didn"t notice all the staring, because she was looking at the surrounding area full of curiosity .

When she was about to enter the premise, a fat man came running towards her . She was surprised by the man who suddenly stood in front of her sweating profusely and panting .

"Good day Lilitth Ojou-sama . I"m the of this school, you may call me Raymond . I"m sorry if you weren"t greeted upon your arrival . I wasn"t expecting you would come so early . Here let me guide you to my office, so that we can finish your transfer procedures . "

Lilitth wasn"t able to respond at all, and couldn"t do anything but follow the man who named himself the . When the two figures finally left, the whole area suddenly bursted into conversation .

"Who was that?! She was so pretty . She looked like a doll . "

"I know right, she"s as pretty as Niki Rayheart . "

"Yah she really is pretty . . . "

When the sixth graders were talking, the teachers were talking about Lilitth as well .

"Did you see how respectful the was to that little girl?"

"Yes I know right, she must be the daughter of a very important person . "

"Yah . . . I need to remember that girl"s face, not like that"s hard to do . "

. . .

While everyone was talking about Lilitth . The was sweating buckets, as he was guiding Lilitth to his office . He started to remember the conversation he had with the superintendent, last night .

The superintendent called and told him with great urgency, that the daughter of a super important figure, will be attending his school . He warned him explicitly that if anything untoward happens to the little lady then their lives were over, and he didn"t mean it figuratively he meant it quite literally .

At first he thought the superintendent was just trying to frighten him a bit . He thought in the end the superintendent will say it was all a joke, since they"re many children of influential people in this school, and none could frighten the superintendent this much . So the truly thought it was all a joke, but this morning when he woke up there were sticky notes all over his room .

Written in all of them were the words, "I"m watching you . "

That wasn"t even the scariest part, all the cameras in his house have been destroyed, and there was even a gun left on his table, with a sticky note attached to it . "You better kill yourself if you make a mistake, cause the fate that awaits you, will be a fate worse than h.e.l.l itself . "

Scared he even called the police, he knew the commissioner, since his son was studying in his school, so he called him directly . The commissioner hang up on him, he then proceeded to call everyone he knew that could help him, but they all hang up him, they were avoiding him like the plague . That"s when he truly accepted that the little girl who was following behind him, was something akin to a national treasure .

Unaware of the"s internal struggle, Lilitth was curiously looking around . As she walked down the hallway, she felt even more excited . She would finally be able to become a normal girl . She would have friends, be able to play with kids her age . She would be able to do thing she could only dream of doing before .

Once the two finally got to the"s office, the immediately offered his own seat to Lilitth . The little girl who was bewildered by how the was acting decided to politely decline .

"Oh I"m sorry Lilitth ojou-sama, you want me to bring a different seat?" The nervously asked .

"Um, no need to do that . Also Mr . Raymond, please don"t call me Ojou-sama, just Lilitth is fine . " When the heard Lilitth"s offer he was about to accept, but before he could open his mouth, he felt a sudden s.h.i.+ver . He then looked behind him, and he saw two men, on the roof of the building opposite them, and they seem to be pointing guns at him . He knew that those people were some kind of bodyguards of Lilitth Ojou-sama .

He then turned around and answered Lilitth with an even more respectfully . "I"m unworthy to call you by that name . Please allow me to call you Lilitth Ojou-sama . "

When Lilitth heard the"s response, she felt a bit sad . It was at that moment the received a call from the superintendent .

"RAYMOND! Please don"t make our little VIP uncomfortable . Call her by her given name like any other student! Anymore mistakes, and I promise you, before I die, I will deal with you first!" The call ended with that .

"I"m sorry for that, please allow me to call you Lilitth instead . Is that alright?" The immediately revoked what he said .

Hearing the finally treating her like any other student, Lilitth smiled . "Of course Mr . Raymond . "

. . .

The whole ordeal of talking to Lilitth, briefing her about the rules and regulations of the school was very taxing to the . He couldn"t understand how to treat the girl in front of him . He then sighed in relief as he brought Lilitth to her new cla.s.sroom . Now he would be able to pa.s.s the problem to the teacher in charge .

The moment Lilitth entered the cla.s.sroom, the teacher in charge as well as the students, stared dumbly at her . Lilitth"s cute doll look affected them badly and they weren"t able to respond at the moment . Seeing the situation, the did a little cough warning the teacher in charge .

The teacher finally getting her senses back, stood up and spoke to the cla.s.s .

"Everyone, we have a new friend joining us today . Please introduce yourself . " The teacher gestured to Lilitth to come in front and introduce herself .

Lilitth went to the front, and elegantly did a curtsy . "Good day to you all . I am Lilitth Samarita . I hope to have a wonderful school life with you all . " Lilitth smiled truly excited to start her school life .