Adopted Soldier

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Kenzo was furiously striding into the school, alongside four of his bodyguards . Two of which are B rank mercs, while the other two were mid level soldiers . These four were just a small part of his battalion of bodyguards, the others were hiding nearby . His family has even got one S rank merc, and a Grade 1 High level soldier .

The students were scared by the presence of Kenzo and his group . So seeing that school was practically over, the other students immediately left the school premise, while the others were forced to wait for the people that are going to fetch them .

Kenzo was now in the place where his son was . When Seiji saw the person in front him was his father, he felt a lot of different types of emotions, but the most prevalent one was fear .

"So it"s true, you really did get your arm broken by a little girl . Care to explain yourself?" Kenzo looked at his son with both irritation and disappointment .

"It wasn"t my fault father, she took me by surprise!" Seiji protested, but even that was met by a scornful look .

"I don"t need your excuses . Come with me to the"s office . I will show you how a true Amamami handles the situation . After we"re done here, we"ll go to the hospital, and you"ll be transferring schools . I"m thinking, the Southern Unions military school will make you into an elite . "

Seiji wanted to protest, since the Southern Union Military schools, were not any better than Berdonia"s but they were much harsher in training, they"re especially harsh to those that aren"t from the Southern Union . Yet seeing his father"s glare, Seiji could only push down the words he wanted to say .

Kenzo without saying anything else turned around and headed towards the"s office, followed by his bodyguards and Seiji .

. . .

Lilitth was still comforting the crying Niki, but no matter what she said Niki wouldn"t stop crying . She then stared at the wanting to ask for help, but it seemed like the was getting himself ready for something . He was staring resolutely at the door .

After a short while, somebody entered, it was a tall man wearing something similar to a business suit, but for some reason it also looked informal . With him were four men, two of which were heavily armed, and last but not least, there was Seiji as well .

Kenzo gave Lilitth, and Niki a dangerous look . The noticing this, stood between Lilitth and Kenzo . Seeing Nathaniel blocking his way, made Kenzo surprised and a bit angry .

"What do you think you"re doing? Did you really just blocked me?" Kenzo"s voice sounded menacing, but Nathaniel didn"t budge . Since he knew that something much, much worse was awaiting him, if he didn"t protect Lilitth .

Seeing Nathaniel not saying anything, and just standing there, Kenzo signaled on of his bodyguards to remove Nathaniel . When the bodyguard approached Nathaniel, the tried his best to not move, but he was easily subdued . It was at that moment, a weird sound was heard, and without anyone noticing it except for Lilitth who covered Niki"s eyes . The bodyguard"s head was sliced clean off his body .

The cut was so clean it took a few seconds before blood started to gush out . Nathaniel, was scared sh*tless by the scene, the other bodyguards who didn"t know what happened got in front of Kenzo .

Seiji who saw the blood fainted on the spot, seeing this reaction from his son, Kenzo felt even more disappointed .

"You did well . " Someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he had a prosthetic leg, and was holding a whip like sword . It was Carlo who hidden himself, using a cloth like object that uses optical camouflage . He approached Niki, and tapped a part of her back, making her faint .

"Tou-chan?" Lilitth was a bit shocked by her adoptive father"s appearance . Carlo looked at Lilitth with a gentle look .

"It"s alright now Lilitth, tou-chan is here to make the bad guys go away . . . So how about we talk outside, it"s kinda getting crowded in here . " After comforting his daugther, Carlo spoke in an ice cold tone, at Kenzo and his men .

"Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are?! Killing one of my men and then telling me what to do!" Kenzo spoke back with a voice full of anger .

"I"m the man holding your worthless life in the palm of my hands . " Carlo then snapped his fingers, and some men from the outside who were all heavily equipped entered the room, and surrounded Kenzo and his group .

"Now it really is crowded in here . So how about going out so that we can talk properly . " Kenzo knowing he was in a disadvantage couldn"t say anything anymore . He allowed Carlo"s men to guide him outside .

Carlo then looked at Lilitth, and patted her head . "Don"t worry my cute little Lilitth, this will be over real quick . So for now just stay in this room, and tend to your friend . " After saying that he signaled one of his men, to clean up the dead body . After which he left the room heading towards the gra.s.s field .

Nathaniel who saw the entire thing was still a bit rattled, but at the same time relieved that he had chosen the correct side . If he for some stupid reason chosen to side with Kenzo, then he would already be dead by now .

Lilitth seeing her tou-chan leave the room, made her panic a bit . She really didn"t like Seiji but she didn"t want him to die for this . So the only solution she could think of was to tell her onii-sama . So after sending her message, she then requested the to take care of Niki .

. . .

When Kenzo was being guided to the gra.s.s field, he finally noticed that the whole place was too quiet . There was not a soul here except for Carlo"s men, and his own bodyguards . When they got to the open field, Carlo"s men opened up the formation .

Seeing their movements, made Kenzo"s bodyguards tighten their guard even more .

"So, tell me what the h.e.l.l did you plan to do to my daughter?" Carlo"s bloodl.u.s.t was at an all time high, it even scared some of his own men . Kenzo on the other hand wasn"t that much affected .

"Do you know who you"re dealing with here? Do you understand what I can do to you? I am an Amamami!" Kenzo thought that saying his family name could make Carlo a bit fearful, but instead it just made Carlo chuckle .

"So what? Is that it? You"re an Amamami, then what? If you haven"t noticed I have evacuated everyone near this area, and a dozen or so of my men have you surrounded . " Kenzo who felt a bit embarra.s.sed clenched his fist, and with a lower ice cold tone he replied to Carlo .

"If you dare kill me and my son, then you forfeit everything you love . The Amamami"s will never let you live in peace . " Hearing Kenzo"s threats made Carlo want to laugh, but he stopped himself .

"So you"re confident because you think your family has your back? You think that your influence scares me? Fine go ahead, call someone . " Kenzo who heard Carlo"s mocking tone, got even more angry .

"Who the h.e.l.l does this upstart think he is?! Fine I will let your arrogance be your downfall . " Kenzo then started to call the other members of his family, but none were picking up . He then started to call his influential friends, but none of them picked up his call either . He then started to panic inside, but on the outside he still showed a stern face .

"What have you done?" It was obvious to anyone, that Carlo had done something .

"I did nothing much . Let"s just say my influence is way greater than yours and your puny family . Here watch this . " Carlo then proceeded to call someone, after talking for awhile he ended the call . A few seconds later Kenzo received a message from the chief justice .

"Kenzo there has been evidence found that you have tampered with official doc.u.ments . So while you are under review, it is my displeasure to inform you that you are suspended as an a.s.sociate justice . After the investigation is finished and you are found guilty then you will be disbarred . "

"I can also do this . " Carlo took out a remote of some kind, and pressed a b.u.t.ton . A few seconds later Kenzo received a call from one the family"s employees . "Sir! It"s terrible one of our factories suddenly exploded . It was a good thing no one was inside, since someone alerted us that there was a bomb . "

When Kenzo read the chief justice"s message and heard the panicking voice of his employee, he felt weak in the knees . His face paled, in fear and anxiety . What kind of monster had they provoked . Carlo then got near him and whispered in his ear .

"Have you finally realized it? I control your fate, as well as the fate of your whole family . Not only can I make you lose your job, I can kill you here and no one will bother to investigate . You are nothing to me, I can crush you like this . " Carlo took Kenzo"s phone, and squeezed it, crus.h.i.+ng it with his hand .

Carlo then backed away from Kenzo, and opened his arms . "Do you understand now Kenzo? You probably came here thinking that you could easily deal with this matter . You thought that your family was such a big deal, that you could do anything you want . Heh, how does it feel to be on the receiving end? How does it feel to be the one that could easily be dealt with? Tell me oh mighty Kenzo Amamami . "