Adopted Soldier

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

The annual bet, was something that Alex and Carlo started back when Alex became a merc . It started off, as something like a reward system for Alex, at the same time it was made to test Alex"s current abilities . The annual bet like the name implies, can only be done once in a year .

The stakes of the bet is always set by Alex, and Carlo is the one who sets the parameters for the bet .

Carlo had always honored the rules of the annual bet . So even in this situation he needed to honor the rules, cause if he didn"t honor the rules, something really bad might actually happen .

"So Alex what do you want? I can already guess . " Carlo sighed as he looked at his son .

"I want the Amamami"s to walk away alive, if I win let"s just forget that this incident ever happened . Of course if you win, you can kill them and I wont do anything to stop it . "

When Kenzo heard Alex speak on their behalf, he didn"t feel touched, instead he felt confused . Based on the conversation Alex was having with Carlo, any idiot could guess, that this young man was the son of Carlo, the heir of the Samaritas .

So why does he want them to live? Is it really because of his little sister? Or is it for something else entirely?

"What"s with this family? A little girl could break an arm with no problem, the father could easily subdue a B rank merc, and he even has the wealth and influence that could destroy the whole of the Amamami family . The son isn"t normal either, he actually threw a knife from quite a distance and was able to accurately get the knife stuck in the muzzle of a small handgun . Are they really human?"

While Kenzo was thinking of reasons why Alex would help them, Carlo accepted the stakes of the bet .

"Let"s just keep things simple . I will give you a thirty minute head start, and you will try to run away from me . I on the other hand will track you down . If I"m able to capture the father and son Amamamis then it will be my win . If your able to protect them from capture, until 22:00 then it"s your win . Also you must stay within the city, going beyond that means you forfeit . " Carlo gave simple rules for this year"s bet rather than his usual elaborate ones, since he just wanted to get this over with .

"Give us at least a forty minutes head start . Everything else I will agree on . "

"Fine forty minutes it is, the timer will start in 3,2,1" Both Alex and Carlo set the timer on their watches to alarm after forty minutes .

Once they were done talking Lilitth approached Alex, looking a bit worried .

"I"m sorry onii-sama . It"s all my fault . " Lilitth had her head down as she apologetically spoke to Alex .

"Don"t worry about it . . . You better follow dad, since I don"t have much time . Don"t worry I will not let these people die . Also bring your friend with you, and send her home, I"ll inform her brother about it . " Alex spoke as concisely as possible .

Hearing Alex having no more time, Lilitth simply nodded and trotted away . After Lilitth left, Alex looked at Kenzo his son and their bodyguards .

"First off, wake your son . I don"t want to repeat what I"m going to say . " Alex with his ever stoic expression, made him look like he meant business . This unreadable expression of Alex, made Kenzo a bit uncomfortable, still he needed to do what was asked, he ordered one of the guards to wake up Seijii .

Once awake Seiji, started to panic . "Whoah! Where am I? What happened? Wait! Someone actually died!?"

Kenzo slapped his panicking son, and started to explain the situation, as fast as possible . Once Kenzo was done briefing his now pale looking son, as to what happened, Alex spoke .

"First I need to get this out of the way, so that there are no misunderstandings . I want to kill you people, and be done with it, but since my little sister doesn"t want you dead, I will do my best to keep you alive . . . But do not for a second, think I"m doing this for you, I"m doing this for my sister . If it were up to me, I wont kill you immediately I would"ve slowly tortured you people, until you beg me to kill you . " Looking at Alex"s expressionless face, matching that icy cold tone of his, made the father and son duo, think that they would rather face Carlo again .

"Ok now that I said that, we already wasted six minutes . So the first thing I want you to do, is tell these bodyguards of yours to acquire, eleven and caps, as well as eleven huge coats . " Without waiting for Kenzo"s instructions the bodyguards set off to immediately acquire those things .

Alex then called Oliver, who immediately answered . "Hey my comrade, you couldn"t believe what happened after you left, Emily came and won the whole thing . " Oliver excitedly informed Alex, without even saying a word of greeting .

"Oliver this is an emergency I need you and the other members of the club to do something for me . "

. . .

Lilitth, decided to stay with her friend Niki, for the night . Niki"s parents happily obliged since it made them feel like they had gained a second daughter . Carlo wanted to oppose at first, but stopped himself, seeing how worried Lilitth looked .

So after leaving Lilitth with Niki"s family, Carlo returned to the mansion . He went and used the surveillance team Alex formed to watch over Rachel . The room where the surveillance team was located, was a huge one, with dozens of maids and butler sitting in front a bunch of computers . In front of them was a huge monitor . In one side of the monitor was a map of the whole city, while on the other side were surveillance videos .

"I placed four trackers on Alex . Can you show me the locations of the trackers . " One of the butlers who heard Carlo, did as he was told . In the big monitor small red dots suddenly lit up on the map .

All four of the trackers were still at Lilitth"s school . "Do we have a camera set up in Cromer Private academy?"

"Yes . "

"Bring it up on screen . " The butler who answered, tried to display the footage of that area but was unable to display it .

"Sir, Cameras 203-218, have been hacked into . We cannot display any footage from the surrounding area within Cromer Private academy . "

Carlo chuckled, of course Alex would have someone hacked into the cameras . It was also probable that Alex found the trackers, but he wont be able to remove them, since once removed the trackers will explode . He could disarm them but that would take too much time .

"Send someone to monitor Alex and his group . " The butler beside Carlo nodded his head, and left the room .

. . .

After awhile the blinking lights on the map suddenly started to move . Alex was heading northwards, it was already twenty minutes after the countdown started . So in another twenty Carlo will move .

"Can you show me what Alex is doing right now . Or are those cameras in the highway also hacked?"

The maid in charge of that, got through and was able to display the footage . On the screen Carlo saw Alex driving Kenzo"s car, but he wasn"t really sure if it was Alex who was driving, since the people in the car were all wearing large coats,, and caps . The coats made it difficult to discern what kind of body type the person wearing them had .

"What happened to the person that was suppose to monitor Alex?!"

"Sir, young master had already dealt with the recon team . " Carlo sighed, he already understood that this would happen, but it still wasn"t pleasant to hear .

While Carlo was thinking of the next move, the side of the screen that was showing footage of Alex and his group entering a tunnel, was suddenly cut off . All that was seen now was a black screen .

Carlo then looked at the blinking lights in the map that showed the trackers, the four of them started to head to different directions .

Carlo smiled, "so the game begins . "