Adopted Soldier

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

"Ghost stories? Are we really going to do this? It"s not like I hate it or anything, but isn"t that too boring considering our ages?" Evangeline who was usually calm and composed except for when it"s considering Alex, actually looked a bit shaken now .

Rachel who saw how Evangeline reacted spoke . "Oh? Is that so, well I actually like ghost stories, how about you Emily?"

Rachel who was already used to people like Emily, seeing her mom, brothers, and even her best friend was like Emily, knew what kinds of things to say to somehow make the other person do what she wants .

Emily who saw the expression of Rachel as well as Evangeline"s, smiled slyly . It was obvious to see what Rachel wanted from her . She didn"t really like the idea of her being the one used, but it was too fun to pa.s.s not to do .

"Oh I like ghost stories as well . I don"t really think it"s just for kids, also don"t most adults have fun watching horror films, so isn"t this genre set for all ages?"

"But Ghost stories and horror films are different . So telling stories about ghost wont really frighten you right?" Evangeline knew that the two girls were against her, so she looked at Kei for backup .

Kei who noticed the president looking at him, was perplexed . "Is she telling me to answer?"

"Um, truth be told, I am a little bit frightened by ghost stories . Well it all depends on how it"s told . Just like not all horror movies are scary, I guess it"s the same thing . " Hearing Kei"s answer, Evangeline didn"t know what more to say .

"How about you Oliver do you have anything to say?" Seeing Evangeline"s defeated expression, Emily looked at Oliver .

"Nothing really . . . Just that, whose going first?" Oliver shrugged his shoulders . Emily didn"t asked Alex anymore, since it was obvious what he was going to say .

"Okay then, first let"s set up the atmosphere . Rachel do you have any candles?"

"Yes we do . What do you need them for?"

"Like I said to set up the atmosphere, could you give us a candle each?"

. . .

After getting the candles from the house, Rachel handed everyone a candle . After lighting the candles, Emily turned off the light . The moment the lights were turned off, Evangeline"s complexion changed a bit .

"So who wants to go first?" Emily asked the group, and in excitement Oliver answered .

"I will do it . " When Oliver spoke all the attention was now on him . Aside from becoming James Bourne this was also one of Oliver"s dreams . To be able to have fun with his friends .

"This story is a true story I heard from one of my comrades who heard it from a friend of his . " From the start it was already feeling like it was fake, this was the thought of most of the people present . Seeing that they knew Oliver had no other comrades, this story must be something he read online .

The only ones convinced were Alex, who fully believes in Oliver, and Evangeline who wasn"t able to think clearly at the moment .

"It"s about the old tunnel near the park . You guys must know what happened there, eight years ago . " Everyone except for Kei had a blank stare when they heard this .

Evangeline was out of the country eight years ago, so she has no idea about this incident . Emily was in a war zone at that time, and Alex was in the same situation . Rachel and her family were going through some tough times, and was unable to hear that piece of news .

"Sorry I have no idea about the incident you"re talking about . " "Sorry Oliver, I don"t know either . " Most of the people present had no idea what Oliver was talking about . So in the end Olvier needed to explain about the incident that took place eight years ago .

In that old tunnel there was once a homeless person living there . One day a group of teenagers went there to make fun of the homeless person, but when they started to make fun of him, something unexpected happened . The homeless person suddenly attacked and killed all the teenagers . The police were able to apprehend the homeless person, and he was given the death sentence .

When the group who didn"t know the story heard the explanation from Oliver, they could already kind of guess what kind of story Oliver was going to tell .

"So now that everyone knows the background story of the tunnel, I"ll be able to tell my story . So one day a student was heading home, when it started to rain . He had no umbrella at hand and he knew the tunnel was a shortcut to get home quicker . Knowing this and even knowing the history of the tunnel, the student decided to go in anyway . In his head he thought that the rumors of there being ghost in there was just a joke . Since he knew there was no such thing as a ghost the student went in the tunnel . While walking inside the old tunnel that hasn"t been clean in ages, the student noticed a group of kids kicking a man . The- HEY! Why are you guys not listening!"

Oliver who saw that some of the people there, mainly Rachel, Emily and Kei weren"t listening anymore made him stop talking . Evangeline who was also listening in, seem to be focused on Oliver"s story but in truth, she was in a state of mid faint . Alex on the other hand was as usual being attentive to the story .

"Sorry about that Oliver, but your story was pretty straight forward . Obviously the twist is that the group of kids that were kicking the man, were the souls of the dead teenagers, while the homeless person was the soul of the killer, and they were there to take the student to become one with them, and killed him . Am I right?" Rachel who practically told the end of the story looked at Oliver, who was shocked that his story was seen through .

"Wait a minute if what Rachel said is true, then who was the one that relayed the story . If the witness has died, then why is there a story such as this? How come this is called a true story?" Alex asked confused .

"Well, it"s just that kind of story . " Rachel didn"t know what to answer Alex . Still confused Alex was about to ask another question but then Emily cut in .

"I will explain it to you later Alex, for now it"s my turn to tell a story . first let"s set the mood . " Emily took out her phone, and played the sound of the ticking of a clock . The silence plus the ticking sound actually made the dark atmosphere even creepier .

Evangeline who was already frightened by Oliver"s boring story was now truly scared . She knew that based on Emily"s personality, that her story could probably even scare most of those present here . Evangeline really wanted to leave, but if she did so, it will just give Rachel and Emily an opportunity to make fun of her . Also it might make Alex think she"s a coward, so with no other choice Evangeline just gritted her teeth, while thinking of various things to drown Emily"s voice out .

"Okay then, first I want everyone to hold the hand of the one next to you . As I tell the story, no matter what, you should never let go, lest you anger some beings that shouldn"t be angered . "

When Emily said this so seriously, even Kei and Rachel felt a bit scared . The group held each others hands, Evangeline was trying to control the trembling of her hand . When Emily saw that everyone was holding hands, she told her tale .