Adopted Soldier

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Rika Saunter alongside her new daughter Hina Saunter were packing their things . For the past month, Rika and her daughter Hina have been staying with her friend Anita Rest.i.ti, but now that she was able to become a true citizen of Berdonia, she was able to buy a house beside Anita"s .

At first, she wanted to leave the country and head back to the Granado Empire but seeing her daughter that was barely seven years old, Rika changed her mind . Going back to the Granado Empire with her daughter at this moment in time would be hard for her daughter . This made her decide to stay in Berdonia as a citizen, and she vowed not to go and fight anymore if it is not necessary .

"Do you really need to go?" Anita who was already seven months pregnant looked at Rika with some reluctance .

"Yeah, me and my daughter can"t stay here forever . Also, I don"t want to be an inconvenience to you . It"s not like I"m going to move far away, I"m just moving next door . If you need something I"m always there to help . " Rika smiled gently at Anita who was now pouting .

"I know that but, when you and Hina leave, it will turn a bit lonely in this house . . . You know I and Lyner bought such a big house because he believed that we would get a much bigger family . He jokingly told me we would have so many children that we could form our own unit . . . Of course, that would never come true now . . . "

After saying that Anita"s facial expression turned gloomy . Even though in front of others she would usually act easy-going and strong but when it was just her and Rika she would sometimes show a weak side, but now she was actually showing something more as this was the first time Rika saw Anita tearing up like this, which looked like she was about ready to cry .

A few weeks ago Rika asked Anita why she doesn"t seem to be mourning for her husband"s death . Anita with her usual carefree smile answered, "If I ever show such a weak side, I would be ashamed to call myself the wife of Lyner Resteti . My husband all throughout his life, after that fateful incident, has never shown a weak side . He would always show that confident arrogant smile of his, never wavering, never showing any regret . I as his wife show him respect by doing this . . . Also if Lyner could see me, and he saw me cry and mourn for him, he would laugh at me . "

That"s what she said, but looking at her now made Rika confused as to what she needed to do . She wasn"t someone that had good social abilities, which made this situation especially hard for him .

"Sorry about that Rika, I was just reminded of Lyner again . . . I don"t know why, but I keep on dreaming about him this past few days . Sometimes I even forget that he"s no longer with me . I wake up thinking he would be there right next to me, then moments later reality would strike . . . Then . . . He disappears, and he"s no longer there teasing me . . . I . . . I . . . I don"t know what to do . . . I wanted him to be here but saying that would be selfish of me . . . I knew . . . I knew what kind of man he was . The moment he set out and faced you, I knew that he was about to reach his end . . . I wanted to stop him on that day, but I didn"t . I already pushed myself on Lyner too much, asking for more would be selfish of me . . . "

Hearing what Anita said while holding back her tears made Rika cry . She couldn"t stop herself, as she knelt down on the ground crying .

"I"m sorry, I"m sorry . I"m sorry . " Rika started saying sorry repeatedly as she continued to kneel crying . Hearing her mother cry Hina hugged her mom tightly .

"Don"t cry, it"s alright Hina is here now, so don"t cry . " Seeing the little girl hug her adoptive mother was heartwarming, especially knowing that it was probably Rika"s fault why the little girl"s real parents are no longer with her .

Anita was shocked to see Rika kneel and cry . If other people who knew Rika as the iron Valkyrie they would be stunned as well seeing this scene . This was a woman who was born powerful, her body, her intelligence, her beauty, everything about her was beyond the current humans . She was called the next evolution of humans, yet here she was crying like a newborn babe

Anita with her now bulging stomach tried kneeling and patting Rika"s shoulders . The little girl looked at Anita and with her innocent eyes asked, "Auntie why did you make her cry?" Hina was still having a bit of difficulty calling Rika her mom, so usually she wouldn"t call Rika using her name, instead, she would refer to Rika simply as her .

"I"m sorry little Hina, I didn"t mean to make your mother cry . Rika I"m not blaming you for his death, I was just feeling a bit lonely, also because of my pregnancy I"m turning a bit more emotional than normal . "

After trying to comfort Rika for a short while, the three of them started hugging a bit . Once she was done crying, Rika picked up Hina placed her in her lap then she proceeded to bow her head in front of Anita embarra.s.sed by her behavior .

"I"m sorry for my behavior, I was supposed to comfort you, but then you were the one who comforted me . "

"It"s alright, I understand why you felt that way . "

"Maybe I shouldn"t leave for the moment . I can move out into my new house after you give birth . "

"No, you don"t need to delay your plans because of me . Just do what you want to do . Like you said you"ll just be moving on to the house next door . . . Oh, I almost forgot, a friend of mine is also moving into the house next to yours . She and her family will be moving there a week from now . I heard her daughter is close to your age Hina, now you"ll get a new friend . My friend also told me that she wanted me to tell you if it"s possible could you teach her daughter your way of fighting?"

"I can, but you must know not just anyone can learn my style of fighting . . . Who"s this friend of yours?" Rika asked confused by the sudden request . Truthfully her fighting art wasn"t really suitable for most people since her way of fighting can only be used by people who have superhuman strength . She was sure that Anita knew this, so that means the person in question knew of it as well . Meaning the child Anita wanted Rika to teach was superhuman like her . This made Rika extremely curious .

Hina on the other hand, felt a bit excited when she heard that the new neighbors have a daughter that was close to her age . Will she finally be able to gain a friend? The place where Anita currently lived was not that populated since the land here was very expensive, and only the truly rich people could afford it . So Hina would usually see old people, and the youngest person in the street would be her, and next would be a high school student . So she had no one near her age that could play with her, even though Rika does play with her every now and then, she really wanted to play with someone her age .

When Anita saw the curiosity in the eyes of both the mother and daughter, she couldn"t help herself as she giggled before answering .

"She"s Michel Samarita, and the daughter she wants you to teach is Lilitth Samarita . "