Adopted Soldier

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Alex headed straight for the place he planned to snipe from, the other members also started to do their own thing .

. . .

Rachel and Saya have teamed up as they dashed towards the hallway of the second years . This was the place where they saw Lyner run towards, and like they thought Lyner was there standing with a smug expression on his face .

"So it"s you girls first let"s see what you can do . " Lyner gestured with hands saying to bring it . Saya with an excited expression charged forward, Rachel backed her up by firing an arrow with a wooden head .

The arrow reached first, Lyner evaded it easily by tilting his head, but right after the arrow pa.s.sed through, Saya swung her s.h.i.+nai downwards, Lyner once again simply evaded by moving one step backwards . Saya already knew he would do this so she threw a needle from her hands, Lyner tilted his whole body sideways to evade, but once he did this another arrow came flying towards him which made him sidestep . The girls didn"t give him the chance to take a breather . Saya kept on pressing on her attack,s using her s.h.i.+nai and hidden weapons, with the support from Rachel they were doing quite well . . . Yet no matter how much they attacked they just couldn"t hit Lyner who was now even yawning .

Finally Rachel was out of arrows, and Saya had no more needles to throw . Also even though the whole fight only lasted a few minutes Saya was now breathing heavily . The pressure Lyner was emitting in close range was immense which made it very difficult for Saya who was fighting him up close .

"You guys have good coordination, well good enough for little girls who live peaceful lives . . . That is except for you" Lyner looked at Saya . "You seem to have your own share of experiences . "

Saya hearing Lyner"s comment about her family"s secret life smiled slyly, but she couldn"t reply since she was so tired at the moment .

"You on the other hand seem more fit for hand to hand combat, based on the way you present yourself, so I"m confused as to why your using a bow . . . " Lyner looked at Rachel a bit confused . Rachel could only look elsewhere since Lyner"s eyes seem like they could very well look into ones soul .

"Well I have seen enough of your abilities, so I guess it"s good night for now . " Lyner moved suddenly, both Rachel and Saya saw him suddenly disappear from their sights .

Lyner was already behind Saya, and in front of Rachel . Lyner hit Saya on the back of her neck using a chop of his hand, with the exact force needed to render her unconscious . He was then about to do the same to Rachel when he suddenly evaded .


Something pierced through the window, it was a 7 . 62x63mm bullet . "The kid actually used a real bullet, heh . . . He"s seriously trying to protect that girl . " Lyner smiled as he backed away .

"Hey girl bring your friend outside, its going to get rowdy in here . " Rachel who was in a daze heard what Lyner said, and simply nodded as she carried Saya out of the premise .

Lyner on the other hand was running to a different location where Alex couldn"t snipe him .

. . .

Niel was simply running around the school building trying to look for Lyner without any clue as to where he went . Niel simply believed that his luck which was also a gift from G.o.d could easily make him meet Lyner . As if following his expectations Lyner appeared in front of him near the stairs going to the old school building"s rooftop .

"We meet at last Mr . Lyner . " After greeting the teacher politely, Niel took a boxer"s stance . Lyner who was looking at Niel"s stance and his body type smiled viciously at Niel . "A born genius . . . No effort was given to have those kind of muscles, he simply has it . His defense as a boxer might make even some newborn pros feel inadequate . This club and it"s members seem interesting enough, but let"s see what they truly got . "

Niel noticed that Lyner was contemplating something which gave him the opening he needed . Niel stepped in Lyner"s range, and unleashed a one, two combination . A Blindingly fast jab and then a perfectly timed cross . This attack of Niel was actually faster than Saya"s sword, yet Lyner easily evaded, and is if to mock Niel, Lyner took the same boxer"s stance .

"Interesting . " Instead of getting angry, Niel was actually smiling brighter than he ever has . Niel Rayheart had never given any effort to anything he did, since no matter what he does, he would always succeed . So Niel was always bored beyond belief, the feeling of success was nothing to Niel since he always wins . Yet now right here, standing in front of him was a person his natural talent can"t simply surpa.s.s . Niel finally showed a true smile coming from his excitement a true vicious smile .

Lyner also felt a bit excited and smiled as well . "This club is nuts, all of them seem battle oriented . Who knew there where many kids in this school that actually feel like they belong in the battlefield . This kid in particular, he stinks of one of those pampered kids, but at the same he has the insane craze look of a battle junkie . "

Niel stepped in, and started attacking Lyner who evaded by weaving his head . As the fight continued Lyner noticed that Niel"s attacks where getting faster and sharper . The kid before him was evolving right in front of him . The natural talent of this kid was crazy . When Lyner was distracted by Niel"s fast improvement, Niel suddenly kicked . It caught Lyner by surprise but he was still able to evade . That kick was a front kick, a kick boxers uses . "So this time he"s going to use kick boxing? Fine then show me everything you got . As a teacher of this school let me properly guide you . "

While they were fighting Alex was actually supporting Niel by sniping, but even using ricochet shots didn"t work . Alex determined that long range sniping won"t work on this opponent . The opponent was also able to easily evade all the traps that were set .

Alex concluded that Plan A failed . He then calmly proceeded to plan B . Alex opened the briefcase he brought and took out two handguns that were specially customized for him, a MRI Desert Eagle and a customized Colt Government Model M1911A1 .

Alex proceeded to head towards the rooftop of the old school building .