Adopted Soldier

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

After the fiasco regarding the new uniform, Alex, and Liltth were now heading towards school . It was a bit weird for Alex, to not head to Rachel"s house to pick her up . Alex almost chuckled at the thought . How scary is it to change, and it has only been about two weeks, since he came back to integrate into normal society . . . Well somehow normal, he did just rescued a friend from a kidnapping situation .

Alex then started to wonder, about what Rachel was doing right now . He could imagine her, pouting with a slight smile, while her father clings onto her . Well she should be slowly accepting the return of her father . While Alex was thinking of such foolish things he heard a scream .

"WHOOOAAAH! What have you done my comrade?!" Alex saw Oliver running towards him . Seeing a muscular fellow ran towards you, with that kind of speed, might"ve frighten a normal person, but Alex wasn"t normal, so when he saw Oliver ran towards him, he was simply wondering why he was screaming .

When Oliver was in front of Alex, his hands shakily pointed at Lilitth . "Comrade Alex have you fallen to the dark side? When you already have Rachel, and Eva? Wait a minute is that why, you didn"t seem to have an interest in them, since your interest lay elsewhere?"

Alex couldn"t comprehend what Oliver was talking about, and simply look at him confused . Lilitth on the other hand, was surprised by the sudden charge of the person in front of her onii-sama . But based on the way he was talking, he and her onii-sama must be friends of sorts, so as a good little sister, she needed to introduce herself .

"Good morning Onii-sama"s friend . It"s nice to meet you, my name is Lilitth Samarita, and I"m the little sister of Onii-sama . " Oliver who was still in a world of his own, heard Lilitth"s introduction .

"Little sister? Onii-sama? Alex tell me who is this little girl?" Oliver confused at the whole situation, couldn"t understand what the little girl was saying . It was then that Alex finally understood, Oliver was confused about Lilitth .

"This is my little sister Lilitth . " As per usual a concise answer, even with that Oliver was still trying to comprehend what was just said .

"You have a little sister? How come I haven"t seen or heard about her till now? My comrade, don"t tell me you don"t trust me? You"ve been hiding your little sister from me?"

Hearing Oliver question him, Alex was now seriously thinking, if he should tell Oliver the truth .

"She"s been away from quite some time, studying in a student exchange program in the Southern Union . She felt lonely there, so she returned home yesterday . That"s why I couldn"t come to school yesterday . I haven"t told you about her, since I didn"t really think it was necessary . " In the end Alex decided to keep things about Lilitth a secret .

Hearing Alex"s explanation, Oliver was half convinced, but he didn"t pry further since every family has there secrets, even his own .

"Is that so . . . Well anyway, sorry for the late introductions . Alex"s little sister, Lilitth, I am a blood brother to you onii-san, and my true name is James Bourne, but you can call me Oliver . "

"It"s a pleasure to meet you Oliver-nii-san . " Lilitth did a little curtsy . When Oliver heard what Lilitth called him, with her elegant little bow, and cute doll like features, something from within Oliver was struck, but it didn"t develop any further from there .

"The pleasure is all mine little lady . " Oliver matched her curtsy with a bow . It was such a surreal situation, a doll like little girl was doing a curtsy, while a huge muscular man bowed before the little girl .

After the introductions, the group of three started walking towards Lilitth"s school .

. . .

When the group of three were nearing Lilitth"s school, they noticed a man with an almost holy like aura, alongside his perfect look and smile, anyone would immediately know who it was . It was Niel Rayheart .

When Niel spotted the trio, he smilingly approached them . Even though he saw Lilitth for the first time, he wasn"t fl.u.s.tered by the doll like beauty, nor did he react like Oliver, and Carlo . He simply asked who she was in a normal manner, well normal for him .

"Oh my, who is this cute little lady?" Niel knelt in front of Lilitth, and took her hand . When Alex saw this for some reason he wanted to get his gun, and shoot Niel"s hand . Of course he didn"t do that, but he was still confused by the sudden impulse .

"My lady my name is Niel Rayheart, may I have the honor of knowing your name . " Lilitth who had her hand held, by stranger was confused, but seeing Niel"s charming smile, and holy like radiance, it felt like some mysterious force was overwhelming her .

"Umm, my name is Lilitth Samarita . It"s nice to meet you . "

"Oh Samarita? How are you related to Alex?" Alex forcefully got in between Lilitth and Niel, before answering .

"She"s my little sister . " Niel who summed up Alex"s reaction as being overprotective chuckled .

"Oh she"s your little sister . . . Hmm she"s wearing the uniform of Private Cromer Academy . That"s the same private school my sister goes to . "

"Really such a coincidence . " Oliver spoke up, wanting to get into the conversation .

"Well it was the grade school, nearest to our house, plus my parents and I dote on our little angel very much . So we wanted her to go to the best grade school in the area . It was truly a G.o.dly coincidence that the nearest school was also the best school . " Niel chuckled, knowing full well how lucky he and his sister was .

"So little lady, what grade are you in?"

"I"m in third grade . " Lilitth respectfully answered, now knowing he was someone related to her onii-sama, she felt a bit better .

"Third grade? Truly such a great coincidence, my sister is in the third grade as well . Her name is Niki Rayheart . I hope when you meet her you two will be the best of friends . "