Adventures With A Reincarnated Bush

Chapter 19

After Anna"s miraculous recovery the days were quiet and flowed by gently, like a small mountain stream. The people settled into daily life. Franklin trained as best he could. Laurel and the other children played, while the adults worked the gardens and felled trees.

The gardens grew at a staggering speed causing their eye"s to bulge. The villagers celebrated this miraculous land with a vegetable feast. John finally got his reward for helping save Anna and the kids. The big bull danced happily as he was given the most savory vegetables that had been grown.

Peace makes the days fly and soon it was summer once again. The fiery sun beamed down on a young lady with curves in all the right places. Elanor wiped sweat from her forehead as she returned to that d.a.m.nable hill. Some stupid demonic beast wasn"t going to stop her! She thought as she clenches her fist in determination.

As she got closer to the clearing she hid her presence and began to sneak, quietly jumping from tree to tree. It was dangerous to expand her senses so she had to use her eyes to scope out the area. Her eyes narrowed as she saw some recently felled trees. What"s going on? She pondered.

As she got closer she peaked her head out leaning over being very sneaky. She saw a few huts made out of thatch. How could a village suddenly appear at such a dangerous location! She gasped in surprise.

Nearby Laurel was making a basket with gra.s.s. She wanted to gather some wild fruit. The adults had recently found some wild berries nearby. However, in her peripheral vision, there was something colorful bouncing up and down. When she looked over there she saw something pink and blue bouncing from behind a tree. She was mesmerized, she"d never seen such fine and colorful silks before!

Laurel began to walk over with gleaming eyes. As she got closer she could tell that it was someone"s bottom. Bouncing and waving around without any thought of decency. Slowly Laurel reached out to feel the beautiful fabricate.

Elanor froze. Why is it always my b.u.t.t? She cried to herself. She jumped away preparing for a life and death battle only to see a surprised girl standing near the tree. Laurel"s jaw dropped this lady was amazing! "Woah, you"re so fast and pretty!" The girl squealed with delight hopping up and down.

"Well, aren"t you a cutey?!" Elanor laughed at the girl as she looked like a chipmunk that just found the biggest nut. "What are you guys doing all the way out here?" She inquired.

Frowning the girl became gloomy. "We had to run because the bad men were chasing us." Pausing with watery eyes she looked at the beauty. "But we found this place and all the monsters were scared. So we decided to stay."

"Oh," Elanor smiled trying to lighten the mood. "Well, at least you"re safe now don"t worry." She patted the girls head causing Laurel to perk up. Laurel pointed over to the hill. "That"s right, there"s a super strong bull here!"

Frowning Elanor sighed. "I know, we"ve met before. That"s why I was hiding." Laurel looked at the beauty strangely that was hiding? "You are a bad lady?" Laurel asked with apprehension.

"What? No, what part of me looks like I"m bad?" She pinches the girl"s cheeks causing her to squirm. "It was just a bit of a misunderstanding." Elanor continued biting her lip.

Back on the hill the two hill mates were cultivating and eating as usual. John had become bored of cultivating. He would often watch the going on"s of the locals. He"d found that he"d gotten used to the circulation of energy and it no longer need his attention. Plant cultivation had so far been easy and relaxing. He could only sigh at the struggles of his past life.

As he was thinking he noticed the very obvious fairy fluttering about in the forest. She was having a fun talk with the rambunctious girl named Laurel. He waved his branch at the fat bull. "Hey, your playmates back!"

"Snort" Joe looked over lazily seeing the gaudily dressed women. "Brrd," he said annoyed.

John laughed, "How can you say that about such a beauty?" Waving his branches as if shaking his head. "Don"t get so hung up on little things! It"s not like you never get any sleep. She must like you quite a lot to come back and visit."

Joe"s jaw dropped his back hoof kicking the ground. "Mrhh?"

"It"s not that uncommon for powerful demonic beasts to take a human wife," John explained to the ignorant bull, "When you get strong enough you"ll be able to transform into a human yourself. Such a well-proportioned woman wouldn"t be a bad catch then."

The demonic bull looked at the bush with killing intent in its eyes. "Why do you have to be like that? You"re so violent even demonic cows won"t want you if you"re like that." John complained.

"Hmph," Joe looked around. Johns leaves glowed a bit, "I know there aren"t any around to see. If you don"t cultivate a refined att.i.tude, how will any woman feel secure with you as a mate?"

Down below Elanor shivered as she felt two sense on her. She glanced over at the hill with worried eyes. Yet they didn"t seem that interested in her. Seeing the worried beauty Laurel grabbed her hand. "Don"t worry he only beats up bad people and demonic beast."

Elanor had a bright smile like the sun rising. "Okay," She leaned down to look the girl in the eyes, "I"m Elanor nice to meet you."

The girl giggled and said, "I"m Laurel!" She kicked her foot shyly. "Do you want to be friends?" Elanor squeezed the girls hand and nodded "Of course."

"YAY!" Laurel jumped at her new friend hugging her. Elanor was a bit surprised but soon she was squeezing the young la.s.s. Laurel backed up and then excitedly said. "Come on and meet my mom!"

"Oh, she"s coming into the town?" John said a bit surprised. "That girl must be pretty charismatic."

"Grr," Joe just kept munching not even looking up.

"You"re no fun." John pouted unless it was food this stupid Joe couldn"t be bothered. It was so hard to have a good conversation. "Why don"t you go chase her around again for exercise?"

Joe just looked at the bush with disdain. Then he pranced around the bush smugly. "Oh, yeah well you just wait! A few more inches and you won"t be able to prance around either." John hollered enraged.

Back in the town, all eyes were on this new woman who looked like she just came from a festival. Clearly, she wasn"t a normal person to just waltz into the village as if she was having a stroll. Many looked up at the hill only to see the bull not paying any attention to the commotion below. They"d gotten used to their guardian spirits sometimes odd behavior. Since he had no objections neither did they.