Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 165: Still Can"t Control It

Chapter 165: Still Can"t Control It

‘That’s got to hurt.’ Void flinched when he saw Grey being slammed into the ground repeatedly by the quasi dragon.

The quasi dragon threw its tail at Void, trying to slam him with it.

When Void raised his head, he saw the tail coming down at a breakneck speed, he quickly moved to the side, narrowly escaping the attack.

After escaping, Void threw a lightning ball at it which exploded on impact.


The quasi dragon roared angrily, being attacked by Void angered it. Because Void was too small, it was having a difficult time hitting him, not just that, but Void was very fast.

It lunged at Void, and just as it saw him trying to escape, he opened his mouth and spat out fire.

Void quickly unleashed the darkness element when he saw the fire coming towards him, a black ma.s.s of fog almost two meters high and three meters wide appeared and tried to block the fire coming Void’s way.

It managed to impede it, giving Void the much needed time he needed to escape.

‘I need to buy as much time as I can.’ thought Void.

Seeing that Grey was injured, rather than going over to meet him, he decided to distract the quasi dragon so that Grey could recover a little, furthermore, he also told him to rest.

Void knew he wasn’t strong enough to have a one on one battle with the quasi dragon, but he knew given his speed, he would be able to at least escape some of its deadly attacks.

After dodging the fire, Void created a lightning arrow, making sure to ama.s.s as much lightning essence as he could in it so it would contain a destructive power.

He immediately sent the arrow towards the quasi dragon when he was done.

The quasi dragon who just stopped breathing out fire was stunned when an arrow hit its armor-like scale.

When Void saw the arrow hit it, he was about to heave a sigh when the arrow was unexpectedly unable to pa.s.s through the defense of the quasi dragon. Other than feeling the impact of the force when the arrow exploded, it didn’t get hurt in any way.

‘Can this thing even be hurt?’ Void asked, feeling a little despair.

The quasi dragon is stronger than both of them, so fighting against it was a risk for them, now added with its terrifying defense, how could they defeat it?

But with no other option, he could only continue fighting against it while waiting for Grey to join the battle.

He created a flaming sword which he hacked at the tail that was coming in his direction. The fire spread out, trying to consume the tail of the quasi dragon, but it was just as unsuccessful as his previous attacks.


After Grey vomited blood, he tried to stand up but because of the spin, he still felt the world was turning around, and like a drunk man, he fell back down.

Most of the earth armor he created previously was destroyed and only a few places of his body still had it on. His hair was ruffled, and blood could be seen at the side of his mouth.

Just as he was about to try and stand again, he heard a voice in his head.

‘I’ll stall for time, try to rest a little.’ said Void.

He stayed in the kneeling position a little longer to try to clear his head, the pain he felt from the attack almost drove him crazy, he could swear some of his bones cracked from the attack. Luckily, he had trained his body, else, his bones would have broken from being slammed into the ground with such force.

‘This thing is too strong.’ thought Grey.

He had managed to clear his head a little and caught sight of when Void used the flaming sword to hack at its tail.

Breathing heavily, he slowly stood up contemplating how to defeat their present adversary.

‘I can’t use the Fusion State yet, it’s still too early. But I can use elemental fusion and attack it. I’ll have to give it a shot.’ Grey thought while looking at Void who was dodging most of the quasi dragon’s attacks.

Grey felt trying out elemental fusion was his best shot other than the fusion state, from the small exchange he had with it and from his observations from when Void was fighting against it, he could tell only brute force attacks could work on it. The impact of the blast once the orb explodes should be able to damage it a little, if he sees it has an effect on it, then he wouldn’t mind using the Fusion State.

‘Hey bud, can you stall it longer?’ He asked Void.

Void who was just pushed back from the impact of the quasi dragon’s attack felt elated when he heard this. He initially thought Grey would stay down longer than this, but since he started fighting against the quasi dragon till now, it hadn’t even been up to three minutes. Although he couldn’t say he was really fighting against the quasi dragon since he rarely attacked and mostly only dodged.

‘Yes.’ He hastily replied.

‘Good.’ said Grey.

Without delaying any further, he immediately got to work.

Calming his mind, he tried to sense the elemental essence in the air.

‘Huh! How come the elemental essence here is so thin? It’s almost none existent.’ Grey thought.

When he was using the elements all this while, he noticed compared to before, they weren’t as strong, but because of the battle, he couldn’t think of the reason, now he knew why, with such thin elemental essence, it was hard to use the elements properly, only the earth element feels the same.

Without being able to draw sufficient elemental essence from the surrounding, he could only rely on his essence beads.

Soon, he started guiding the elements from his elemental beads, through his body, they followed his directions and headed to the palm of his right hand.

The inside of his body looked like a multi-colored waterfall in reverse. The five elements moved from his stomach to his chest, and then into his right shoulder, before heading to his palm.

Before long, lights made of brownish, silver, greenish, blueish, and reddish color could be seen coming out of his palm and gradually started solidifying just above his palm. It formed the shape of an orb, made of five different colors perfectly intertwining in it.

As time went on, the orb started to grow bigger. First, it was the size of a table tennis ball, then it slowly grew to the size of a fist. This was the largest he could grow the orb to without it exploding in his hand immediately. The orb currently had a mixture of five different colors, and it looked beautiful.

Since the last time he used it at the cave underground when he obtained the blue fire, he hadn’t tried it again. He knew the power of the blast now would be far more powerful compared to that time.

When the orb was still forming, the quasi dragon, as well as Void, was soon attracted by the strong aura they felt coming from it.

Void was stunned when he saw the beautiful multi-colored orb that Grey seemed to be creating.

‘Since when could he do that?’ He asked himself.

The only reason he didn’t ask Grey was that he saw how serious he was looking, so he knew he couldn’t distract him.


The quasi dragon roared and charged at Grey, discarding the annoying cat.

‘Hey! Stop there!’ Void ordered and sent an attack at it.

A spear created from a black ma.s.s shot towards the quasi dragon.

The quasi dragon saw the attack but didn’t bother about it since it felt the result of the attack would be the same as all of Void’s other attacks, and since it wasn’t directed towards its head but its back, it just allowed it.

The spear struck it, and to Void’s greatest surprise, it pierced into the body of the quasi dragon.


The quasi dragon roared in pain when the spear entered its body.

The spear soon dissipated and when Void looked at the place, he noticed the outer scale in that place was gone, and black fluids were coming out of the wound of the quasi dragon, not just that, but the flesh of the quasi dragon had also slowly started turning black.

‘To think the darkness element could break its defenses’ Void thought flabbergasted.

He had been wasting his time since trying to hurt it, and only used the darkness element to block the fire of the quasi dragon, how foolish of him.

The quasi dragon immediately turned and lunged at Void.

‘Void get out of there!’ Grey ordered.

On his hand, the orb had already started trembling, he still couldn’t control it.

Void quickly ran from the quasi dragon’s range, sending another attack its way to slow it down.

The quasi dragon stopped when it saw the attack and tried to block it, giving Void the chance to escape.

Void dashed towards Grey and saw him throw the orb at the quasi dragon.


The orb exploded on impact.
