Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1169 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 1169 Chaos Battlefield

Dawson Family. 

In a room. 

"He"s back, Father." Lucas bowed to an old man. 

"Alright, tomorrow I"ll send him there." The old man replied, after some time he chuckled, "He came at the perfect time." 

"You"re sending him there?" Lucas asked curiously. 

The old man looked at him and replied, "You don"t have to be worried, he will be fine. I"m quite curious how well he will perform." 

"It"s a shame I won"t be able to see him." He added. 

Lucas sighed, "He has been through a lot, let him stay a week before you send him there." 

"He"s being hunted, you should already know how dangerous it would be for him in a few years time. The faster he gets stronger, the better for him." The old man wasn"t moved by Lucas" statement. 

Lucas dropped his head and said, "Father, a week." 

"Fine, he"s your son." The old man finally agreed with Lucas. 

Lucas heaved a sigh before leaving the room. 

"Sentiments will take him nowhere. The boy needs to grow, everyday is important for his growth." The old man muttered to himself after Lucas left. 

If not for the fact that Lucas was already stronger than he was, he would"ve gone ahead and send Grey to the place he wanted to send him to tonight. However, there was no one in the manor that could get close to Lucas" building without him knowing, much less take Grey from his watch. 


Grey stayed with his parents for the entire week, not even training. He enjoyed the time he spent with them, and he was able to connect with his father.

He didn"t forget to ask about the opportunity his grandfather wanted to give to him. Lucas couldn"t help but shake his head when he saw how eager Grey was to take the opportunity. He knew this was the way Grey grew this strong over the years. After Grey"s repeated inquiry, he told him he would leave in a few days. 

The days went by in a blink of an eye and it was finally time for Grey to leave. 

"Oh, Dad, I forgot to ask…" Grey brought up the issue of Arya"s brother to Lucas before leaving. He had been too preoccupied with hanging out with them that he even forgot about the second reason he came to the Dawson Family. 

Lucas listened to him and furrowed his brows, "It will be difficult. When you return I"ll accompany you there and see if there"s anything I can do. For now, I"ll search for a few treasures that should be able to help." 

Grey thanked him before leaving with his Grandfather. 

They disappeared from the Dawson Family, however, they were not alone. There were other youths who followed them, the young man who was the son of the Family Head was one of them. 

Most of the youths that followed them were in the Mid stages of the Elemental Venerable Plane and above. Had Grey not been in the Fourth stage, his Grandfather would still take him along since he knew Grey"s strength couldn"t be judged by his cultivation stage. 

"Where are we going?" Grey asked when they appeared in a desolate forest. 

"Have you heard of the chaos battlefield?" The young man was the one who asked Grey this, not giving his Grandfather the chance to respond to Grey. 

Grey shook his head, he was unaware of this place. 

"This was a secret realm that was created during the times of the G.o.ds. During the great war, most of the battles between the top experts took place here. It"s currently a treasure vault given the number of experts who died here." The young man explained. 

Grey was about to speak when he heard his Grandfather add to what the young man said, "And a tomb. It"s both a treasure vault and a tomb." 

"It"s expected, danger comes with wealth." The young man laughed, not concerned by the fact that he hid that information from Grey while telling him about the place. 

"This is not my first time going to places like this, although none of this caliber, but at least, I"ve had my fair share of adventures with these places." Grey said to his Grandfather. 

From his Grandfather"s eyes, he knew he was trying to warn him about the young man, but he could care less about someone that was in the Seventh stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane. Even without his physical body, there was no way this young man could kill him, even if they gang up on him. 

The only way they could hold him down was if they used an array, and unfortunately, that was one of the things he was very good with, so escaping from them would not be an issue. He was used to having people close to him trying to kill him, and just like always, he was quite confident in his abilities to run. 

His Grandfather saw the confidence in his eyes and didn"t speak any further. Since Grey was this confident, then it meant he already had his plans. 

They soon got to a temple, at the middle of the temple was a teleportation portal, and it was well protected with seals. 

Grey"s Grandfather made a couple of hand gestures and the portal opened up for them. There was no one visible at the moment, but Grey knew there was no way a portal like this would be unguarded. At most, the people are hiding and are well above his cultivation stage, so he couldn"t sense them. 

The young man was the first to head into the portal, the others followed him in. Just when Grey was about to go in, he was stopped by his Grandfather. 

After everyone else had gone in, his Grandfather looked at him with a serious expression, "No matter what happens, don"t kill him in there." 

He had seen that Grey was a decisive person, if he were to decide to kill the young man, then he would most likely succeed. He didn"t want any issues in the Family at the moment, they already had enough problems at the moment, if Lucas and the Family Head were to have a conflict, it would not be good for the Family as a whole. 

"Don"t worry, Grandfather, I"m not as impulsive as I used to be. Of course, I don"t usually spare people that show any intents of killing me, I"ll teach him a lesson or two, just to put him in place." Grey smiled and replied confidently. 

When his Grandfather heard him saying he would put the young man in his place, he couldn"t help but laugh lightly. He couldn"t deny it, Grey"s confidence was something that was amusing. 

The young man was already in the Seventh stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane, while Grey was only in the Fourth stage, that was a different of three stages, and there was a little major gap from the Mid to Late stage, yet Grey was telling him he would teach him a lesson to put him in his place. 

"Alright, go. I expect greater things from you. Also, be wary of the waters there. There is a certain race that lives there. If you"re not careful, they can manipulate your emotions." He warned. 

Not just that, but seeing things, he transmitted a few information about the place to Grey. The others already had knowledge of the place, so they wouldn"t have any issues with exploring and avoiding certain places, Grey was a complete noob, he had zero knowledge of this place. 

After Grey sorted the information in his head, he walked into the portal. 

His Grandfather was the only one left in the temple. 

A voice came from the void, "Lucas" son?" 

His Grandfather nodded. 

"They both talk big, hahaha." The voice in the void laughed. 

"He"s better than my son, I"ve seen him in action, Lucas can"t even hold a candle to what this boy is capable of." Grey"s Grandfather said. 

A figure materialized in the temple, "High praise coming from someone who has always been proud of his son." 

"He"s my grandson, so technically, he"s still my offspring. Unlike you, I gave birth to generational geniuses." Grey"s Grandfather laughed. 

The figure that appeared soon showed its face, it was an old man who looked almost identical to Grey"s Grandfather. 

The face of the old man who just appeared turned slightly sour, "My son is the current Family Head." 

"No need to continue competing like kids. War is coming, how are things going." Grey"s Grandfather shut him up and changed the topic. 

"He always changes the topic after showing off." The old man gave a sigh before answering the questions he was asked. 

"It"s worse than I feared. Looks like the time we have is shorter than we thought." Grey"s Grandfather"s face showed helplessness. 

"Hopefully the kids can grow stronger before then, if not, they will all die." The old man said calmly. 

"Grey would, I wonder how that brat from your gene would do." Grey"s Grandfather laughed and just as the old man was about to reply, he vanished. 
