Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1410 Dangerous Opponent

Chapter 1410 Dangerous Opponent

"Bud, help them." Klaus said to Reynolds, he turned to Alice, "You too. You two are the fastest here."

Alice and Reynolds didn"t speak and disappeared from where they were located. A lightning flashed went through every house in the town and out.

The duo were taking each family out of their houses and taking them to a safe place, ensuring they wouldn"t be harmed by the darkness dome that was moving.

Klaus looked at the man, he frowned and said, "We should take him down. The quicker we do that, the better it is for us. He"s too dangerous."

Aries had no problems with that, she also wanted to take the man down. From how the man was able to create such a powerful technique just from watching Reynolds merge and detach from his Elemental Venerable, it showed that he was an outstanding genius.

Klaus used his ice ability to attack the dome while it was moving. He noticed that it had some effect from the man"s domain, and also used his own in his attack.

Aries also attacked, ensuring the dome was destroyed. If the dome were to continue spreading, it would be dangerous for them as well.

The duo"s attack was able to create an opening in the dome which halted its movement.

The man raised his head to look at the duo.

"You two think you"re something, right?" He asked, he watched them and said, "This is how things are going to work from now. You"ll escape so I don"t kill you within the next few minutes. If not, you"ll regret your decision."

Klaus looked at the man and knew the man"s strength was increasing.

"Even with my ice domain, he will continue improving. I need to make sure he"s defeated."

Klaus realized that his domain will only be able to delay the man and not stop him from getting to the Sovereign Plane. The only thing they can do is stop him from breaking through. And that"s by killing him.

"Let"s kill him." Klaus said to Aries and Reynolds.

The dome stopped moving and it gave Alice and Reynolds the chance to come back. Although Alice joining isn"t enough to stop him, Reynolds was present there and with his strength, they will be able to stop the man from breaking through.

This was one of the differences when they fought against Grey. Even though they all held back, Grey wasn"t using his full strength since Alice wasn"t on the same level as Klaus and Reynolds. The man would not think twice and will definitely try to kill Alice.

It was just as Klaus feared, from the second Alice joined the battle, the man turned his attention to trying to kill her. He didn"t even hide his intentions.

Alice also had the ice ability which made his breakthrough even slower. Thanks to Klaus" domain, Alice"s ice domain saw a boost in strength and the man noticed the speed reduction of his breakthrough.

His focus turned to Alice, but with Klaus present, it was wishful thinking if the man thought he would be able to kill Alice.

Klaus blocked each and every attack that came Alice"s way while also making sure Reynolds and Aries had the chance to attack him.

The man was held back by Klaus while being bombarded by both Aries and Reynolds.

"These kids are smart." The man might be going berserk, but he still had a sense of reasoning.

As things stand, he knew the numbers of his opponents meant that he had almost no chances of winning as it is.

"If that"s the case, then there"s no point fighting."

The man wanted to kill Klaus, but he also wanted to survive. Reynolds and Alice were able to call for help when things started to go wrong, the man is afraid that they"ve already called for help and were just trying to stall before help arrives.

In truth, the group had indeed called for help. When Reynolds and Alice were in the cloud, they contacted Grey. Even though he was still caught up with learning about the array formation, this was very important.

Klaus is aware of this and wants to make sure they stall until Grey comes. With the man"s current ability, other than Grey, only those in the Sovereign Plane could stop him.

The man attacked, and when the group blocked the attack, the man turned to escape.

"Don"t let him leave." Klaus rushed after the man.

Reynolds was the fastest so he caught up with the man.

The man turned and looked at Reynolds, he felt a strong hatred for Reynolds because he was the one who caused such damage to his body. Although Klaus" ice domain could be said to be the reason for his delayed breakthrough, the main obstacle was the fact that Klaus seriously wounded him and even his core had cracks. Unless those cracks were healed, he wouldn"t be able to break through.

He was on the verge of fixing those cracks when Klaus came and slowed it down with his ice. Now he had a few seconds with Reynolds, he wanted to kill him with his overwhelming strength before the others came in to help.

Reynolds didn"t think about fighting with the man, he knew he was no longer his match, all he wanted to do was ensure the others came over.

While he was about to exchange moves with the man, Alice arrived.

The man changed his focus to Alice and struck out.

Alice expected this and dodged to the side, while also attacking with the lightning element.

The man blocked the attack and moved closer to her.

"Don"t forget about me." Reynolds attacked with lightning arrows.

The man created a darkness dome and used it to block the arrows. He was about to get close to Alice when he sensed a powerful attack coming his way.

A large lightning spear broke through the dome and was heading for his head. He was forced to turn and block the attack.

But it was at this moment that he felt a bone chilling cold close to him. Even before the attack got to him, he sensed his body started to grow cold.

"That b.l.o.o.d.y Water Elementalist!"

The man was caught between taking Klaus or Reynolds" attack. Each was dangerous, but the danger level he was reading from Klaus" attack was off the roof. If he dared to take it, then he should forget about ever breaking through. He wouldn"t even be able to escape with his life.

The man turned and spread out both hands, he focused more energy on his right hand which he sent a darkness beam out of, striking the ice needle that was coming his way. His left hand unleashed a darkness...o...b..that struck the lightning spear.

Both attacks didn"t stop, they only slowed down.

While the man used the opportunity to move up, hoping to dodge the attacks. To his dismay, a large fire snake was coming at him with shocking speed from above.

He opened his mouth and sucked in a large breath, the fire snake was swallowed and the man looked at Alice, he opened his mouth and spat out the snake.

He hurriedly flew into the air, narrowly dodging both Klaus and Reynolds" attack. The only issue with narrowly dodging Klaus" attack was that his right foot, from the down, was frozen solid.

All the ice needle did was graze it, and it was still able to cause such a degree of damage.

The man felt his heart almost jump out of his throat.

Klaus and the others were using their numbers to overpower him, and he knew he couldn"t beat them like this.

"f.u.c.king brats! I"ll kill you all when I break through."

The man focused on escaping, that was all that was important at the moment.

"Where are you going? Are you such a bad father that you don"t even want to try to bring your daughter back?" Klaus started talking as he chased after the man, "I knew all that talk about wanting to bring back your daughter was a lie. All you wanted was to grow stronger. You just needed an excuse to become a crazed necromancer."

Klaus" words pierced the man"s heart, but he didn"t dare to slow down. He could feel a cold creeping closer to him. The cold felt like the hands of death and he knew if it caught up with him, he would most definitely die.

Reynolds and Alice soon caught up once again and forced him to slow down.

"Arghhh!" The man was getting frustrated with his constant failed attempt to escape.

He was once again caught in a pincer attack and was forced to take some damage to escape.

The battle continued in this manner. The man"s strength was growing stronger, but he was still not able to overwhelm the group of four.

As he was escaping, he noticed something odd, it was as if he was being forced towards a certain direction.

"Huh? Could I be wrong?"