Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1445  No Escape

Chapter 1445  No Escape

The man was startled when he heard Grey"s remark. Grey was still fighting with the puppet and he had gotten the advantage over the puppet.

"The array here…"

The man turned his attention to the array set in this place. He knew of the array and was one of the people who even set it up. When he inspected it, his pupils dilated, he couldn"t believe Grey worked on the array right under their noses and they couldn"t even sense it.

He was thinking about how Grey was able to sneak so close without them being aware, but now he understood the reason, Grey messed up with the array in such a delicate manner that they weren"t even able to find out until it was too late.

"How"s he so fast?" The man knew when the old man appeared here injured. Even if Grey came with him at the same time, he would need hours to accomplish something like this. Messing with the array so they couldn"t sense him was one thing, remodeling some parts of it to help him stop them from escaping with the s.p.a.ce element was another thing which would need a longer time frame to achieve.

They were top arraymasters present, yet Grey has been able to somewhat outsmart them which was unbelievable.

Grey punched a hole in the chest of the Barbarian and chuckled, "Your array is easy to sort out. It"s not that complex. I"ve seen more complex things."

Grey"s words shook the man. If what Grey is saying is true, then his knowledge in arrays was shocking for someone his age.

Grey didn"t speak any further, casually destroying the Barbarian.

"Do you have more? If not, just surrender."

The manner with which Grey speaks is one that showed his utmost confidence in himself.

"You"re powerful, kid, I"ll not deny that, but don"t think a man on the brink of death isn"t dangerous." The man said with a cold face.

"You"re not the first person I"ve faced like this, and you will not be the last." Grey stared down at the man, not worried that the man would be able to escape.

He casually cut the links of one of the puppets of the men facing the twins and his siblings.

The person whose link to his puppet was cut off froze, and so did the other puppets he brought out.

Compared to people like the twins, these old guys have a large number of puppets under them and they have great control over them all. Necromancers mainly revolve around their mental energy, the stronger one"s mental energy was, the more puppets they could get under their command. These people have trained their consciousness to a very high level which in turn has increased their mental energy.

When the old man noticed the abnormality with his companion, he realized it was Grey"s work and quickly went to aid his partner.

"Keep him busy, will you?!" He scolded the man Grey was fighting with.

The man was annoyed with the old man"s statement, but seeing Grey in work against their puppets, he was genuinely scared. Someone being able to achieve this at such a young age will grow up to be a very powerful figure later on.

The fact that Grey has the entire Gnome race and the Necromancers community rattled showed how significant this skill is.

The man gulped and attacked, engaging in a battle with Grey. To a certain extent, he was annoyed that Grey picked him out of them. If Grey had picked anyone else, he would"ve already tried to escape while fighting the twins and their siblings. There is no point in trying to save the others, his life was more important. And in all honesty, he knew that was what the others were doing as well.

A thought came to his head, but the risk outweighed what the reward was. He wanted to bring out all his puppets, and while Grey was busy cutting off each link, he would escape. He noticed that Grey only needed a second to cut the link between one of the puppets to the man. He didn"t need more than a few seconds to escape from this place. So if Grey was focused on all the puppets, he would have the chance to escape and self-destruct them.

But then thinking if Grey is able to cut off the links connecting to all his puppets simultaneously scared him. His brain might be fried if that happens, and he would most likely not be able to move for close to a minute, that"s enough for Grey or anyone else to kill him.

"Self destruct, I will self-destruct them. That"s my only chance." He came to a conclusion.

He looked at the others and didn"t even care about them, his safety was the number one priority.

The man was a decisive person.

He was still locked in a fight with Grey while thinking about all this. The moment Grey forced him to retreat with a heavy attack, he took the chance.

At the same time, the old man and the man"s other companion came close to him and they all nodded.

The man brought out all his puppets and Grey saw the decisiveness in their eyes.

"f.u.c.k!" Grey realized the danger they would be in, and with both hands spread apart, he did something that shocked everyone.

The Necromancers thought Grey would escape with his entourage, but that didn"t happen, rather, a large suction force appeared in the sky and all the puppets were forcefully dragged into a large dark pit in the sky.


"Do it now!"

The men panicked and hastily self-destructed their puppets, but it was too late.

Grey was already prepared for this. This was the reason he worked on the array to begin with. Not just him, but Void was also part of the person who worked on the array.


A large explosion happened kilometers away from the island and a powerful wave came from the sea, headed towards the island.