Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1561  Meeting The Lyttelton Family

Chapter 1561  Meeting The Lyttelton Family

Time went by in a flash.

The group has been on a break for over one month now and the previous unrest among the Necromancers died down, and the entire Continent was in a state of peace.

A large group of top experts who headed towards a particular direction when Grey was breaking through had returned in utter disappointment. They thought that was the chance for them to attain the elusive G.o.d Plane that has never been reached in the Aurora Continent for thousands of years.

Most of the people privy to things knew that this was only the calm before the storm. As the day went by, the peaceful period continued.

Grey and his friends had left the island and went to one of the Cities close by in the same region. That was when they heard about a gathering. It was the most talked about gathering in the Continent amongst the top Families and Factions, and only top experts were summoned.

According to Ellis and Kyle, it was actually orchestrated by none other than Lucas Dawson, Grey"s father.

"What could you father be thinking about?" Klaus asked.

"I have no idea, but since he has called for such a meeting, it has to be important. Maybe it might have something to do with buying time for us." Grey contemplated, he didn"t know the reason his father would call for such a meeting, but he felt it has something to do with the buying of time for him and his friends to go into the Gnome world and cause whatever havoc they wished to.

"I hope that"s the case, I"ve been waiting for so long." Klaus replied with a relieved sigh. It was obvious that although he enjoyed attacking the Necromancers" hideouts, they weren"t going to be as fun and messing with the entire Gnome race. Besides, Grey promised him the castle of the Gnome world, he wanted it. An Emperor of an entire race"s castle is going to be more grandeur than any one from these people in the Aurora Continent.

"Me too, I"d really like to play with those guys." Grey replied.

Other than the Seventh Prince, he had another acquaintance among the royalty in the Gnome world. There was another Prince he is actually hoping to leave for last when he kills off all the Princes.

Once the story is between the duo left, it would be exciting given their shared case of being bullied by Grey.

The group didn"t know the details of the intent of the meeting, all there was left to do was wait. Since this was the center of attention at the moment, Grey opted to continue with the wiping out of the Necromancers.

The others were pretty bored and Alice was done with consolidating her realm, so she was very fine with this.

They went out to the nearest hideout and after a few investigations, they left this place and went out to the next. Apparently, there was a Mid stage Sovereign there. The group doesn"t have the capacity to face off against a Mid stage Sovereign at the moment, none of them has even gotten to the Second stage of the Sovereign Plane yet.

The next hideout was within their capabilities and they made light work of it. They even found a human vessel that was actively working with the Necromancers since he was one himself. The group didn"t spare him and killed him as well.

After dealing with this hideout, they took care of four more before taking a rest. They noticed there was something around that seemed to point out their next choice, so they once again took a break after almost a week.

It was very easy to track their movements since they only attacked hideouts with Early stage Sovereigns. Before long, all the hideouts they visited had at least one Mid stage Sovereign which made them back down.

Since they didn"t find any important secrets there like a Gnome army or a vessel, they didn"t bother with attacking all of them.

Klaus and the others didn"t mind this, and neither did Grey. They have killed over three thousand Necromancers since the start of their purge, this was a ma.s.sive number. Although this was only in one Continent, it was still a great service to the Aurora Continent, since they were killing off people that would kill other Elementalists.

The group decided to leave this Continent entirely. Since these guys were already aware of what was happening, it was time to head to the next Continent, but before that, Grey wanted to meet up with his mother who was handling something in the Southern Continent.


"What are you doing here?" Martha asked with a straight face as she saw Grey standing before the City her Family lorded over.

"Your sisters invited me over, very nice bunch." Grey replied.

"I knew they would, hence I"ve been keeping my eyes here." Martha replied, she looked at Grey with a frosty expression and said, "Leave."

"They said…"

"It doesn"t matter what they say, all that matters is what I say." Martha cut Grey off.

Grey grew quiet and looked his mother in the eyes, "I was just curious as to where my mother is from, since you have no interest in sharing, I guess I won"t ask."

"I hope Cori is doing fine, I"ll be leaving in a bit, the Necromancers found out about what we were up to, they don"t know the details, but they know we can"t attack any hideout with a Mid stage Sovereign, at least." He added.

Seeing Grey"s expression, Martha sighed.

"Fine, come with me, but you"re not allowed to visit without my permission." She turned into the City.

"Yes, your majesty." Grey bowed with a smile, his ruse worked. Even though he hasn"t spent too much time with his mother after she left, he still understood how she worked. She has always been very soft towards him, hard at his dad, but soft towards him.

He followed behind her like a gentle lamb, not making a single noise.

Martha didn"t want this, but she didn"t like seeing Grey with that particular expression, so she caved in.

They soon got to the largest manor in the City. The aura surrounding the manor was one of simplicity, but it was anything but that.

Martha stopped outside the gate and said to Grey, "I know what you"re doing, and I"ll make you pay for it sooner or later."

Grey"s body shivered when he heard his mother"s words. He was more afraid of his mother than even a G.o.d Plane Elementalist. His mother has always been an individual he dreaded, even though he didn"t think she was as strong as his father after coming to find some things. Even his father was afraid of her, what reason did he have to be

He followed behind her obediently as they entered the place. They moved around and got to a building.

"Cori is training here. Remember how you tried to stop her from advancing, well it didn"t work, neither did my attempt as well." Martha explained.

Grey listened to his mother and found out she came here because her father was the only one she knew who not only had a treasure that could help, but could also actively help her out.

Grey thanked his mother since he was the one who brought Cori into the house.

"It"s nothing, I like the little girl. She reminds me of me." Martha said to Grey and moved on to the next topic.

"Let me introduce you to my father."

Grey didn"t expect her to do this, but he went with her and they soon arrived in a cave inside the manor.

"My father is a simple man, but will turn you into something you"re not, him." Martha warned, "Don"t fall for his praises, he enjoys turning geniuses into him."

Grey nodded and followed his mother into the place.

When they entered, he saw four figures, two older ones, and two he was familiar with. The twins, and they were standing close to an older lady that looked just like his mother.

He didn"t need anyone to tell him the ident.i.ty of the older figures present there.

"h.e.l.lo, I"m Great Dawson." He introduced himself to those present there.

"No need, we all know who you are." The older looking man laughed.

"So this is my grandson." The man chirped as he took a good look at Grey, "He"s not all that. Why have you kept him away from me?"

Martha looked at her father, "Since he"s not all that, it"s best I take him with me then. Goodbye."

"Grey, I"ve been dying to see you. Come, give yout grandmother a hug." The older lady said.

Unlike her husband, she didn"t enjoy doing things that way. She preferred the gentle way of things.

Grey didn"t know what to do and looked at his mother. Martha sighed when she saw her mother"s expression.