Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 36: Mission Hall

Chapter 36: Mission Hall

It has been four days since the incident of Blake charging to the Starlight Academy occurred. Although there has been no major event, the people believed it was the calm before a storm. The Starlight Academy has always had a tyrannical att.i.tude, if not for Blake being so strong, it wouldn’t have ended the way it did.

Lunar Academy…

Grey was heading in the direction of the mission hall, he was now qualified to take on missions since he had broken through to the Arcane Plane. He had gone over to Blake’s office over the past four days, but he still wasn’t around.

He decided he would take on some missions to increase his experience. Although he usually spars with Klaus and Reynolds, there was a difference between sparring and a real battle.

After breaking through to the Arcane Plane, Grey got some unexpected surprise when he went into the chaos s.p.a.ce. He noticed with the awakening of his spiritual energy, he could sense the elements more clearly like it was in the real world. This will enhance his ability to improve his grade, which will in turn further increase his cultivation speed.

That was not the only surprise he got from the chaos s.p.a.ce, he also got the method on fusing elements. But he hadn’t tried it since he got it. If it’s not done properly, there was danger involved. He also got a cultivation technique from it, which was better than the one he got from the Academy.

His elemental essence is much more thicker than when he first used the one the Academy provided after breaking through to the Arcane Plane. His speed was not only faster in gathering elemental essence in his body. The essence not only got purer, it was also thicker than the previous one.

So before he attempts the fusion, he must ensure he could manipulate the elements freely. It was also a tedious task since it requires the full focus of an Elementalist during the beginning process.

Grey had already visited the library twice to check out techniques. He took two home to learn, which were a movement technique and a defensive technique. Students were only allowed to take one scroll out of the library, except for Dual Elementalists which were privileged to take two.

The student must return the scroll ten days after collection. Only after returning the one you collected can you collect a second one. But most students prefer to master the technique they were practicing before going for a new one.

The name of the movement technique was Lightning Steps, this technique enables the Elementalist to channel lightning essence around his feet to form something like a boot, giving the user a burst of speed. The distance you can cover depends solely on the Elementalist and the elemental essence in the body.

An Elementalist could decide to do a short burst while fighting, this can give him an edge over his opponent because of the quick change in his speed. The Elementalist can also focus fully on escaping, this is where the amount of essence in the body comes in.

The defensive technique he took was a basic Earth technique, Earth Wall. This technique allows the Elementalist to form a protective wall around himself. The earth element is truly the strongest defensive element.

Grey practiced those techniques for two days, after making small progress in it, he decided to return them and check out offensive techniques. He took one lightning and also one earth offensive technique.

The lightning technique was called Thunder Gloves, the technique involves coating the hands with lightning to attack. It’s a close combat technique. The Earth technique was called Shattered Rocks, it’s a long range attack. Although Grey preferred close combat due to his training, having an added attack option was good.

Grey had stayed at the Academy for over a year now, so he decided it was time to head out. He had gone out of the Academy over the year, but it was only to visit Lunar City with Klaus. Since Klaus was from the city, he often frequents it. But most of his attention was on his training.

After entering the mission hall, he went over to the side of the hall designated for students in the Arcane Plane. The hall was divided into three parts, the right side was for the students in the Arcane Plane, the one in the middle was for students in the Origin Plane, and the one in the left is for the Overlord Plane.

The Academy only have a few students in the Origin Plane, these students rarely stayed in the Academy. Once a student breaks through to the Origin Plane, they can decide if they want to graduate or still continue staying at the Academy. Most of them decides to return, while some of them choose to stay.

Some also decide to become instructors in the Academy. But you would need to break through past the Mid stages of the Origin Plane. Just like the case of Delia, after breaking through to the Origin Plane, she chose to stay and became an instructor at the Academy.

Each part, had students who were a.s.signed to hand out missions to students who wanted to do it.

There were seventeen missions available to students in the Early stages of the Arcane Plane. After glancing through all the missions, Grey decided to go with the one which he felt he could handle.

“h.e.l.lo, I would like to take the eighth mission” Grey said to the young man sitting behind the desk. The youth glanced at him before going through the scrolls in his desk.

After locating the mission scroll, he handed it over to Grey. “This mission was posted three days back. You have two weeks to return with the required item”. He took the mission which Grey took off the board after handing the scroll over to Grey.

Each mission has a time range on them, the student were required to finish the mission with the recommended time. “Okay”, Grey registered his name and left with the scroll.

Grey studied the scroll, the mission he took was to bring back three eggs of a Red Lizard. It was the breeding season of these lizards, and they could be found in the Misty Mountain. Red Lizards are fire attributes magical beasts and a fully grown Red Lizard is usually around the Early stages of the Arcane Plane.

Grey headed towards the Academy’s weaponry. Since he was already in the Arcane Plane, and was going out for a mission, it was time for him to choose a weapon.
