Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 393: I"ve Missed This!

Chapter 393: I"ve Missed This!

“Cease him,” Blazh ordered emotionlessly.

“As for the rest of you, you’ll be coming with us to the Capital.” He turned to the other elders.

This was a big offense, and the punishment was not light. There’s a high chance the Emperor would order Jean Smith’s execution, even if he’s not executed, then his cultivation would be destroyed.

Given the number of enemies he had gained for himself due to this heinous act, it would be difficult for him to protect himself. Even the Smith family wouldn’t be able to protect him, that’s if there’s a Smith family after this.

“You don’t need to take them along, this is all my doing,” Jean spoke, his voice bland.

“Hmph! That’s not for you to decide,” Blazh snorted coldly.

“Thank you for this important information, the empire would reward you accordingly,” He bowed to old man Gerald to show his grat.i.tude.

Gerald looked at Blazh, his bearing was amazing. If not for the fact that he knew him well, he would’ve thought Blazh had nothing against him from how he was acting.

“It’s nothing, since I’m residing in the empire, then it’s my duty to help out with what I can,” He waved it off.

He didn’t want to be rewarded for something he didn’t discover. It was all thanks to Grey, but unfortunately, he couldn’t tell Blazh that.

“Father will get back to you,” Blazh said.

“Release the ladies and find out which families they’re from. It would be best if this isn’t made public, but given the circ.u.mstances of things, I doubt we’ll be able to keep this matter a secret,” He added.

Gerald didn’t plan on doing anything else, he had already done his part, so now all that was left was to go back to his everyday carefree life. As long as Grey wasn’t caught, and he successfully leaves this area, then nothing would disturb his life again.

Once Grey grew to the peak, then he would return valiantly, and beat up the Emperor for seeking his life.

Blazh was quick to wrap things up at the Smith manor, after that, they immediately left for the Capital.

Given the urgency of the matter when they came to call them, he didn’t come with any extravagant ride or carriage befitting of a Crown Prince.

They hurried back to the Capital, and Jean was surprisingly on his best behavior, in fact, he hadn’t said a word since Blazh refused to leave the elders behind.

Even the elders that were in seclusion were called out.

Seeing their reactions, Blazh knew they had no hand in this, but it was up to the Emperor to decide what to do to the Smith family.

With Blazh gone, the few people he left behind quickly released the ladies, trying to get them to their respective homes.

Two hours later.

The entire city was abuzz, the only thing the citizens were talking about was the act of the Smith family.

Those who had ties with the Smith family came out to publicly criticize their evil deed.

It was amazing how quickly news spread out, even old man Gerald was astounded by this fact.

The businesses of the Smith family in the city were closed down till further notice, even if they were opened, who would want to go and buy things from the current public enemy.


Present time.

On hearing what happened from old man Gerald, Grey felt a little better inside.

He wasn’t excited because he saved so many people, although it was something that would make most people feel good, Grey wasn’t one of such people.

To be honest, all he wanted to do right now was to find a secret place, and start training peacefully, whenever he’s free, he’d work on his research. Had Void not been injured, then he would search for his parents, after finding them, he would then start working on other things.

‘*Sigh* Things never go as planned,’ He shook his head.

“You just saved tens of people, you should be happy,” Alice said when she saw his dull expression.

“Yay…” Grey said with a fake smile.

“I feel like pummeling you,” Alice pouted on seeing Grey’s fake show of happiness.

“You’re such a boring person. This is why I enjoy Klaus and Reynolds’ company more,” She added.

“I’m not, I just don’t indulge in self-exaltation as much as Klaus or Reynolds do. And besides, I have to find a way to heal Void, until then, I don’t really think I can be too happy,” Grey explained.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re boring,” Alice said.

“Alright fine, it’s nice saving those girls. Are you happy now?” Grey said with a resigned smile.

“Come, it’s been a long time since I fought with someone. Let’s spar!” Alice said with much enthusiasm.

“I’d rather not,” Grey said.


As soon as he finished his statement, he was nearly struck with a lightning bolt.

“What’s that for?” Grey couldn’t help but ask.

Unfortunately, he was met with another lightning bolt.

Alice was still in the Fourth stage of the Origin Plane, but her attack power was between the Sixth and Seventh stage of the Origin Plane.

Grey was forced to continue evading her attacks as she didn’t stop attacking. Whenever he tried to speak, he would almost be struck by an attack. Had he not been this fast, then she’d have already struck him with lightning by now.

As they continued sparring, his mood was lifted a little bit. The reason he was this sulky was that he recalled the last time he visited Frost City, Void was with him, but now, Void was still sleeping peacefully in his storage ring.

He didn’t even know what was going on with him, but he planned to see old man Gerald before leaving so he could check on him to see if the liquid he got from the young man back at the Chimera forest made any improvements to his condition.

They sparred for almost one hour, and even Grey was shocked by Alice’s urge to battle. Even after so long, she didn’t want to stop.

“Hehe, I’ve missed this so much!”
