Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 457: The Auction II

Chapter 457: The Auction II

The auction was going to be held in the evening, and old man Gerald had sent someone to give Grey a special vip invitation, which would ent.i.tle him to a special area in the auction.

These areas are usually left for those powerhouses and people from big families who come to attend the auction.

Later that night.

Grey wore light blue long sleeves and trousers, while also putting on a mask that covered half of his face, before stepping out of the tavern.

A carriage was already waiting for him outside, the insignia of the Lenz organization was drawn boldly on the side of the carriage.

Grey couldn’t help but praise old man Gerald for his resourcefulness. Although he wasn’t sure he would acquire anything from the auction, he would still like to see what would be on display. There might be something that might pique his interest.

The Lenz organization building.

This was the largest building in the whole of Lapis City. It had a large marketplace inside it, while there was a huge hall where the auction would take place.

By the time Grey’s carriage got to the building, it was already filled with people who were standing outside in an orderly manner, waiting to go in.

When Grey’s carriage got close to the building, the people by the side all turned to look at who it was that was being brought by a carriage. There were a lot of carriages outside, but the individuals all came down from the carriage and walked towards the building’s gate.

Grey wasn’t an exception. He stepped down from the carriage when they got close to the building, heading towards the gate with soft steps.

The guards at the gate were already waiting for him, even without seeing his invitation, they knew he was very special since he was brought here by the organization’s carriage.

“Right this way sir,” The guards made way for him to go inside, before closing off the gate once again.

Grey didn’t bother to look around, he walked straight into the building through the door the guards showed him. As soon as he walked inside, a beautiful young lady walked up to him.

“h.e.l.lo sir, may I see your invitation?” The young lady asked gently.

Grey brought out the invitation given to him by old man Gerald.

After taking the letter, the young lady gasped when she saw Grey’s viewing room in the hall was one of the best ones around. From the small part of Grey’s face that was visible, she could tell that he was very young.

‘He must be from one of the big families,’ She thought.

She didn’t brood over it for long as she returned the letter to Grey before saying, “Right this way sir,”

Grey nodded and followed behind her.

After a few minutes of walking, Grey got to the room he was a.s.signed. At the top of the room’s door, six was boldly written on it.

The young lady opened the door for Grey, who stepped in immediately.

“If you need anything, tug on that blue rope and I’ll come over. If you want to make a bid for any item, tug on the red rope,” The young lady said.

“Okay,” Grey said before walking towards the window which was covered by a thick gla.s.s.

He looked through the window and realized there were rooms just like this one around the hall. Each room was protected by an array that would keep the spiritual senses of others out. He tried looking past the other windows, but he realized there was no way to see what was in the room.

‘It’s good this way,’ He thought to himself.

He walked back to the chair close to the window, before taking a seat.

“Huh?” He raised his head curiously.

Looking behind him, he realized the young lady still hadn’t closed the door.

“Anything?” He asked.

“Ah… no, I’ll leave now sir,” The young lady said fl.u.s.tered before closing the door hurriedly.

“Uh! Odd,” Grey muttered.

Grey sat down quietly while patiently waiting for the auction to start. People were still flocking into the hall. He guessed it would be completely filled up within the next half hour or so.

Given the number of people he saw outside, he was confident that not all of them would be able to get into the hall.

One hour later.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this month’s auction. Since there are a few new faces here, we’ll state the rules once again.” A deep voice said, attracting the attention of Grey who had his eyes closed.

He looked at the platform in the hall, and a st.u.r.dy man who was around six foot three inches was standing there, giving a speech.

The rules of the auction were very simple, first of all, whoever is making a bid should ensure they have the items they’re offering, secondly, one shouldn’t use their status to intimidate others into not bidding for an item. There were still a few more rules, but Grey didn’t really take them into account.

“Now that you all is said, I’ll introduce our host for the day.” The burly man said after speaking out the rules.

“The beautiful, miss Verla,” The burly man said while showing the guests to his left.

Grey followed the man’s hand, and a beautiful young lady who wore a silver fitted gown walked onto the platform.

He heard from Klaus that the ladies who are always in charge of handling auctions are always beautiful, even though this was his first time attending one, he couldn’t refute Klaus’ words.

“h.e.l.lo everyone, it’s my honor to be your host for today. Hopefully, we all get what we want by the end of the event,” The young lady’s soft and clear voice resonated in the entire hall.

Given the size of the hall, Grey found it surprising that her soft voice could travel so far, effortlessly.

‘Hmm,’ Grey squinted his eyes, looking at the young lady.

There was something he found odd about her voice, he just couldn’t figure it out now.

“There are a variety of items up for sale today, from how the auction was previously held, after ten regular items, we will bring out one of the few good items we have today,” The young lady said.

The entire hall was quiet, waiting for her to continue. Seeing their attentiveness, the young lady nodded calmly before she continued.

“The first item on the list today is an old technique found in a cave deep in the Magical Beasts’ forest, it’s a fire element technique and the starting price for it will be three hundred and fifty mid-grade essence stones. For every bid made, the price must see an increase of twenty mid-grade essence stones,” The young lady took out a shabby-looking scroll that had dust all over it.

Grey didn’t show any interest in it, looking away right after it was introduced. He wasn’t interested in learning any techniques for now.

“Three hundred and seventy essence stones!” A voice rang out right after the young lady finished speaking.

“Four hundred!”

“Four hundred and twenty!”

The price of the technique quickly shot up to five hundred essence stones before it started slowing down.

In the end, it was sold off for six hundred and forty mid-grade essence stones.

After the first item was sold, the young lady brought out the next item which was an elemental weapon. The elemental weapon sold for one thousand two hundred mid-grade essence stones.

The auction continued, but nothing had been able to draw Grey’s interest. He couldn’t help but feel bored. Throughout the time all these items were being brought out, none of the people in the special rooms had made an offer for any item.

Grey guessed they were waiting for the ones which the young lady said were better than these ones.

After over thirty minutes, the young lady was done selling off the first ten items on the list, now it was time to bring out one of the good items she spoke about.

“Alright, just like I said from the start, after the first ten items, we will bring out one of the good items we have. The item we will be taking out now is something few people have seen, a Griffin’s egg,” The young lady said the last sentence slowly, making sure everyone heard it perfectly.

“What? A Griffin’s egg? If the first item on their list is this valuable, it’s unimaginable what the last item would be.”

“Wow! The auction this time is truly amazing!”

Different people were voicing their thoughts about the item that was placed for the auction.

Grey couldn’t help but sit upright when he heard of the item. He had seen a Griffin before and knew just how majestic they were. He couldn’t believe someone would actually find something like that and be willing to sell it.

‘*Sigh* I already have Void, he’ll oppress any other beast I decide to add to our group,’ He shook his head, rejecting the thought of bidding for the egg.
