Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 95: Unexpected Gift

Chapter 95: Unexpected Gift

“I refuse to accept this!”


A rumbling sound came out from the sky, it was like the sky was angry.

Crack! Crack!

The sounds of lightning could be heard all around the place.

The girl who was making her way towards Reynolds stopped in her tracks and stared at the sky.

“What’s happening?”

The boy asked in a surprised manner.

“Seems like it’s about to rain”

The girl said calmly.

“Could it be because of him?”

The boy asked pointing at Reynolds.

“You’re even dumber than I thought, why would it rain because of him?”

She looked at the boy like he was a moron.

“Guess the rain wants to help you wash away your blood after I’m done with you”

She once again focused her attention on Reynolds.

But what she saw amazed her, Reynolds, was standing once again.

“Your willpower is terrifying”

She couldn’t help but praise.

Reynolds was the first person she had seen who got back up after being knocked down multiple times. There were times she felt it was over, but Reynolds would stand up once again.

“I want to see just how long you can keep standing”

She waved her hand sending out a casual attack.

The attack hit Reynolds firmly, and he fell down once more.

Five minutes later…


Reynolds. .h.i.t the ground again.

In these five minutes, the girl had struck him over six times. But he always gets back on his feet. Stubbornness evident in his eyes, his body had already given up on him, but his mind keeps finding ways to make it move once again.

The sky was still rumbling, and the sounds of lightning got louder. But the a.s.sumed rain still hasn’t started.

“How does he still have the energy to get up?”

The boy asked with a shocked expression.

He has been watching Reynolds fall, and stand up again for five minutes now. If he were the one in his position, he knew there was no way he would still be up. He wouldn’t even have lasted this long under the a.s.sault of three people. But Reynolds not only lasted, but he also killed one of his attackers.

The girl on the other hand is already starting to get frustrated. Although she enjoys torturing her opponents, she has started feeling somewhat uneasy seeing Reynolds getting up every single time.

“Stay down”

She yelled releasing a stronger attack.

Previously, she was just having fun hence the strength of the attacks was meager since she believed he wouldn’t be able to take them even.


A raindrop dropped on her shoulder, feeling the coldness from the water, she calmed down. Soon, the rain started pouring down.

‘I guess the shock he’s been giving me after standing up multiple times is starting to affect my mind’

She thought with a wry smile appearing on her face.

When the boy saw the rain was finally falling, he heaved a sigh.

‘It truly isn’t because of him. Guess I was thinking too much’.

With this thought, he relaxed visibly.

Reynolds was on the ground, with the rain continuously hitting his face, he tried to raise his hands so he could cover his face with it, but it felt like something was placed in his hands which kept them stuck to the ground. Not just his hands, his entire body felt like it was being pressed to the ground by something heavy.

‘I refuse to accept this’

He kept repeating this word in his head.

He didn’t want to accept the fact that he was going to die, he couldn’t accept it. There was still a lot he had to do, he can’t fall here.


The sky thundered once again.

But none of them attached any attention to it. Had it been before the rain started falling, the boy might have still taken a peek, but now, he didn’t care anymore. Besides, it wasn’t the first time he was hearing the sounds of thunder anyway.

“What? You can’t stand anym…”

Before the girl could finish her statement, she paused halfway.

The reason for that was because, just like before, Reynolds was standing up once more.

“Why won’t you stay down?!”

Frustration was starting to eat her up.

She is the one beating him up, yet she was the one getting frustrated. Reynolds was just like a c.o.c.kroach, he just won’t die. His tenacity was insane.

“Just kill him already”

The boy said from the side.

He was already getting tired of watching the same thing happening over and over again. Reynolds clearly can’t fight back, yet, she still didn’t want to kill him. What was the reason? Was it to satisfy her s.a.d.i.s.tic nature? Or was there another reason for it?

“Shut up!”

She shrieked angrily.

“I’ll make sure you never stand again, how will you stand with a broken body?”

The girl laughed maniacally before aiming an attack towards Reynolds’s leg.

This time, she was ruthless and didn’t hold back. She wanted to break his leg. The fact that he had been standing up had already ruined the fun for her. Now all she wanted was to see him lying on the floor.




Just as her attack was about to hit Reynolds, lightning fell from the sky, its target, Reynolds.

The girl quickly retreated when she saw the lightning heading towards him.

“Hahaha, you see, even the heavens are angry with you. How will you rise from this?”

The girl laughed continuously.

Looking at the girl, the boy felt she wasn’t stable mentally. At first, she was enjoying it whenever Reynolds stood up, but then, she started getting frustrated whenever he does.

‘Is this coincidental?’

He felt suspicious about the whole event.

He remembered it was only after Reynolds roared did the clouds start gathering. But after the rain started, he thought it was just normal. But now, lightning suddenly fell and hit Reynolds. His thought process was still trying to comprehend what was going on.

‘What’s this? How come I don’t feel hurt?’

Reynolds who was covered in lightning felt a strange sensation.

His consciousness had almost faded when he suddenly saw the lightning heading towards himself. Although he was already very weak and was probably at death’s door, he still nearly s.h.i.t his pants from fright.

Although he is attuned with the lightning element, he still hasn’t reached the level where he can come in contact with real lightning and not get hurt from it. So, he was pretty scared.

Being completely covered by the lightning, none of the duos could see what was happening. They just felt the lightning will fry him, well, that was what was supposed to happen.

“Why is this taking longer than expected?”

The uneasiness the boy felt grew as time slowly ticked on.

When lightning strikes someone or a place, it doesn’t usually take more than two seconds, but Reynolds has been covered in lightning for over thirty seconds now.

‘I feel energized. Hmm, my body is absorbing the essence of the lightning’

Reynolds whose strength had already dwindled completely felt a surge of power flowing through his body.

His cultivation slowly started increasing. Within ten seconds, he had already reached the peak of the Arcane Plane. Just one more step and he’ll cross over to the Origin Plane.

Unfortunately, after getting to the very peak, it stopped increasing, and the lightning slowly started fading.

Seeing that the lightning was beginning to fade, the duo looked closer with squinted eyes.

“Why do I see two figures?”

The boy rubbed his eyes again feeling the light was the cause of it.

Staring at it again, it was still the same thing, and the lightning was fading at a faster rate now as if it was being absorbed by something.

He remembered Reynolds was the only one who was covered by the lightning, but he could swear he was seeing another figure in there currently.

“Do you see it also?”

He asked the girl just to confirm he wasn’t seeing double.

The girl didn’t reply to his question as her full attention was on the light, she too, could also see a second figure in the light.

When the light finally died down, they saw the cause of the other figure. Reynolds was standing calmly with a smug smile on his face, by his side, was a man, made entirely of lightning.

“A summoner”

The boy exclaimed.

“How could this be? If you were a summoner, you wouldn’t have waited this long before summoning…”

The girl froze mid-sentence and looked at the man made of lightning again.

Unlike the usual summons which is bigger, Reynolds’s summon was the size of a man. And what was surprising was the fact that it had a bow, a quiver, and a sword.

“No! Impossible! It’s… an elemental warrior!”

The boy shrieked in terror and immediately turned to flee.

Summons are divided into two, one is a normal summon just like the one Damian did at the tournament, while the other which is a grade higher and much stronger is the one Reynolds currently summoned. They are called Elemental Warriors.

Unlike normal summons which are mostly a stage above their summoners, the strength of an Elemental Warrior will see an increase after every leap in Plane. Meaning, for now, it’s only a stage above Reynolds, but once Reynolds breaks through to the Origin Plane, it would go two stages ahead and so on.

They could be said to be the perfect warriors, only, the consumption is just as terrifying as their capabilities. Currently, Reynolds could only keep it for about three minutes. But that’s enough to kill the duo.

“Don’t run you fool, we can hold it back for some time”

The girl tried to stop the boy, but she was unfortunately too late.



The sound of a released string sounded out, followed by the sound of something breaking the wind.

The Elemental Warrior had released a lightning arrow towards the running boy. Just one arrow and it didn’t follow up with another.


The sound of something hitting the ground was heard coming from some distance away. The boy was dead, he didn’t even make a sound before he died.

Reynolds sucked in a cold breath when he saw this.

“I don’t know if I should thank you or not. Hehehe, because if not for you, I wouldn’t have gotten this unexpected gift”

He laughed out in joy when he said this.

The girl suddenly felt regret for the first time.

‘Why didn’t I kill him when I had the chance?’

Despair washed over her, she knew she was no match for the Elemental Warrior since it was a Plane ahead of her. Had the boy stayed, they might have been able to fight for some time. Although they would still be defeated, it wouldn’t have been this quick.

“Go to h.e.l.l, you b****”

Reynolds looked on as the warrior charged towards her.

One minute later…


A shriek of terror was cut short.

The head of the girl was cut off by the warrior, with her mouth still wide open.

The warrior soon started to fade.

Reynolds heaved a sigh and looked around before walking to where the trio stood previously, he picked up the spear once again.

In the end, he still retained it…
