After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse's Boss For 363 Days

Chapter 1 : Transmigration

Chapter 1 : Transmigration

was another fantasy/sci-fi/thriller 3D masterpiece game of Qinglang Internet Entertainment. With its top technical team and magnificent and realistic world setting, it swept the online game world in an instant.

At the starting of the game, players can choose a basic ident.i.ty, such as students, white-collar workers, athletes and so on. The basic attributes of different professions were different. But whoever you are, after entering the game, you will appear in an ordinary residential building to complete the novice task of killing two zombies that broke into your home. Then you will work with your NPC neighbors to get to the real “novice village” – a large shopping mall used as a temporary stronghold. Here you will realize that you had awakened to an ability that was randomly a.s.signed and it could be upgraded under the same conditions as many novels had set – to acquire and absorb the nucleus of a high-level zombie.

But this was an online game, everyone all knew. Especially this kind of free game, its purpose was to earn money from the rich, earn the leisure time of those idlers, as long as you have enough money, you could just open the item store and having two full-level mutation ability instantly was no longer a dream – of course, considering the possibility of upgrading the ability and chances of failure, most people still could not afford this expense.

Zhang Zhiyin was an ordinary player of who had a little money and a little leisure time. He had little hope of curing his middle two illness  – He had a hopeless BOSS complex. He was clearly a good young man who helped Grandma to cross the street and give up his seat on the bus. But in the world of fiction, manga, novel, he always liked the villain BOSS so much.

The NPC of were not drawn out but calculated.

They had a set of NPC generating program, as long as a set of random numbers were inputted, the corresponding NPC image will be generated. Because of the huge NPC base needed in world setting, it not only saved the ill.u.s.trators but also guaranteed the diversity and authenticity of the game to the greatest extent.

But when creating the BOSS, they typed in a set of perfect numbers rather than random numbers.

BOSS was called Dr. Y. He was not only the so-called “Father of the zombie”, the culprit that caused the end of the world, but also the one who awoke all the abilities and evolved to the top through his own technical means after the end of the world. He was nicknamed “The man standing at the top of the end of the food chain” by the players.

At that time, the technical team wrote on the game forum through the data a.n.a.lysis that to kill Dr. Y, at least 50 players with zero-error seamless coordination of ability level and role were required. Later, it was added that the equipment of these people had to be top-notch. Then someone added that x.x.xX qualifications were needed… Anyway, the update of game plot was still far from overthrowing the big BOSS, no none of these could be verified.

In the current game setting, there was only one place that one could see Dr. Y, at the main plot task copy, “Abandoned laboratory" at Tianshui City. Players and teammates go there to help an old professor get important information. After clearing the copy, you could see the sudden appearance of Dr. Y. In the game scenario at this time, the player and his friends did not know the ident.i.ty of Dr. Y and will chat with him according to the task requirements. Dr. Y will silently glance at them before the player can take the task item of “an important information” to leave the place and complete the task. So this task was nicknamed “I come to do the task, meet the BOSS releasing his coolness “.

Tianshui City was not a very important place in the game. It only involved a main task and had no important resources or functional NPC. Players basically come here to do the task, finish it and leave. There was no one did come here often.

But there was one exception, Zhang Zhiyin.

“Abandoned Laboratory” was a difficult copy in the early stage of the game, but fortunately it"s a copy of the main plot so it would not be refreshed after it was completed. The monster inside will not be refreshed, and the ultimate BOSS that appeared as a character in the plot will not refresh.

Zhang Zhiyin and his teammates worked desperately to get through the copy when they were in the 20th level. Since then, he had been reporting here every day.

From Level 20 to Level 50, he used to find those monsters along the way from the transfer point to the copy gate, but now he only needed to throw two “froze” and the route will be smooth.

All the way to the familiar underground third floor of the laboratory, the gloomy and terrible atmosphere could not strike Zhang Zhiyin"s heart. Pushing open the door of the innermost room, he saw the familiar figure still lying quietly in front of the information cabinet.

It"s like he was waiting for him.

The sudden thought made his heart move slightly. Then Zhang Zhiyin couldn"t help laughing at the computer screen, knowing that it was just a data NPC, of course, he would be standing there all the time.

He went over and spoke on the channel.——

“Hey, here I am again!” A dialog box popped up from the top of his character. There was silly looking, but there would not be a second person here, so it doesn"t matter to be silly.

This was Zhang Zhiyin"s most important daily routine when he played – to brush up the BOSS. At first, it was just him taking a look, but then his BOSS brushing operation began to have no limit.

“Do you miss me? Are you bored? Let me dance for you.” Zhang Zhiyin clicked on the “Dance” option in “Daily Actions” and watched the little character twisting and wriggling in the computer screen. He started laughing and scolding himself for being so bored that he became a lunatic. Here he was flirting with virtual data.

“Daily Actions” page had a messy row of b.u.t.tons, Zhang Zhiyin"s evil intentions surfaced, he pressed “Kiss”.

However, the angle was not adjusted, so he kissed the information cabinet behind Dr. Y.

This was disagreeable! Dr. Y didn"t allow him to kiss him. Zhang Zhiyin curled his mouth and suddenly remembered something. He typed, “Y, can I hug you?”

Then he quickly added, “Today is the 100th day anniversary of our acquaintance.” To be exact, it was the 100-day anniversary of Zhang Zhiyin brushing the BOSS.

Inexplicably, he restrained all his indecent jokes and smiles. When he typed this sentence, his expression was extremely serious, his lips tucked slightly, and he quietly looked at the Doctor reclining on the screen, as if it was an innocent teenager asking his beloved girl out for the first time.

The BOSS in the game naturally was impossible to respond to him.

Zhang Zhiyin just took it that he accepted and adjusted the angle. A click of the mouse, the character with the name "Zhiyin" on top of his head leaned forward with his hands open and buried in Dr. Y"s chest, making an embracing gesture.

The scene was particularly warmth. Zhang Zhiyin"s mouth involuntarily evoked a shallow radian.

Although it was because of the 3D game pictures, “Zhiyin” hands did not enter the informational cabinet.

Zhang Zhiyin looked at the Doctor who had a cold face and laughed. He thought Dr. Y would want to kill him if he was alive at this time.

Although he knew that when he opened the dialog box, it will be the story dialog he had read hundreds of times –“… (He gave you a cold look), “Zhang Zhiyin still couldn"t help moving the mouse to the Doctor and pressing the left key.

There was only one sentence on the dialog box.——

“My name is Yin Nian.”


Zhang Zhiyin"s friends all felt that he was too bored. They can understand the joy of brushing the BOSS and trying to defeat him. But it was really uninteresting to go to BOSS and talk to yourself when he brushed him every day. They were deeply unable to understand how a man like Zhang Zhiyin could have such a girl hobby.

Friend A: “There only Zhang Zhiyin who can play like it was a love-nurtured game.”

Friend B: “If it"s really a dating game, then it must be a really big loss. The target has no response at all. In the end, even an overthrow achievement can"t be achieved. Which fool can be so stubbornly infatuated like Zhang Zhiyin.”

Whatever they said, Zhang Zhiyin still continued to brush the BOSS every day. The sentence “My name is Yin Nian.” that he finally brushed out gave him great encouragement. Although his friends all said that it was the result of the programmers debugging a place that no players visit. Whether Yinnian was the BOSS"s name had to be confirmed. Zhang Zhiyin thought so intellectually, but emotionally he could hardly restrain the joy of an iron tree blooming.

The game had activities during the Qixi Festival. Through a series of extremely complex tasks of the Qixi Festival, you can get a large bouquet of roses, which can be given to other players to increase affection and intimacy.

Glancing at the task site, it was all army of couples, Other than Zhang Zhiyin the bachelor, it was all game merchants who took this opportunity to seek private gains.

A friend in the game came up and said, “Zhiyin, you are single right?” Did you come here alone to sell money? Everyone"s selling too, just sell it to your brother."

Zhang Zhiyin turned his hand and put a large bunch of roses in his backpack. “No, I"m keeping it to give someone.”

The man looked at Zhang Zhiyin"s back and touched his chin and said that must be something going on.

Zhang Zhiyin flew directly to the underground third floor of the laboratory with a flying flag. The higher level you are, the more advanced props you have in hand. It was more convenient to see BOSS lord.

In the dark information room, Yin Nian stood there.

Zhang Zhiyin directed his character to go up to him, opened the “Daily Actions” and made a flower giving a pose. Then he opened his backpack, took out the beautiful dewy roses. He clicked on the ground, and the difficult to get [Qixi Festive"s special love for the special you exclusive most beloved rose] lay quietly on the floor of dark information room.

Other than this method, Zhang Zhiyin did not know how to give him the flowers.

“Happy holidays.” He said. Then he stood quietly and looked at Yin Nian.

Five minutes later, the roses on the ground flickered a few times, then they were recycled by the system and disappeared. “Zhiyin” stepped forward and gently embraced BOSS Yin.


In real life, many people met Zhang Zhiyin and ask him half-jokingly, “Xiao Zhang, are you in love?”

Zhang Zhiyin was shocked to realize that his feelings towards BOSS Yin were out of control, which was different from the villain BOSSES he had liked before. Those BOSSES were liked by many people, and they were a character symbol belonging to the public. But Yin Nian was not. This perfect BOSS, who was always standing quietly in the dark information room waiting for him, was not. Although he could not move, speak or react, in Zhang Zhiyin"s mind, this person belonged to him, only to him.

These two days were the anniversary of the first year of service. There were countless publicity activities in the game. Zhang Zhiyin pinched his finger and counted. In two days, it will be the first anniversary of his acquaintance with the BOSS. That"s good, he was preparing to see him for the last time before he deleted and stop playing.

He thought that he must kiss him one last time. After a year, he only dared to embrace him. This was too much of failure even if this was a doomed relationship in the first place.

It"s only a few seconds before the green light arrived. On the electronic screen of the building opposite, advertis.e.m.e.nts begin to appear again, which happened to be the first anniversary of . In the film, Dr. Y stood tall in a researcher"s standard white coat, surrounded by ice, fire, thunder, wind and other powers. Behind him were countless rows of gla.s.s pillars with horrible faces of zombies. He had a dark face and a grim expression. Although the ill.u.s.trator could not draw out his perfect face, his face still did not show any human-like feelings.

Zhang Zhiyin couldn"t move his eyes at once. When he saw all the people around him moving forward, he also moved forward unconsciously. The only eyes in his mind were those that were so familiar to him.

Until a "Bang" sound and a dull pain came. He lost consciousness. In his last awareness, it was still those dark eyes without any emotion.

Footnote :

Brushing : Visiting taking a look, being present e.g brushing Facebook

Middle Two Illness: 8th grades syndrome, acting like an embarra.s.sing 13/14 years old students. a slang.

Qixi Festive: Chinee Valentine Day

Iron Tree : seldom, i mean have you seen a iron tree ?

Xiao: Small