After Transmigrating Into The Cultivation World, The School Topper Was Reborn

Chapter 15

Publishedat 7th of May 2020 10:41:08 PM
Chapter 15

No matter what Mother Su said, the next day Mr . Ke called Mr . Zhao and settled the matter . He let her parents take her there that weekend .

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Father Su attached great importance to Su Xingchen’s progress .

He got up early in the morning on the weekend, combed his hair, and shaved his beard . He woke Su Xingchen up, “Hurry up, don’t be late . Since you decided to study you have to study hard and you can’t go fis.h.i.+ng for three days or use the net for just three days like before . ”

Su Xingchen brushed her teeth and nodded .

No one used the bathroom with her on the weekend . She finally didn’t have to wash her face behind the kitchen and didn’t have to wait for them to finish bathing before using the bathroom .

Mother Su heard the movement and poured cold water on Father Su, “What’s the use, you just wait, she will give up in less than three days,” she snorted .

“Will she study? How many exams have you missed in these years? Only you and my sister-in-law will believe her lies and say that she will study . If she studies, I will eat all my books! “

When Father Su heard that, he deliberately excited Su Xingchen, “You heard it, you should study hard, and let your mother eat her books!”

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Father Su deliberately joked to ease his wife’s provocation . The tense atmosphere changed when Su Xingchen said, “She will eat them, I will watch her eat them all!”

Father Su laughed, “Okay, I’ll wait and see . ”

While Su Xingchen was not paying attention, Mother Su stared at Father Su, who was carrying the rice wine brought by their two friends from Shaoxing and leading Su Xingchen away .

It took only five or six minutes from the community to Mr . Zhao’s home by car . At this time, it was still early . Father Su took her for breakfast first and then sent her over .

When they reached, they found Mr . Zhao’s family was still having breakfast . She was the first to arrive .

Mr . Zhao was a very kind old man . He was not tall, about one and half meter . His hair was combed in halves which was popular in the nineties .

His wife Teacher Qin was wearing . Her hair was meticulously combed, there was no smile on her face and she looked very serious .

Father Su saw them and immediately came forward with a smile . He put down two bottles of rice wine and said, “Are you Teacher Zhao? I am Su Xingchen’s father . ”

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Teacher Qin on the side glanced at the rice wine on the table, and said, “Take it back . ”

Father Su smiled and said, “This is a little yellow wine made by me, It’s worthless . The temperature these days is very low . Drinking a gla.s.s in winter can warm your stomach . My dad likes to take a sip and be healthy . ”

Considering his sentiment, Teacher Zhao accepted it and said he taught and provided three meals a day .

Before Father Su left, he said to his daughter, “Since you came here, you should study hard . You can’t skip . Listen to the teacher, I will pick you up at night . ”

For Father Su, as long as she no longer went online, played games with those green-haired little gangsters and spent money, it was worth his money no matter what his daughter could learn from her visit . If she could still learn something and improve her score a little bit, that would be an additional gain .

He couldn’t say this to Su Xingchen . He didn’t tell Mother Su as he was afraid she would hit her, he just thought about it in his heart .

Before Zhao finished his meal, he took two papers and asked her to go to the desk inside to take a test, “How much can be done, how much can I do, let me see how your foundation is . ”

The community where Mr . Zhao’s family lived was relatively old and the overall appearance was relatively dim . It was winter now . All lights in Mr . Zhao’s house were turned on during the day . The living room suddenly looked bright and dignified .

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There was nothing in the living room, only a coffee table, and a sofa . There was a long table that looked like it was bought from a second-hand market . It was covered with a light blue checkered tablecloth, around which a few chairs were placed to eat like those in restaurants .

Su Xingchen opened the paper to find that the questions looked very familiar . At first glance, she could tell that the questions were very simple, but because she was in another realm for thirty years, she had forgotten all these simple formulas . Like there was a veil on her memory, the truth was close, but one just couldn’t think of it .

In the end, she just wrote some very basic common-sense questions . Some calculation questions were basically not answered .

But she knew that these questions were very simple, as long as she gave a glance at the examples and formulas, it would be alright .

She was just so confident ╮ (╯ 3 ╰) ╭

Teacher Zhao came over after breakfast, looked at her test paper, and then looked at her .

He knew that the students who came to study must have a bad foundation, but he didn’t expect this student’s foundation to be so bad .

At this time, there were only a few minutes until eight o’clock, and the other students would come at nine o’clock . Teacher Zhao simply sat down and taught her a basic lesson .

He taught mathematics . Teacher Qin loved to teach physics and chemistry .

Starting from the most basic, after asking an example, he would ask, “Do you understand?”

She nodded .

“If you understand, just do this question . ”

Su Xingchen finished the question .

Teacher Zhao found that she was learning quite quickly and then went on to talk, “Do you understand?”

“Yes . ”

“Understand this question and solve it . ”

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