Agartha: Quest For The Legacy

Chapter 27

"Mother… Father… When will we meet?" She stroked the pendant on her neck as she thought.

Somewhere far away, two persons were sitting on two thrones side by side and their looks commanded attention. They clutched their hearts at the same time and looked at each other and whispered together. "Olympia."

Sadness thoroughly laced their voice and tears glistened in their eyes. The lady with the red hair said, "Aiden, we should do something." The man named Aiden looked towards a corner and said slowly, "Let"s wait for a while. I hope that he goes to that place. Only then would he be able to unleash his full potential."

"But…" The lady was starting to counter his words when Aiden cut him off saying, "Listen to me Demi. It is about their safety. You know very well that showing ourselves in this world is not good. It might bring harm upon everyone."

Unwillingness flashed in Demi"s eyes but she said, "I understand." She did not want to risk the lives of everyone. Neither Olympia nor Brad would be able to do anything if those old monsters strike. She sighed and the surrounding temperature of the hall increased a bit. The ministers were at a loss. They did not know what happened to their queen but they knew better than to open their mouth.

Demetria looked at the ministers and slowly retracted her heat. She looked faraway at the sky and suddenly changed her form to that of a fiery red phoenix and flapped her wings to fly into the wide sky. All the ministers were dumbfounded at the sight of the majestic phoenix flying into the sky suddenly. Aiden smiled. He knew that his wife needed to vent out her emotions and it was easier in her original form. Humans have complex range of emotions, but being in a beast form helps her sort out her emotions. He wasn"t worried for her as he knew that n.o.body could hurt the queen of the phoenix clan.


Brad was listening to his mother and father silently, but couldn"t make much out of the situation. He knew that they were talking about him. He turned to Olympia to ask her about the situation when he saw that she was standing rooted on spot and the temperature surrounding her was fluctuating.

Brad panicked a bit and then slowly stretched his hand and placed on Olympia"s shoulder and slowly called her, "Olympia… Olympia… Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. Everything is okay. Do you remember that I told you about something is calling me, and you need to retrieve it?" Olympia questioned Brad.

"I do. But how to find it?" Brad inquired.

Olympia closed her eyes and then pointed towards the northern direction. "That thing is towards the north. We need to journey there."

"Okay." He agreed without any hesitation. He added, "But I need to return to my college. My friends will be worried."

Olympia nodded her head. Her heart felt unsettled. She wanted to go there as soon as she can. But she knew that Brad has his own life, so she said nothing before returning to the s.p.a.ce between Brad"s brows.

Brad went down to the living room and called out, "Mum. Dad."

"Brad, why are you downstairs?"

"I wanted to stretch my body. It feels so stiff." He replied casually.

"Do you want to eat something? Let me prepare your favorite pancakes for you." Amelia did not wait for Brad"s reply as she darted towards the kitchen. Brad smiled at his mother"s antics, but said nothing otherwise.

"Son, how are you feeling?"

"I"m good. Dad, you have stubbles. Why didn"t you shave? This look doesn"t suit you, Mr. Mayor." Brad laughed as he shifted to the side of the couch to sit comfortably.

Stephan stared at his son and suddenly didn"t know what to say. Suddenly he laughed out loud and patted his son"s head. "You have grown up." Brad burst into laughter and both of them shared a hearty laugh together. This was the scene Amelia witnessed as she came into the living room.

"Mom, did you go somewhere?" Brad asked suddenly.

"Huh? How did you know?" Amelia asked.

"Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of Detective Brad." Brad smirked at his mother.