Agriculture Escape: Ultimate Boss Has A Space Pocket!

Chapter 481: Where Is Your Highness?

Chapter 481: Where Is Your Highness?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Before n.o.ble Consort Ling gave birth to Chu Tianbao, she had also spent a long time preparing the delivery kit.

After the child was born, she had eczema and jaundice. It even frightened her.

She had been in Carefree City for a few days and knew that women in Carefree City were the same as men. They could go out to work.

It was difficult to begin with if a woman was pregnant. If she still had to care about her work, she indeed did not have the energy to carefully prepare those complicated things.

If there were cheap and convenient mother and child products, as Bai Wutong had said, they would definitely be very popular.

Before n.o.ble Consort Ling was cooped up in the backyard, she was also a wife in charge of the family.

She had also managed several businesses.

But after so many years, her edges had been blunted.

n.o.ble Consort Ling said weakly, “I only know how to make some clothes. I’m afraid I won’t be able to manage the business well.”

Bai Wutong immediately said, “Mother, there’s no hurry. You can learn from the others first and understand the preparations for opening a shop before confirming the direction you want to take. Those were all my suggestions just now. You can also sell baby clothes alone. It’s not as complicated as opening an exclusive store for mothers and children. No matter what you want to do, Chu Tianbao and I will support you.” Tuantuan and Yuanyuan were personally taken care of by Chu Tianbao and Bai Wutong. n.o.ble Consort Ling had a lot of free time in the residence.

Occasionally, when she saw women rushing to work, she would reveal a trace of melancholy.

Bai Wutong was just being sincere.

n.o.ble Consort Ling couldn’t bear to refuse and mustered her courage to accept it. “Alright, I’ll learn it first.”

Bai Wutong smiled. As long as n.o.ble Consort Ling took the first step, she would definitely be able to be regain her life.

Before opening the shop, she had to learn the business regulations of Carefree City. She also had to understand the market and target the products.

Bai Wutong had trained many managers under her. Chen Yao was in her early thirties. Previously, she could not read a word, but with her unyielding att.i.tude and resilience, she learnt all the characters and mastered all kinds of basic arithmetic and store management methods. She also used her intelligence to achieve top-notch results. She became the manager of a female products shop in one go and managed dozens of people.

Bai Wutong felt that she was the most suitable person to guide n.o.ble Consort Ling and arranged for her to learn from her and understand how a female products shop operated.

Since she had decided to do it, she had to do it well!

n.o.ble Consort Ling was not hesitant at all. The next day, she became Chen Yao’s a.s.sistant.

n.o.ble Consort Ling’s ident.i.ty had never been published in the newspapers, and only a small number of people had seen her appearance.

As soon as she arrived at the shop, everyone was dazzled by her astonishing beauty.

In their minds, they could not help but think of the word that the great scholars usually muttered – dazzling!

Everyone could not help but be puzzled. “You are?”

n.o.ble Consort Ling pointed. She was wearing the same clothes as them and said with a smile, “I’m the new a.s.sistant store manager.”

As soon as she said that, Tian Chunli, who had dreamed of becoming the store manager’s a.s.sistant, immediately turned hostile.

She turned around fiercely and placed the goods especially down loudly.

The others rolled their eyes at Tian Chunli and surrounded n.o.ble Consort Ling to ask enthusiastically, “You’re so beautiful. Why have we never seen you in Carefree City?”

“Aiyo, your skin is so fair.” After saying that, she even touched her hand. “It’s like tender tofu!”

“Your family must be very well-off. Why are you thinking of coming out to work?”

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the other women gestured for her to stop.

n.o.ble Consort Ling might be a concubine chased out by some family’s madam. Wouldn’t asking her this be putting her at a spot?

n.o.ble Consort Ling did not know that they would think that way. She replied gently, “It’s a blessing to be able to come out to work.” She could take control of her life and have freedom without fear of being locked in a cage again.

The women did not know what she meant. They only felt that n.o.ble Consort Ling’s aura was extraordinary. She was like a virtuous young lady from a wealthy family, making people pity her and not dare to say anything harsh.

Only Tian Chunli said sarcastically, “Pretentious!”

She looked so weak, yet she could even be the store manager’s a.s.sistant. It must be all thanks to her relationship with men.

Everyone told n.o.ble Consort Ling to ignore her and arranged for her to wipe the gla.s.s at the side first and that Manager Chen would be here in a while.

When Chen Yao knew that n.o.ble Consort Ling was going to be her a.s.sistant, she was even more shocked than when she had become the store manager.

She rushed to the shop. Unexpectedly, she was. .h.i.t by a bicycle on the way.

After being stopped and forcefully sent to the doctor, they were delayed for a while and arrived at the shop a little later than n.o.ble Consort Ling.

As soon as she entered the shop, she searched everywhere for n.o.ble Consort Ling.

However, as soon as she found her, she saw Tian Chunli carrying a pile of goods and ordering n.o.ble Consort Ling to place it at the highest point of the counter.

n.o.ble Consort Ling was about to accept it good-naturedly when Chen Yao hurriedly walked over and s.n.a.t.c.hed it away. She suddenly stuffed it back into Tian Chunk’s arms. “Do your own job. Why are you instructing others!”

Tian Chunli was angry but did not dare to say anything. She glared at n.o.ble Consort Ling.

Chen Yao’s heart skipped a beat. Afraid that Tian Chunli would cause trouble and implicate her, she introduced to everyone, “Madam You will be learning and observing in our shop for a period of time. Don’t treat her badly.”

Madam You?

And not to treat her badly.

How was this an a.s.sistant? It was clearly a master to serve!

Moreover, who would be so bold as to pull strings and stuff someone in to fool around?

Just as everyone was looking at each other and making wild guesses, a woman who had come to the shop to buy an umbrella complained, “Why have there been more soldiers on the street?” In the next second, she touched the umbrella. The moment she saw n.o.ble Consort Ling, she was stunned on the spot. “Your Highness, Your Highness…”

As she did not know what to call her, she stopped when she called out “Your Highness”.

The shop a.s.sistants were stunned. “Your Highness? Where is your Highness?”

Their Carefree Kingdom only had one duke, which was the Great Empress’s husband.

Chen Yao suddenly said, “Call her Madam You!”

Only then did the woman bow to n.o.ble Consort Ling as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. “Greetings, Madam You!”

n.o.ble Consort Ling knew that she would definitely be recognized and accepted it calmly. “There’s no need to be so polite.”

Your Highness, Madam You, greetings!

Wasn’t it rumored a few days ago that Chu Tianbao’s biological mother had been brought to Carefree City?

Was… was that the person in front of them?

Before the shop a.s.sistants could react, they were already dumbfounded. They hurriedly bowed to n.o.ble Consort Ling and expressed that they shouldn’t have instructed her to wipe the gla.s.s just now.

Tian Chunli, who had thrown countless cold faces at n.o.ble Consort Ling and was deliberately targeting her, could barely stand steadily.

A few days ago, she had even mocked that unlucky fellow, Wen Caixiu, for offending the Great Empress’ mother-in-law. In the end, retribution fell on her so quickly.

She had been wronged. Who knew that n.o.ble Consort Ling would not continue living like a n.o.blewoman and would come to the shop to be a small a.s.sistant? She did not tell them her ident.i.ty at the beginning. Wasn’t this on purpose!

Tian Chunli looked at n.o.ble Consort Ling bitterly and forced a smile, hoping that n.o.ble Consort Ling would not stoop to her level.

n.o.ble Consort Ling was used to all kinds of cold treatment in the Chu royal family. Tian Chunli was not worthy of her anger.

She was as gentle as before. “There’s no need to be reserved. Please guide me well.”

Her gentle voice was like the spring breeze sounding, and everyone was instantly less nervous..