Aim the Deepest Part of the Different World Labyrinth (WN)

Chapter 6 – Labyrinth Country


Chapter 6 – Labyrinth Country

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

As I observe my surroundings, I see a bunch of ordinary and soft hearted people around me.

The first time I meet the people here they had cut my leg and used me as a decoy. I’m sure now that they did so for the sake of escaping and they weren’t being mean spirited. For now, only a normal and indescribable anxiety remains. I am certain (it was all due to the girl named Lastiara).
I mingle with the good natured people and I talk to them with a 『proper』 and dignified tone.

The female duo from before walked pa.s.s me.
There was no grace in how they carried themselves.

I head to the exit, but I’m still unsure if this is the correct way. People are coming in from this direction. I held my ground, and continued.

Although, there were some onlooker among the groups of people, no problems arose.

And thus, while on the 『correct path』 , after 10 minutes of climbing several flights of stairs, I struggle to the exit and finally arrived there.

「yup, yup……」 (Kanami)

My eyes bathed in the sunlight, and my body bathe in the calm wind. The labyrinth’s atmosphere couldn’t even compare to this sensation.
I have return to the surface, alive.

As joy spreads through my entire body, a man with perfect posture walks up and greets me.

「Hey there, brother.」 (unknown man)

The man has a friendly smile. However, I notice that he has a dangerous looking sword around his hip.

Not to long ago, as I was climbing up to this 『gateway』, I considered the high possibility of encountering guards upon reaching here.
The thought makes me break out into a cold sweat. I try to suppress my feelings of uncertainty.

「Eh, you appear to have had a hard time……」 (unknown man)

I reply with inoffensive language.

「Phew, certainly I do look worn-out. This time, I didn’t get a chance to wash-up.」 (Kanami)

With his thumb the man points to a place in the distances.

「Thank you very much. I’ll go there right away.」 (Kanami)

I heard him say something about a 『water service』. In grat.i.tude, I bow to him.

「No problem, it’s my job.」 (unknown man)

And thus, I walk along the path the man had indicated.
As I continue onwards, I thought more about the conversation I had with the man from moments ago. He had mentioned that our conversation is apart of his 『job』. Whether or not his duty involves a.s.sisting the public is uncertain. But, it is highly likely that he was trying to help me.

I reach a well, after walking for a while.
After hearing that there is a water service here, I had thought it would be more modern. It is quite disappointing. Whatever, if it works, why complain.

The well mechanism is similar to the ones in my home world. It didn’t take long to draw the water.
First, I should refill the leather water bag from my 『belongings』. I soak my clothes in water, and I try to wipe the dirt and grime off the wet clothes. They somewhat become cleaner. Although scrubbing them with just water is good, I’m concern about the smell from only rinsing it with just water. (T/N: ah yes, traveling to another world to do laundry)

While doing my laundry, I thought more about the male guard that I had talked to not so long ago.
So that I don’t become a hazard to the crowd of people, it is best that I don’t talk to random strangers; because, that would be dangerous. To be good at collecting information one requires proper character and good judgement. It doesn’t matter if one’s appearance is detestable.

I simulated several practice conversations before naturally approaching the man from before. (T/N: are ya asking him out on a date)

「Phew, there were several times that I thought I wouldn’t make it. You really made my day.」 (Kanami)

「…… eh, is that all? Are there no other locations?」 (Kanami)
「Ah, this here is a nation of knights. The labyrinth is the main lifeline of the 5 countries; it is their primary source of income.」 (male guard)

Uh-huh. He doesn’t seem to hear me, and our word simply pa.s.s by one another.

To be frank, they do not understand modern matters such as things like terms used from my home world. However, the people in this world my response to 『magic』 related topics. Although, my expectations are low since it is a topic I do not understand. I’m not at a level to where I can comprehend it.

I pretend to act as if I’m aware of their general knowledge.

「『Fuuzuyaazu』, is money used there?」 (Kanami)

「Eh, yes, I just got here.」 (Kanami)

「I see, do you mind teaching me about the various places in this country that I should know about?」 (Kanami)

「Indeed, thank you very much.」 (Kanami)

Feeling great grat.i.tude to him, I bow to the man.

「It is fine, it’s my job after-all.」 (male guard)

While saying there is no need for thanks, the man’s cheeks are flush with embarra.s.sment.

I judge that this conversation can no longer be extended. Although, the man keeps saying that it’s apart of his job, he might have merely used it as a pretense to chat. Leaving things as they are, I decide to leave.

「Well, until next time.」 (Kanami)
「Ah, see you later.」 (male guard)

I give a slight wave, and make my way to the central plaza.

Having walked around, I’m starting to grasp the layout of the backside of the labyrinth outside of the entrance.

In the center, there is a big tree that protrudes into the sky and it towers over its surroundings. Among the big tree’s layer of branches, there are beds of jewel like ornaments laid out.
The ornaments themselves are gigantic. Perhaps, they are in someway related to the labyrinth?

I’m move further away from the labyrinth.

I’ve finally arrive in town.

The street has a design that looks similar to a royal road found in a RPG video game. I feel that the appearance is bias in favor of western culture from the medieval age.

The street is oddly setup; there are pretty gem like ornaments everywhere. The ornaments are line-up with gaps in-between. They are placed along the 『road』 that leads to the labyrinth. Perhaps, gems are not as valuable in this world.

As I walk along the main road, I see numerous buildings; from wooden one to brick ones, they are constructed from various kinds of materials. The people I see walking around the street seem lively. I also see a diversity of people. There is a person wearing casual smocks, and also a person wearing heavy armor. The heavy armor makes a clucking noise as the person walks. This place is overflowing with humans that have various skin colors. From time to time, I see a person with an animal like form. A so called, half man/ half beast, one would call it. I see a person with sharp fangs sticking out, and a person with long ears. There is also a person with a fluffy tail and someone with beautiful plumes. I see, there are many fantasy races here. (T/N: thought this paragraph would never end)

My common sense or should I say lack of common sense has turned into an unusual blend.
Anyhow, I’m racking my brain as I try to get it all together.

Although, there are a lot of people, it doesn’t feel crowded. But, instead I feel that the vast sky is suffocating me. And thus, I feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. It reminds me of the time when I was a child, and I had gotten lost in a department store. As if the world was ending, I feel a hopeless sense of despair.
This is the current world I live in. I am, I am――

――Skill 『???』 is out of control.

Confusion has been corrected by +1.00――

「Ah……」 (Kanami)

The 『display』 vanish.

I feel at peace.

I’m a.s.suming that the 『???』 skill has relieved me of my anxiety. Is it possible that this skill is actually a dangerous wolf in disguise?

I look around but there is no one I recognize. I look around but nothing looks familiar.
It is too detailed, to realistic, and to large-scale.

This scenery before me is proof that this is not my home world.
What a shocking turn of events. This foreign country is a theme park attraction; this place is savage land located on Earth; but, this is merely my wishful thinking. The thought is stripped away and it falls apart.

Ah, it can’t be helped. I need to come to terms with all.

I have nothing to lose. I calmly come up with my next plan of action.

「First, I should check the signboard.」 (Kanami)

I psyche myself up and walk down the street with a confident expression.
Fortunately, my attire didn’t stand out. The sword and overcoat I’m wearing are uncommonly seen among the other adventurers; I also want a pretty outfit.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrive at the plaza. The size of this place is comparable to a baseball dome. There are fountains and stone benches.

In the center, there is a remarkably big fountain; and, beside it there is a large signboard. No one is looking at the signboard. Rather, very few people have stopped to observe the plaza. Perhaps, unless there is a special event, this place is just an ordinary road.

On the signboard, there is a giant map with a few notes written down. There is also a record of this country’s history inscribed here. In the water fountain, there is a statue of a man in his prime. Perhaps, this is the country’s national monument.
As I view the signboard, I try to memorize everything on it.

While reading the signboard, I learn that this country was 『built for the labyrinth』. It seems this place is a labyrinth country.

To be accurate, the full story is the 5 countries had allied; and, they all share a common believe that the 『labyrinth』 should be conquered. The legend says that whoever clears all 100 trials, 『their wish will come true』.

The requirement is to clear the labyrinth.
If I want to return to my home world, I must clear the labyrinth’s 100th floor, it seems?

I continue reading.

I’m currently in 『Fuuzuyaazu』, the area north from the labyrinth. It says that this country was founded by a great knight. The n.o.bles of this country believe in the code of chivalry.

In Fuuzuyaazu there are 100 district/ addresses. The first few address belong to the residents of young n.o.bles that live here. It seems to be some sort of custom.
By the way, this is district 21. If I advance forward from here, I’ll arrive in district 22, the shopping area. The public inst.i.tution are located in the district 20.

If the information is correct, the library should be in the district 20. I make my way there.

The library’s sign stood out from the rest of the street. It wasn’t difficult to find. As I enter the building, I hide my uneasiness. The receptionist looked my way, but I wasn’t stopped.

It is a large european style building. Inside it is quiet; it’s a normal library. I take several books that look useful to me. I bring them to a table and I sat down.

I open the book and begin to read. A problem arose.
To be more accurate, I realized something.

「Why, how is it possible for me to read this……」 (Kanami)

I mutter.
In response, the people who had been quietly reading, raised their head and stared at me.

「Ah, excuse my rudeness.」 (Kanami)

I make an apologetic bow. Not long after, they lose interest and they when back to reading.

In the first place, did they not find my style of apologizing unusual?
Among the people who looked over here, there was a blond caucasian man; and also a person with a fluffy tail and animal ears. Does any of them have knowledge about a j.a.panese person; or, has anyone of them been acquitted with one?

On closer examination, the characters used in this book are neither the Latin alphabet nor j.a.panese characters. For some reason, I’m able to understand this world’s language perfectly.

Perhaps, the words that I speak are being automatically translated.

From j.a.panese to this unknown language; from this unknown language to j.a.panese, it’s being translated.
It might be due to 「magic」; I’ll leave it at that for now. However, does that mean the world has an effect on my brain? For it to effect my mind and change my memories and personality, it is a dreadful thing indeed――

――Skill 『???』 is out of control.

Confusion has been corrected by +1.00――

Uh……, again……

The fear that had been bottling up had disappeared.

If I’m correct, it activates base on my emotions. A much as possible, I should refrain from having negative thoughts.

「Phew……」 (Kanami)

I take a deep breath and relax.

Although, this might not be composer I’m feeling.

The 『display』 only adds to the confusion. However, contrary to the display, inside I feel quite calm. Perhaps, the skill 『???』 cancels out my confusion. But, despite it, my status still shows 「condition : confusion 2.99」. Seeing this 『display』 makes me feel uneasy.

My feelings of uneasiness couldn’t be helped.

Through this hardship, I stay calm and I try to concentrate.
And thus, I continue reading the book.

This world, the countries here, and the culture; their whole civilization and mind set is structured around the labyrinth.
As long as time permits it, even if it takes an eternity, I will try to do as much as I can.

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[{"type":"post","id":356,"postID":356,"":"page post-356 type-page status-publish hentry author-uniquegasuki","parentID":0,"t.i.tleRaw":"aDL 06","t.i.tleFiltered":"aDL 06","t.i.tleWasGeneratedFromContent":false,"contentRaw":"nnu7570u4e16u754cu8ff7u5baeu306eu6700u6df1u90e8u3092u76eeu6307u305du3046nAim for the Depths of the Different Worlds Labyrinthn6.u8ff7u5baeu56fdu5bb6nChapter 6 - Labyrinth CountrynnnnMTL: uniquegasukinEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)nnnnAs I observe my surroundings, I see a bunch of ordinary and soft hearted people around me.nnThe first time I meet the people here they had cut my leg and used me as a decoy. I"m sure now that they did so for the sake of escaping and they weren"t being mean spirited. For now, only a normal and indescribable anxiety remains. I am certain (it was all due to the girl named Lastiara).nI mingle with the good natured people and I talk to them with a u300eproperu300f and dignified tone.nnThe female duo from before walked pa.s.s me.nThere was no grace in how they carried themselves.nnI head to the exit, but I"m still unsure if this is the correct way. People are coming in from this direction. I held my ground, and continued.nAlong the way, various groups of people pa.s.s by me.nAlthough, there were some onlooker among the groups of people, no problems arose.nnAnd thus, while on the u300ecorrect pathu300f , after 10 minutes of climbing several flights of stairs, I struggle to the exit and finally arrived there.nnu300cyup, yup......u300d (Kanami)nnMy eyes bathed in the sunlight, and my body bathe in the calm wind. The labyrinth"s atmosphere couldn"t even compare to this sensation.nI have return to the surface, alive.nnAs joy spreads through my entire body, a man with perfect posture walks up and greets me.nnu300cHey there, brother.u300d (unknown man)nnThe man has a friendly smile. However, I notice that he has a dangerous looking sword around his hip.nJudging by his appearance, he doesn"t seem hostile. The man is formally dressed.nNot to long ago, as I was climbing up to this u300egatewayu300f, I considered the high possibility of encountering guards upon reaching here.nThe thought makes me break out into a cold sweat. I try to suppress my feelings of uncertainty.nnu300cEh, you appear to have had a hard time......u300d (unknown man)nnI reply with inoffensive language.nnu300cPhew, certainly I do look worn-out. This time, I didn"t get a chance to wash-up.u300d (Kanami)nnWith his thumb the man points to a place in the distances.nnu300cThank you very much. I"ll go there right away.u300d (Kanami)nnI heard him say something about a u300ewater serviceu300f. In grat.i.tude, I bow to him.nnu300cNo problem, it"s my job.u300d (unknown man)nnAnd thus, I walk along the path the man had indicated.nAs I continue onwards, I thought more about the conversation I had with the man from moments ago. He had mentioned that our conversation is apart of his u300ejobu300f. Whether or not his duty involves a.s.sisting the public is uncertain. But, it is highly likely that he was trying to help me.nnI reach a well, after walking for a while.nAfter hearing that there is a water service here, I had thought it would be more modern. It is quite disappointing. Whatever, if it works, why complain.nnThe well mechanism is similar to the ones in my home world. It didn"t take long to draw the water.nFirst, I should refill the leather water bag from my u300ebelongingsu300f. I soak my clothes in water, and I try to wipe the dirt and grime off the wet clothes. They somewhat become cleaner. Although scrubbing them with just water is good, I"m concern about the smell from only rinsing it with just water. (T/N: ah yes, traveling to another world to do laundry)nnWhile doing my laundry, I thought more about the male guard that I had talked to not so long ago.nSo that I don"t become a hazard to the crowd of people, it is best that I don"t talk to random strangers; because, that would be dangerous. To be good at collecting information one requires proper character and good judgement. It doesn"t matter if one"s appearance is detestable.nnI simulated several practice conversations before naturally approaching the man from before. (T/N: are ya asking him out on a date)nnu300cPhew, there were several times that I thought I wouldn"t make it. You really made my day.u300d (Kanami)nu300cAh, there is a water service area, and this is the labyrinth"s entrance. And, north of here is u300eFuuzuyaazu (u30d5u30fcu30bau30e4u30fcu30ba)u300f.u300d (male guard)nu300c...... eh, is that all? Are there no other locations?u300d (Kanami)nu300cAh, this here is a nation of knights. The labyrinth is the main lifeline of the 5 countries; it is their primary source of income.u300d (male guard)nnUh-huh. He doesn"t seem to hear me, and our word simply pa.s.s by one another.nnTo be frank, they do not understand modern matters such as things like terms used from my home world. However, the people in this world my response to u300emagicu300f related topics. Although, my expectations are low since it is a topic I do not understand. I"m not at a level to where I can comprehend it.nnI pretend to act as if I"m aware of their general knowledge.nnu300cu300eFuuzuyaazuu300f, is money used there?u300d (Kanami)nu300cThat is correct. Many facilities were constructed for the labyrinth. What is it boy? Is this your first time in this country?u300dnu300cEh, yes, I just got here.u300d (Kanami)nu300cNowadays, traveling to and from the 5 countries has become lax.u300d (male guard)nu300cI see, do you mind teaching me about the various places in this country that I should know about?u300d (Kanami)nu300c.o.kay. If that is the case, why not go to the central plaza; it is straight ahead from here. There is a signboard with a map there. From there, you can find the national library. I hear you can look up places and addresses there. Although, it would be good for you to get familiar with the guild and the church.u300d (male guard.)nu300cIndeed, thank you very much.u300d (Kanami)nnFeeling great grat.i.tude to him, I bow to the man.nnu300cIt is fine, it"s my job after-all.u300d (male guard)nnWhile saying there is no need for thanks, the man"s cheeks are flush with embarra.s.sment.nnI judge that this conversation can no longer be extended. Although, the man keeps saying that it"s apart of his job, he might have merely used it as a pretense to chat. Leaving things as they are, I decide to leave.nnu300cWell, until next time.u300d (Kanami)nu300cAh, see you later.u300d (male guard)nnI give a slight wave, and make my way to the central plaza.nnHaving walked around, I"m starting to grasp the layout of the backside of the labyrinth outside of the entrance.nThe labyrinth is a tremendously enormous ruin.nIn the center, there is a big tree that protrudes into the sky and it towers over its surroundings. Among the big tree"s layer of branches, there are beds of jewel like ornaments laid out.nThe ornaments themselves are gigantic. Perhaps, they are in someway related to the labyrinth?nnI"m move further away from the labyrinth.nI reflect on my escape from there.nu25c6u25c6u25c6nI"ve finally arrive in town.nnThe street has a design that looks similar to a royal road found in a RPG video game. I feel that the appearance is bias in favor of western culture from the medieval age.nnThe street is oddly setup; there are pretty gem like ornaments everywhere. The ornaments are line-up with gaps in-between. They are placed along the u300eroadu300f that leads to the labyrinth. Perhaps, gems are not as valuable in this world.nnAs I walk along the main road, I see numerous buildings; from wooden one to brick ones, they are constructed from various kinds of materials. The people I see walking around the street seem lively. I also see a diversity of people. There is a person wearing casual smocks, and also a person wearing heavy armor. The heavy armor makes a clucking noise as the person walks. This place is overflowing with humans that have various skin colors. From time to time, I see a person with an animal like form. A so called, half man/ half beast, one would call it. I see a person with sharp fangs sticking out, and a person with long ears. There is also a person with a fluffy tail and someone with beautiful plumes. I see, there are many fantasy races here. (T/N: thought this paragraph would never end)nnMy common sense or should I say lack of common sense has turned into an unusual blend.nAnyhow, I"m racking my brain as I try to get it all together.nnAlthough, there are a lot of people, it doesn"t feel crowded. But, instead I feel that the vast sky is suffocating me. And thus, I feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. It reminds me of the time when I was a child, and I had gotten lost in a department store. As if the world was ending, I feel a hopeless sense of despair.nThis is the current world I live in. I am, I amu2015u2015nnu2015u2015Skill u300e???u300f is out of control.nA certain amount of emotion has been converted to stabilize mental state.nConfusion has been corrected by +1.00u2015u2015nnu300cAh......u300d (Kanami)nnThe u300edisplayu300f vanish.nnI feel at peace.nMy condition becomes the same as the message that had been displayed. The anxiety I felt is gone, and I can now clearly think.nI"m a.s.suming that the u300e???u300f skill has relieved me of my anxiety. Is it possible that this skill is actually a dangerous wolf in disguise?nnI look around but there is no one I recognize. I look around but nothing looks familiar.nIt is too detailed, to realistic, and to large-scale.nnThis scenery before me is proof that this is not my home world.nWhat a shocking turn of events. This foreign country is a theme park attraction; this place is savage land located on Earth; but, this is merely my wishful thinking. The thought is stripped away and it falls apart.nnAh, it can"t be helped. I need to come to terms with all.nLeaving it aside, it is more important for me to say, u300cwhat should I do from here onwardu300d.nI have nothing to lose. I calmly come up with my next plan of action.nnu300cFirst, I should check the signboard.u300d (Kanami)nnI psyche myself up and walk down the street with a confident expression.nFortunately, my attire didn"t stand out. The sword and overcoat I"m wearing are uncommonly seen among the other adventurers; I also want a pretty outfit.nnAfter a few minutes of walking, I arrive at the plaza. The size of this place is comparable to a baseball dome. There are fountains and stone benches.nnIn the center, there is a remarkably big fountain; and, beside it there is a large signboard. No one is looking at the signboard. Rather, very few people have stopped to observe the plaza. Perhaps, unless there is a special event, this place is just an ordinary road.nnOn the signboard, there is a giant map with a few notes written down. There is also a record of this country"s history inscribed here. In the water fountain, there is a statue of a man in his prime. Perhaps, this is the country"s national monument.nAs I view the signboard, I try to memorize everything on it.nnWhile reading the signboard, I learn that this country was u300ebuilt for the labyrinthu300f. It seems this place is a labyrinth country.nnTo be accurate, the full story is the 5 countries had allied; and, they all share a common believe that the u300elabyrinthu300f should be conquered. The legend says that whoever clears all 100 trials, u300etheir wish will come trueu300f.nnThe requirement is to clear the labyrinth.nIf I want to return to my home world, I must clear the labyrinth"s 100th floor, it seems?nnI continue reading.nnI"m currently in u300eFuuzuyaazuu300f, the area north from the labyrinth. It says that this country was founded by a great knight. The n.o.bles of this country believe in the code of chivalry.nThe map shows Fuuzuyaazu in great detail.nIn Fuuzuyaazu there are 100 district/ addresses. The first few address belong to the residents of young n.o.bles that live here. It seems to be some sort of custom.nBy the way, this is district 21. If I advance forward from here, I"ll arrive in district 22, the shopping area. The public inst.i.tution are located in the district 20.nnIf the information is correct, the library should be in the district 20. I make my way there.nnThe library"s sign stood out from the rest of the street. It wasn"t difficult to find. As I enter the building, I hide my uneasiness. The receptionist looked my way, but I wasn"t stopped.nnIt is a large european style building. Inside it is quiet; it"s a normal library. I take several books that look useful to me. I bring them to a table and I sat down.nnI open the book and begin to read. A problem arose.nTo be more accurate, I realized something.nnu300cWhy, how is it possible for me to read this......u300d (Kanami)nnI mutter.nIn response, the people who had been quietly reading, raised their head and stared at me.nnu300cAh, excuse my rudeness.u300d (Kanami)nnI make an apologetic bow. Not long after, they lose interest and they when back to reading.nnIn the first place, did they not find my style of apologizing unusual?nAmong the people who looked over here, there was a blond caucasian man; and also a person with a fluffy tail and animal ears. Does any of them have knowledge about a j.a.panese person; or, has anyone of them been acquitted with one?nnOn closer examination, the characters used in this book are neither the Latin alphabet nor j.a.panese characters. For some reason, I"m able to understand this world"s language perfectly.nnPerhaps, the words that I speak are being automatically translated.nnFrom j.a.panese to this unknown language; from this unknown language to j.a.panese, it"s being translated.nIt might be due to u300cmagicu300d; I"ll leave it at that for now. However, does that mean the world has an effect on my brain? For it to effect my mind and change my memories and personality, it is a dreadful thing indeedu2015u2015nnu2015u2015Skill u300e???u300f is out of control.nA certain amount of emotion has been converted to stabilize mental state.nConfusion has been corrected by +1.00u2015u2015nnUh......, again......nnThe fear that had been bottling up had disappeared.nAlthough it is helpful, I can"t help but have a bad feeling.nIf I"m correct, it activates base on my emotions. A much as possible, I should refrain from having negative thoughts.nnu300cPhew......u300d (Kanami)nnI take a deep breath and relax.nnAlthough, this might not be composer I"m feeling.nnThe u300edisplayu300f only adds to the confusion. However, contrary to the display, inside I feel quite calm. Perhaps, the skill u300e???u300f cancels out my confusion. But, despite it, my status still shows u300ccondition : confusion 2.99u300d. Seeing this u300edisplayu300f makes me feel uneasy.nnMy feelings of uneasiness couldn"t be helped.nnThrough this hardship, I stay calm and I try to concentrate.nAnd thus, I continue reading the book.nnThis world, the countries here, and the culture; their whole civilization and mind set is structured around the labyrinth.nAs long as time permits it, even if it takes an eternity, I will try to do as much as I can.nnn

Previous u2013u00a0ToCu00a0u2013 Next","contentFiltered":"nu7570u4e16u754cu8ff7u5baeu306eu6700u6df1u90e8u3092u76eeu6307u305du3046

nChapter 6 u2013 Labyrinth Countrynn

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)nn

As I observe my surroundings, I see a bunch of ordinary and soft hearted people around me.n

The first time I meet the people here they had cut my leg and used me as a decoy. Iu2019m sure now that they did so for the sake of escaping and they werenu2019t being mean spirited. For now, only a normal and indescribable anxiety remains. I am certain (it was all due to the girl named Lastiara).
nI mingle with the good natured people and I talk to them with a u300eproperu300f and dignified tone.n

The female duo from before walked pa.s.s me.
nThere was no grace in how they carried themselves.n

I head to the exit, but Iu2019m still unsure if this is the correct way. People are coming in from this direction. I held my ground, and continued.

nAlthough, there were some onlooker among the groups of people, no problems arose.n

And thus, while on the u300ecorrect pathu300f , after 10 minutes of climbing several flights of stairs, I struggle to the exit and finally arrived there.n

u300cyup, yupu2026u2026u300d (Kanami)n

My eyes bathed in the sunlight, and my body bathe in the calm wind. The labyrinthu2019s atmosphere couldnu2019t even compare to this sensation.
nI have return to the surface, alive.n

As joy spreads through my entire body, a man with perfect posture walks up and greets me.n

u300cHey there, brother.u300d (unknown man)n

The man has a friendly smile. However, I notice that he has a dangerous looking sword around his hip.

nNot to long ago, as I was climbing up to this u300egatewayu300f, I considered the high possibility of encountering guards upon reaching here.
nThe thought makes me break out into a cold sweat. I try to suppress my feelings of uncertainty.n

u300cEh, you appear to have had a hard timeu2026u2026u300d (unknown man)n

I reply with inoffensive language.n

u300cPhew, certainly I do look worn-out. This time, I didnu2019t get a chance to wash-up.u300d (Kanami)n

With his thumb the man points to a place in the distances.n

u300cThank you very much. Iu2019ll go there right away.u300d (Kanami)n

I heard him say something about a u300ewater serviceu300f. In grat.i.tude, I bow to him.n

u300cNo problem, itu2019s my job.u300d (unknown man)n

And thus, I walk along the path the man had indicated.
nAs I continue onwards, I thought more about the conversation I had with the man from moments ago. He had mentioned that our conversation is apart of his u300ejobu300f. Whether or not his duty involves a.s.sisting the public is uncertain. But, it is highly likely that he was trying to help me.n

I reach a well, after walking for a while.
nAfter hearing that there is a water service here, I had thought it would be more modern. It is quite disappointing. Whatever, if it works, why complain.n

The well mechanism is similar to the ones in my home world. It didnu2019t take long to draw the water.
nFirst, I should refill the leather water bag from my u300ebelongingsu300f. I soak my clothes in water, and I try to wipe the dirt and grime off the wet clothes. They somewhat become cleaner. Although scrubbing them with just water is good, Iu2019m concern about the smell from only rinsing it with just water. (T/N: ah yes, traveling to another world to do laundry)n

While doing my laundry, I thought more about the male guard that I had talked to not so long ago.
nSo that I donu2019t become a hazard to the crowd of people, it is best that I donu2019t talk to random strangers; because, that would be dangerous. To be good at collecting information one requires proper character and good judgement. It doesnu2019t matter if oneu2019s appearance is detestable.n

I simulated several practice conversations before naturally approaching the man from before. (T/N: are ya asking him out on a date)n

u300cPhew, there were several times that I thought I wouldnu2019t make it. You really made my day.u300d (Kanami)

nu300cu2026u2026 eh, is that all? Are there no other locations?u300d (Kanami)
nu300cAh, this here is a nation of knights. The labyrinth is the main lifeline of the 5 countries; it is their primary source of income.u300d (male guard)n

Uh-huh. He doesnu2019t seem to hear me, and our word simply pa.s.s by one another.n

To be frank, they do not understand modern matters such as things like terms used from my home world. However, the people in this world my response to u300emagicu300f related topics. Although, my expectations are low since it is a topic I do not understand. Iu2019m not at a level to where I can comprehend it.n

I pretend to act as if Iu2019m aware of their general knowledge.n

u300cu300eFuuzuyaazuu300f, is money used there?u300d (Kanami)

nu300cEh, yes, I just got here.u300d (Kanami)

nu300cI see, do you mind teaching me about the various places in this country that I should know about?u300d (Kanami)

nu300cIndeed, thank you very much.u300d (Kanami)n

Feeling great grat.i.tude to him, I bow to the man.n

u300cIt is fine, itu2019s my job after-all.u300d (male guard)n

While saying there is no need for thanks, the manu2019s cheeks are flush with embarra.s.sment.n

I judge that this conversation can no longer be extended. Although, the man keeps saying that itu2019s apart of his job, he might have merely used it as a pretense to chat. Leaving things as they are, I decide to leave.n

u300cWell, until next time.u300d (Kanami)
nu300cAh, see you later.u300d (male guard)n

I give a slight wave, and make my way to the central plaza.n

Having walked around, Iu2019m starting to grasp the layout of the backside of the labyrinth outside of the entrance.

nIn the center, there is a big tree that protrudes into the sky and it towers over its surroundings. Among the big treeu2019s layer of branches, there are beds of jewel like ornaments laid out.
nThe ornaments themselves are gigantic. Perhaps, they are in someway related to the labyrinth?n

Iu2019m move further away from the labyrinth.

nIu2019ve finally arrive in town.n

The street has a design that looks similar to a royal road found in a RPG video game. I feel that the appearance is bias in favor of western culture from the medieval age.n

The street is oddly setup; there are pretty gem like ornaments everywhere. The ornaments are line-up with gaps in-between. They are placed along the u300eroadu300f that leads to the labyrinth. Perhaps, gems are not as valuable in this world.n

As I walk along the main road, I see numerous buildings; from wooden one to brick ones, they are constructed from various kinds of materials. The people I see walking around the street seem lively. I also see a diversity of people. There is a person wearing casual smocks, and also a person wearing heavy armor. The heavy armor makes a clucking noise as the person walks. This place is overflowing with humans that have various skin colors. From time to time, I see a person with an animal like form. A so called, half man/ half beast, one would call it. I see a person with sharp fangs sticking out, and a person with long ears. There is also a person with a fluffy tail and someone with beautiful plumes. I see, there are many fantasy races here. (T/N: thought this paragraph would never end)n

My common sense or should I say lack of common sense has turned into an unusual blend.
nAnyhow, Iu2019m racking my brain as I try to get it all together.n

Although, there are a lot of people, it doesnu2019t feel crowded. But, instead I feel that the vast sky is suffocating me. And thus, I feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. It reminds me of the time when I was a child, and I had gotten lost in a department store. As if the world was ending, I feel a hopeless sense of despair.
nThis is the current world I live in. I am, I amu2015u2015n

u2015u2015Skill u300e???u300f is out of control.

nConfusion has been corrected by +1.00u2015u2015n

u300cAhu2026u2026u300d (Kanami)n

The u300edisplayu300f vanish.n

I feel at peace.

nIu2019m a.s.suming that the u300e???u300f skill has relieved me of my anxiety. Is it possible that this skill is actually a dangerous wolf in disguise?n

I look around but there is no one I recognize. I look around but nothing looks familiar.
nIt is too detailed, to realistic, and to large-scale.n

This scenery before me is proof that this is not my home world.
nWhat a shocking turn of events. This foreign country is a theme park attraction; this place is savage land located on Earth; but, this is merely my wishful thinking. The thought is stripped away and it falls apart.n

Ah, it canu2019t be helped. I need to come to terms with all.

nI have nothing to lose. I calmly come up with my next plan of action.n

u300cFirst, I should check the signboard.u300d (Kanami)n

I psyche myself up and walk down the street with a confident expression.
nFortunately, my attire didnu2019t stand out. The sword and overcoat Iu2019m wearing are uncommonly seen among the other adventurers; I also want a pretty outfit.n

After a few minutes of walking, I arrive at the plaza. The size of this place is comparable to a baseball dome. There are fountains and stone benches.n

In the center, there is a remarkably big fountain; and, beside it there is a large signboard. No one is looking at the signboard. Rather, very few people have stopped to observe the plaza. Perhaps, unless there is a special event, this place is just an ordinary road.n

On the signboard, there is a giant map with a few notes written down. There is also a record of this countryu2019s history inscribed here. In the water fountain, there is a statue of a man in his prime. Perhaps, this is the countryu2019s national monument.
nAs I view the signboard, I try to memorize everything on it.n

While reading the signboard, I learn that this country was u300ebuilt for the labyrinthu300f. It seems this place is a labyrinth country.n

To be accurate, the full story is the 5 countries had allied; and, they all share a common believe that the u300elabyrinthu300f should be conquered. The legend says that whoever clears all 100 trials, u300etheir wish will come trueu300f.n

The requirement is to clear the labyrinth.
nIf I want to return to my home world, I must clear the labyrinthu2019s 100th floor, it seems?n

I continue reading.n

Iu2019m currently in u300eFuuzuyaazuu300f, the area north from the labyrinth. It says that this country was founded by a great knight. The n.o.bles of this country believe in the code of chivalry.

nIn Fuuzuyaazu there are 100 district/ addresses. The first few address belong to the residents of young n.o.bles that live here. It seems to be some sort of custom.
nBy the way, this is district 21. If I advance forward from here, Iu2019ll arrive in district 22, the shopping area. The public inst.i.tution are located in the district 20.n

If the information is correct, the library should be in the district 20. I make my way there.n

The libraryu2019s sign stood out from the rest of the street. It wasnu2019t difficult to find. As I enter the building, I hide my uneasiness. The receptionist looked my way, but I wasnu2019t stopped.n

It is a large european style building. Inside it is quiet; itu2019s a normal library. I take several books that look useful to me. I bring them to a table and I sat down.n

I open the book and begin to read. A problem arose.
nTo be more accurate, I realized something.n

u300cWhy, how is it possible for me to read thisu2026u2026u300d (Kanami)n

I mutter.
nIn response, the people who had been quietly reading, raised their head and stared at me.n

u300cAh, excuse my rudeness.u300d (Kanami)n

I make an apologetic bow. Not long after, they lose interest and they when back to reading.n

In the first place, did they not find my style of apologizing unusual?
nAmong the people who looked over here, there was a blond caucasian man; and also a person with a fluffy tail and animal ears. Does any of them have knowledge about a j.a.panese person; or, has anyone of them been acquitted with one?n

On closer examination, the characters used in this book are neither the Latin alphabet nor j.a.panese characters. For some reason, Iu2019m able to understand this worldu2019s language perfectly.n

Perhaps, the words that I speak are being automatically translated.n

From j.a.panese to this unknown language; from this unknown language to j.a.panese, itu2019s being translated.
nIt might be due to u300cmagicu300d; Iu2019ll leave it at that for now. However, does that mean the world has an effect on my brain? For it to effect my mind and change my memories and personality, it is a dreadful thing indeedu2015u2015n

u2015u2015Skill u300e???u300f is out of control.

nConfusion has been corrected by +1.00u2015u2015n

Uhu2026u2026, againu2026u2026n

The fear that had been bottling up had disappeared.

nIf Iu2019m correct, it activates base on my emotions. A much as possible, I should refrain from having negative thoughts.n

u300cPhewu2026u2026u300d (Kanami)n

I take a deep breath and relax.n

Although, this might not be composer Iu2019m feeling.n

The u300edisplayu300f only adds to the confusion. However, contrary to the display, inside I feel quite calm. Perhaps, the skill u300e???u300f cancels out my confusion. But, despite it, my status still shows u300ccondition : confusion 2.99u300d. Seeing this u300edisplayu300f makes me feel uneasy.n

My feelings of uneasiness couldnu2019t be helped.n

Through this hardship, I stay calm and I try to concentrate.
nAnd thus, I continue reading the book.n

This world, the countries here, and the culture; their whole civilization and mind set is structured around the labyrinth.
nAs long as time permits it, even if it takes an eternity, I will try to do as much as I can.nn

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