Aim the Deepest Part of the Different World Labyrinth (WN)

Chapter 4 – Tutorial and Magic


Chapter 4 – Tutorial and Magic

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

To retrieve or store items, I need to be standing still. But, I didn’t stop moving because the things that I’m testing out can be done while walking.
As I walk, I mutter to myself the words that I could remember.

「Status, Help, Map, Save, Log, Chat, Log Out, Login, Skill――」 (Kanami)

Are there no new displays? I had called out basic words that came to mind.
I wanted a help display the most, but there was no response. The previous online game that I played had a gamelog and a chat, but those things are not found here. Although, 『map』 and 『skill』 had a reaction.

A typical square looking 『map』 had appeared. Thanks to this display, I was able to get through the pa.s.sageway.

Skill Status

Secondary Skill      Dimension magic 5.00

??? ???

There are two 『???』 columns. After I had arrived here, there wasn’t much I knew. The thing that had invented this system (as to whether they are a person or a G.o.d, I don’t know; but) for now, I will leave the matter pertaining to this 『person or thing』 aside. Although, I made the decision unwillingly.

Perhaps, magic does exist here.
Before I knew it, I had become a magician. In my mind, I cheerfully recall the words and they are displayed.


Dimension Magic      Dimension 1.00

I had prepared myself to see nothing, but there were 3 useable magic. It made me jump with joy. For the reason why I can use magic, I don’t know. But, I will utilize what can be used. In a video game, it isn’t unusual to have a few starter skills.

For a game it is typical, however……

I decide to try firing it; 『ice』 is selected.

「Umm, go ice magic 『ice』!」 (Kanami)

While reciting the word, I held up my hand. I imagine ice shooting from my palm.
I felt something coming out. A cold breeze is slowly collecting at my palm.

Perhaps, the moisture from the air that had collected at my palm has begun to freeze. It took approximately 10 seconds for the ice to reach its full size. However, it didn’t shoot off. No matter how I look at it, this wasn’t an attack magic.

「…………」 (Kanami)

What exactly is this magic……, urghhhhh……

Perhaps, this is a simple magic that is used in daily life. Afterwards, I had to run away from a big insect like animal; it may not have been flashy, but it was the only thing I could think of. The misfortune couldn’t be helped.
The ordinary ice that I went to such great lengths to produce, I used it to make an ice pack with the pretty clothes I gotten from the looted corpses. I applied the ice pack to the areas where I had been burnt.

Continuing from where I had left off, I tried to fire off 『freeze』. The results were similar to before.
The temperature in the surrounding area slowly went down; its effects could slightly be felt.

The possible effects of 『dimension』 has me worried. I have a hunch that the dimension part has something to do with s.p.a.ce. Although, I’m uncertain. However, based on the previous freeze magic, I estimate that it shouldn’t be too dangerous. It is possible that a warp zone could materialize in this labyrinth. It’s not difficult to imagine; magic is something that could completely change my current circ.u.mstances. For now, I will leave it to my imagination and refrain myself from using it.
If it’s poorly done, a black hole could be create. And, that would be scary.

However, the magic that I envision might be in reality completely different.

「Recovery Magic, White Magic, MP absorption, Renew, Neo Magic, First-Aid, Burn, Cure――」 (Kanami)

Good grief; there wasn’t a single hit. Anyhow, the recovery magic that I wanted the most had no results; I had already prepared myself for that conclusion.
However, there was a surprising 『display』.

a.s.sign Skill Points

Current skill points zero――

I have zero skill points.

Perhaps if I were to raise my level it would increase.

Level Menu

Next level requirement met――

In the status display, the XP column reads that the current EXP has exceed the max cap.
Sure enough, I can level-up.

However, 「requirement met」 display gives me an unpleasant feeling.
There is no automatic level-up mechanic; it is very likely that it has to be manual applied. And most likely, the processes is strict.

For the time being, I need to search for the method to apply the level-up.

「If level-up can be done, I pray that――Ouch!」 (Kanami)

A rush of heat in my right arm causes me to raise my voice.
Suddenly, I saw that there is a cut on my arm. Blood can be seen coming out of my arm.

「――urk!」 (Kanami)

I immediately look around my surroundings.

It is 『deformed』. Floating in mid-air, there is a large deformed thing that resembles a human’s head. It also has little wings. The deformed silhouette is nearby the insect creature.

「Monster!?」 (Kanami)

Right away, I readied myself.

An apathetic outlook allows me to perform efficiency in this typical game-like scenario. (T/N: someone plays a lot of video games)

Using the hand that is grasping the sword, I slash upwards with the intent to kill. However, the deformed creature evades the attack ahead of time. Having confirmed that it had evaded my attack, I quickly ran away.

If it had not dodged the first strike, I would have stayed and fought. But, this time the conditions were unfavorable.

The sound of it’s wings buzzing could be heard as it chased me. When I could no longer hear it, I surmised there had been distances put between us.

Of course, it is still somewhere behind me. It was chasing me, therefore it’s only logical.
Now then, it’s only a matter time. This is the perfect chance for a counterattack.

In my head, I go over the plan for the counterattack. Because this method is from a video game, it might not work. But, I think it is at least worth testing out.

As it approaches, I retrieved the bag that contains water from my 『belongings』; I then scattered out all of its contents behind me.

The sound of its wingbeat became disturbed, and it shrieks.
Water is very effective on creatures with wings. From game bugs (glitches) to battle strategies, these types of things were popular topics. The deformed figure’s mobility is obviously hindered and it falls to the ground.

After confirming it, I use my magic.

「『freeze』」 (Kanami)

It may be an ordinary magic, but in its weakened state this magic could be effective on it. With this magic, I have determined that this is the safest distance to use it at.

「I don’t expect it to be frozen, but will it stay grounded?」 (Kanami)

Its struggles in vain as it tries to flop to me.
However, simply by looking I could tell that its mobility is drastically weakened. Try as it may, its efforts were futile and it never reached me. I 『observed』 the situation as to not miss anything.


A 『display』 was generated.
It revealed the deformed creature’s information.

To be honest, I found this spiteful. Most likely, if I use my weapon to defeat the monster, Dark Ring Flier, the display will disappear. Nevertheless, without reservations, it 『displays』 itself between me and the Monster.

It can no longer receive my attacks. After some time pa.s.s, it makes a dull cry. I bring down my sword and strike it in a suitable spot.
The deformed creature falls and disappears in a burst of light. A dull transparent stone was left behind.

The stone is a 『grade 10 magic stone』. By the way, the 『display』 went away. I check the change in my XP. To put things into perspective, the 『Dark Ring Flier』 was a lower rank Monster.

「Was it really a good idea to use my MP on a rank 2 Monster……?」 (Kanami)

My remaining MP is 68. There is still quite a bit left, but I’m unsure if that was wasteful or not.

I correct my path and returned to the dangerous corridor; once more I advance forward.

As I walk, I investigate more about the level-up system.

What exactly do I need to do to level-up? Having an excessive amount of XP piling up is annoying me.

I think back to my last battle.
It is difficult to spot a surprise attack by monsters. If it had not been a rank 2, but a more fiendish monster, I would have possibly died.

As much as possible, I try to investigate the 「display」 without stopping, because it is safer for me to not stop moving.
Otherwise, if I’m distracted while standing still, I’ll be taken by surprise.

While thinking to myself as I’m walking, I hear a sound coming from the distances.

This is the first monster to challenge me head on. The giant bug has a typical single horn with two edges.

Ripper Beetle rank 3

Judging by its name, I can guess its style of attacking. It is best that I don’t stop moving. I wonder, what would happen to me if it handicaps me?
The Ripper Beetle noticed me, and gradually got closer.

It is a rank 3, but how dangerous is it? That, I do not know.
Thinking back, the rank 2 wasn’t much of a challenge. With my strength and this sword, I could probably handle a rank 1~5. I should be alright.

When the Ripper Beetle had reached a certain distance, it suddenly begin to charge at me. However, compared to the wolf this one is noticeably slower. As we pa.s.sed each other, I slashed it.

「Shaaa!」 (Kanami)

The sound of iron hitting something hard can be heard. And, the sword is repel.
It might have been a bad spot to strike. Although, it was unexpected that the blade would be repel. I tried various things while put my all into it as I shouted out 「Shaa!」, but I didn’t even leave a dent.

Its movements are ordinary, and it’s nothing worth worry about; it is slower than both the wolf and 『Dark Ring Flier』. I thought about targeting the gaps in-between its head. In preparation for my plan, I retrieved something from my 『belongings』.

The Ripper Beetle repeats the simple rush attack. First, I avoided it and then I poured oil on the Ripper Beetle. Second, I used the lighter to ignite it on fire.

I didn’t expect to successfully lit the fire on the first attempt. This time I was lucky. The Ripper Beetle’s body that is covered in flames, and it begins to writhe in the fire.

「Oh, wow……」 (Kanami)

Before my eyes the Ripper Beetle’s limbs starts to fall off and become disconnected. Invertebrates are weak to high temperature. I immediately stabbed it in various places with my sword. It disappears within the burst of light as a stone falls to the ground.

This time, a black stone falls from the defeat monster; the display reads 『black insect stone』.
It bothered me; so I held it in my palm and 『examined』 it.

『black insect stone』

The black stone has no grade. Well, it is a monster drop from a bug monster――

That’s all the detail displayed here……
It is a rather convenient explanation.

Right away, I searched for any other unknown information.

First, I check the grade of my equipment.
The elven cloak and Oria’s longsword have a minor divine blessing. The elven cloak has resistances to high and low temperatures. While Oria’s longsword has a bonus to piercing damage.

I don’t know the numerical values of these equipment, but I understand that their offensive and defensive properties are very beneficial to me.

And thus, I examine the details of my magic; the information that has bothered me the most.


Basic dimension magic. The effects correspond to the user’s comprehension of support and s.p.a.ce――

It seems to be support magic.
I had prayed that it was some sort of warp magic that could transport me to my home world, but it probably isn’t that convenient.

「Dimension magic 『Dimension』」 (Kanami)

For now, I need to see what happens.
After reciting its name, I focus all of my five senses. Should I call this my 6th sense? Something that wasn’t on of my five senses, picked up a disturbance in the surrounding area. About five meters away, I sensed a distortion in s.p.a.ce.

『Oh, this is good.』

Although, I have obtained various advantages, this magic is indeed wonderful.
Above all, an ability to detect enemies is an important a.s.set. It is especially helpful to someone like me, who often gets caught up in sudden perilous encounters.

While measuring the time limit of 『dimension』, I use its abilities to avoid monsters as I made my way through the labyrinth.

From time to time, I tried out new things to test with the system.
Thanks to 『dimension』, I wasn’t caught off guard. It never seemed to overlook any living being.

Making good use of 『dimension』, I was able to grasp the layout of the 『map』.
I advance through the labyrinth at a greatly increased speed.

However, it made me careless.

After having obtaining an advantageous magic, I had become blinded from my good fortune.
I was overconfident in my ability to get through this video game-like labyrinth.

30 minutes had pa.s.sed since the situation began to deteriorate.

– ToC – Next

[{"type":"post","id":259,"postID":259,"":"page post-259 type-page status-publish hentry author-uniquegasuki","parentID":0,"t.i.tleRaw":"aDL 04","t.i.tleFiltered":"aDL 04","t.i.tleWasGeneratedFromContent":false,"contentRaw":"nnu7570u4e16u754cu8ff7u5baeu306eu6700u6df1u90e8u3092u76eeu6307u305du3046nAim for the Depths of the Different Worlds Labyrinthn4.u30c1u30e5u30fcu30c8u30eau30a2u30ebu3068u9b54u6cd5nChapter 4 - Tutorial and MagicnnnnMTL: uniquegasukinEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)nnnnTo retrieve or store items, I need to be standing still. But, I didn"t stop moving because the things that I"m testing out can be done while walking.nAs I walk, I mutter to myself the words that I could remember.nnu300cStatus, Help, Map, Save, Log, Chat, Log Out, Login, Skillu2015u2015u300du00a0(Kanami)nnAre there no new displays? I had called out basic words that came to mind.nI wanted a help displayu00a0the most, but there was no response. The previous online game that I played had a gamelog and a chat, but those things are not found here. Although, u300emapu300f and u300eskillu300f had a reaction.nnA typical square looking u300emapu300f had appeared. Thanks to this display, I was able to get through the pa.s.sageway.nnSkill StatusnInnate Skill u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Swordsmanship 1.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Ice magic 2.00nSecondary Skill u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Dimension magic 5.00n???u3000???n???u3000???nnThere are two u300e???u300f columns. After I had arrived here, there wasn"t much I knew. The thing that had invented this system (as to whether they are a person or a G.o.d, I don"t know; but) for now, I will leave the matter pertaining to this u300eperson or thingu300f aside. Although, I made the decision unwillingly.nnPerhaps, magic does exist here.nBefore I knew it, I had become a magician. In my mind, I cheerfully recall the words and they are displayed.nnMagicnIce Magic u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Freezing 1.00 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Ice 1.00nDimension Magic u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Dimension 1.00nnI had prepared myself to see nothing, but there were 3 useable magic. It made me jump with joy. For the reason why I can use magic, I don"t know. But, I will utilize what can be used. In a video game, it isn"t unusual to have a few starter skills.nnFor a game it is typical, however......nnI decide to try firing it; u300eiceu300f is, go ice magic u300eiceu300f!u300du00a0(Kanami)nnWhile reciting the word, I held up my hand. I imagine ice shooting from my palm.nI felt something coming out. A cold breeze is slowly collecting at my palm.nnPerhaps, the moisture from the air that had collected at my palm has begun to freeze. It took approximately 10 seconds for the ice to reach its full size. However, it didn"t shoot off. No matter how I look at it, this wasn"t an attack magic.nnu300cu2026u2026u2026u2026u300du00a0(Kanami)nnWhat exactly is this magic......, urghhhhh......nnPerhaps, this is a simple magic that is used in daily life. Afterwards, I had to run away from a big insect like animal; it may not have been flashy, but it was the only thing I could think of. The misfortune couldn"t be helped.nThe ordinary ice that I went to such great lengths to produce, I used it to make an ice pack with the pretty clothes I gotten from the looted corpses. I applied the ice pack to the areas where I had been burnt.nnContinuing from where I had left off, I tried to fire off u300efreezeu300f. The results were similar to before.nThe temperature in the surrounding area slowly went down; its effects could slightly be felt.nnThe possible effects of u300edimensionu300f has me worried. I have a hunch that the dimension part has something to do with s.p.a.ce. Although, I"m uncertain. However, based on the previous freeze magic, I estimate that it shouldn"t be too dangerous. It is possible that a warp zone could materialize in this labyrinth. It"s not difficult to imagine; magic is something that could completely change my current circ.u.mstances. For now, I will leave it to my imagination and refrain myself from using it.nIf it"s poorly done, a black hole could be create. And, that would be scary.nnHowever, the magic that I envision might be in reality completely different.nnu300cRecovery Magic, White Magic, MP absorption, Renew, Neo Magic, First-Aid, Burn, Cureu2015u2015u300du00a0(Kanami)nnGood grief; there wasn"t a single hit. Anyhow, the recovery magic that I wanted the most had no results; I had already prepared myself for that conclusion.nHowever, there was a surprising u300edisplayu300f.nna.s.sign Skill PointsnSwordsmanship 1.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Ice magic 2.00 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Dimension magic 5.00nCurrent skill points zerou2015u2015nnI have zero skill points.nnPerhaps if I were to raise my level it would increase.nnLevel Menun805/100nNext level requirement metu2015u2015nnIn the status display, the XP column reads that the current EXP has exceed the max cap.nSure enough, I can level-up.nnHowever, u300crequirement metu300d display gives me an unpleasant feeling.nThere is no automatic level-up mechanic; it is very likely that it has to be manual applied. And most likely, the processes is strict.nnFor the time being, I need to search for the method to apply the level-up.nnu300cIf level-up can be done, I pray thatu2015u2015Ouch!u300du00a0(Kanami)nnA rush of heat in my right arm causes me to raise my voice.nSuddenly, I saw that there is a cut on my arm. Blood can be seen coming out of my arm.nnu300cu2015u2015urk!u300du00a0(Kanami)nnI immediately look around my surroundings.nSomething is moving in the corner of my field of vision.nIt is u300edeformedu300f. Floating in mid-air, there is a large deformed thing that resembles a human"s head. It also has little wings. The deformed silhouette is nearby the insect creature.nnu300cMonster!?u300du00a0(Kanami)nnRight away, I readied myself.nEver since I came here, nothing has been normal. I"m starting to lose track of who I am. My daily life had been converted into this game like world.nAn apathetic outlook allows me to perform efficiency in this typical game-like scenario. (T/N: someone plays a lot of video games)nnUsing the hand that is grasping the sword, I slash upwards with the intent to kill. However, the deformed creature evades the attack ahead of time. Having confirmed that it had evaded my attack, I quickly ran away.nnIf it had not dodged the first strike, I would have stayed and fought. But, this time the conditions were unfavorable.nnThe sound of it"s wings buzzing could be heard as it chased me. When I could no longer hear it, I surmised there had been distances put between us.nnOf course, it is still somewhere behind me. It was chasing me, therefore it"s only logical.nNow then, it"s only a matter time. This is the perfect chance for a counterattack.nnIn my head, I go over the plan for the counterattack. Because this method is from a video game, it might not work. But, I think it is at least worth testing out.nnAs it approaches, I retrieved the bag that contains water from my u300ebelongingsu300f; I then scattered out all of its contents behind me.nnThe sound of its wingbeat became disturbed, and it shrieks.nWater is very effective on creatures with wings. From game bugs (glitches) to battle strategies, these types of things were popular topics. The deformed figure"s mobility is obviously hindered and it falls to the ground.nnAfter confirming it, I use my magic.nnu300cu300efreezeu300fu300du00a0(Kanami)nnIt may be an ordinary magic, but in its weakened state this magic could be effective on it. With this magic, I have determined that this is the safest distance to use it at.nnu300cI don"t expect it to be frozen, but will it stay grounded?u300du00a0(Kanami)nnIts struggles in vain as it tries to flop to me.nHowever, simply by looking I could tell that its mobility is drastically weakened. Try as it may, its efforts were futile and it never reached me. I u300eobservedu300f the situation as to not miss anything.nnMonsternDark Ring Flier Rank 2nA u300edisplayu300f was generated.nIt revealed the deformed creature"s information.nnTo be honest, I found this spiteful. Most likely, if I use my weapon to defeat the monster, Dark Ring Flier, the display will disappear. Nevertheless, without reservations, it u300edisplaysu300f itself between me and the Monster.nnIt can no longer receive my attacks. After some time pa.s.s, it makes a dull cry. I bring down my sword and strike it in a suitable spot.nThe deformed creature falls and disappears in a burst of light. A dull transparent stone was left behind.nnThe stone is a u300egrade 10 magic stoneu300f. By the way, the u300edisplayu300f went away. I check the change in my XP. To put things into perspective, the u300eDark Ring Flieru300f was a lower rank Monster.nnu300cWas it really a good idea to use my MP on a rank 2 Monster......?u300du00a0(Kanami)nnMy remaining MP is 68. There is still quite a bit left, but I"m unsure if that was wasteful or not.nnI correct my path and returned to the dangerous corridor; once more I advance forward.nnAs I walk, I investigate more about the level-up system.nIn the end, I couldn"t figure it out and had to stay at level 1.nWhat exactly do I need to do to level-up? Having an excessive amount of XP piling up is annoying me.nnI think back to my last battle.nIt is difficult to spot a surprise attack by monsters. If it had not been a rank 2, but a more fiendish monster, I would have possibly died.nnAs much as possible, I try to investigate the u300cdisplayu300d without stopping, because it is safer for me to not stop moving.nOtherwise, if I"m distracted while standing still, I"ll be taken by surprise.nnWhile thinking to myself as I"m walking, I hear a sound coming from the distances.nDirectly ahead of me, there is a giant bug.nThis is the first monster to challenge me head on. The giant bug has a typical single horn with two edges.nnMonsternRipper Beetle rank 3nnJudging by its name, I can guess its style of attacking. It is best that I don"t stop moving. I wonder, what would happen to me if it handicaps me?nThe Ripper Beetle noticed me, and gradually got closer.nnIt is a rank 3, but how dangerous is it? That, I do not know.nThinking back, the rank 2 wasn"t much of a challenge. With my strength and this sword, I could probably handle a rank 1~5. I should be alright.nnWhen the Ripper Beetle had reached a certain distance, it suddenly begin to charge at me. However, compared to the wolf this one is noticeably slower. As we pa.s.sed each other, I slashed it.nnu300cShaaauff01u300du00a0(Kanami)nnThe sound of iron hitting something hard can be heard. And, the sword is repel.nIt might have been a bad spot to strike. Although, it was unexpected that the blade would be repel. I tried various things while put my all into it as I shouted out u300cShaa!u300d, but I didn"t even leave a dent.nnIts movements are ordinary, and it"s nothing worth worry about; it is slower than both the wolf and u300eDark Ring Flieru300f. I thought about targeting the gaps in-between its head. In preparation for my plan, I retrieved something from my u300ebelongingsu300f.nnThe Ripper Beetle repeats the simple rush attack. First, I avoided it and then I poured oil on the Ripper Beetle. Second, I used the lighter to ignite it on fire.nnI didn"t expect to successfully lit the fire on the first attempt. This time I was lucky. The Ripper Beetle"s body that is covered in flames, and it begins to writhe in the fire.nnu300cOh, wow......u300du00a0(Kanami)nnBefore my eyes the Ripper Beetle"s limbs starts to fall off and become disconnected. Invertebrates are weak to high temperature. I immediately stabbed it in various places with my sword. It disappears within the burst of light as a stone falls to the ground.nnThis time, a black stone falls from the defeat monster; the display reads u300eblack insect stoneu300f.nIt bothered me; so I held it in my palm and u300eexaminedu300f it.nnu300eblack insect stoneu300fnIt is different from a common magic stone; it is infused with the magic of an insect.nThe black stone has no grade. Well, it is a monster drop from a bug monsteru2015u2015nnThat"s all the detail displayed here......nIt is a rather convenient explanation.nnRight away, I searched for any other unknown information.nnFirst, I check the grade of my equipment.nThe elven cloak and Oria"s longsword have a minor divine blessing. The elven cloak has resistances to high and low temperatures. While Oria"s longsword has a bonus to piercing damage.nnI don"t know the numerical values of these equipment, but I understand that their offensive and defensive properties are very beneficial to me.nnAnd thus, I examine the details of my magic; the information that has bothered me the most.nnu300eDimensionu300fnConsumption MP 1nBasic dimension magic. The effects correspond to the user"s comprehension of support and s.p.a.ceu2015u2015nnIt seems to be support magic.nI had prayed that it was some sort of warp magic that could transport me to my home world, but it probably isn"t that convenient.nnu300cDimension magic u300eDimensionu300fu300du00a0(Kanami)nnFor now, I need to see what happens.nAfter reciting its name, I focus all of my five senses. Should I call this my 6th sense? Something that wasn"t on of my five senses, picked up a disturbanceu00a0in the surrounding area. About five meters away, I sensed a distortion in s.p.a.ce.nnu300eOh, this is good.u300fnnAlthough, I have obtained various advantages, this magic is indeed wonderful.nAbove all, an ability to detect enemies is an important a.s.set. It is especially helpful to someone like me, who often gets caught up in sudden perilous encounters.nnWhile measuring the time limit of u300edimensionu300f, I use its abilities to avoid monsters as I made my way through the labyrinth.nnFrom time to time, I tried out new things to test with the system.nThanks to u300edimensionu300f, I wasn"t caught off guard. It never seemed to overlook any living being.nnMaking good use of u300edimensionu300f, I was able to grasp the layout of the u300emapu300f.nI advance through the labyrinth at a greatly increased speed.nnHowever, it made me careless.nnAfter having obtaining an advantageous magic, I had become blinded from my good fortune.nI was overconfident in my ability to get through this video game-like labyrinth.nn30 minutes had pa.s.sed since the situation began to deteriorate.nnn

-u00a0ToCu00a0- Nextn ","contentFiltered":"nu7570u4e16u754cu8ff7u5baeu306eu6700u6df1u90e8u3092u76eeu6307u305du3046

nChapter 4 u2013 Tutorial and Magicnn

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)nn

To retrieve or store items, I need to be standing still. But, I didnu2019t stop moving because the things that Iu2019m testing out can be done while walking.
nAs I walk, I mutter to myself the words that I could remember.n

u300cStatus, Help, Map, Save, Log, Chat, Log Out, Login, Skillu2015u2015u300du00a0(Kanami)n

Are there no new displays? I had called out basic words that came to mind.
nI wanted a help displayu00a0the most, but there was no response. The previous online game that I played had a gamelog and a chat, but those things are not found here. Although, u300emapu300f and u300eskillu300f had a reaction.n

A typical square looking u300emapu300f had appeared. Thanks to this display, I was able to get through the pa.s.sageway.n

Skill Status

nSecondary Skill u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Dimension magic 5.00


There are two u300e???u300f columns. After I had arrived here, there wasnu2019t much I knew. The thing that had invented this system (as to whether they are a person or a G.o.d, I donu2019t know; but) for now, I will leave the matter pertaining to this u300eperson or thingu300f aside. Although, I made the decision unwillingly.n

Perhaps, magic does exist here.
nBefore I knew it, I had become a magician. In my mind, I cheerfully recall the words and they are displayed.n


nDimension Magic u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Dimension 1.00n

I had prepared myself to see nothing, but there were 3 useable magic. It made me jump with joy. For the reason why I can use magic, I donu2019t know. But, I will utilize what can be used. In a video game, it isnu2019t unusual to have a few starter skills.n

For a game it is typical, howeveru2026u2026n

I decide to try firing it; u300eiceu300f is selected.n, go ice magic u300eiceu300f!u300du00a0(Kanami)n

While reciting the word, I held up my hand. I imagine ice shooting from my palm.
nI felt something coming out. A cold breeze is slowly collecting at my palm.n

Perhaps, the moisture from the air that had collected at my palm has begun to freeze. It took approximately 10 seconds for the ice to reach its full size. However, it didnu2019t shoot off. No matter how I look at it, this wasnu2019t an attack magic.n


What exactly is this magicu2026u2026, urghhhhhu2026u2026n

Perhaps, this is a simple magic that is used in daily life. Afterwards, I had to run away from a big insect like animal; it may not have been flashy, but it was the only thing I could think of. The misfortune couldnu2019t be helped.
nThe ordinary ice that I went to such great lengths to produce, I used it to make an ice pack with the pretty clothes I gotten from the looted corpses. I applied the ice pack to the areas where I had been burnt.n

Continuing from where I had left off, I tried to fire off u300efreezeu300f. The results were similar to before.
nThe temperature in the surrounding area slowly went down; its effects could slightly be felt.n

The possible effects of u300edimensionu300f has me worried. I have a hunch that the dimension part has something to do with s.p.a.ce. Although, Iu2019m uncertain. However, based on the previous freeze magic, I estimate that it shouldnu2019t be too dangerous. It is possible that a warp zone could materialize in this labyrinth. Itu2019s not difficult to imagine; magic is something that could completely change my current circ.u.mstances. For now, I will leave it to my imagination and refrain myself from using it.
nIf itu2019s poorly done, a black hole could be create. And, that would be scary.n

However, the magic that I envision might be in reality completely different.n

u300cRecovery Magic, White Magic, MP absorption, Renew, Neo Magic, First-Aid, Burn, Cureu2015u2015u300du00a0(Kanami)n

Good grief; there wasnu2019t a single hit. Anyhow, the recovery magic that I wanted the most had no results; I had already prepared myself for that conclusion.
nHowever, there was a surprising u300edisplayu300f.n

a.s.sign Skill Points

nCurrent skill points zerou2015u2015n

I have zero skill points.n

Perhaps if I were to raise my level it would increase.n

Level Menu

nNext level requirement metu2015u2015n

In the status display, the XP column reads that the current EXP has exceed the max cap.
nSure enough, I can level-up.n

However, u300crequirement metu300d display gives me an unpleasant feeling.
nThere is no automatic level-up mechanic; it is very likely that it has to be manual applied. And most likely, the processes is strict.n

For the time being, I need to search for the method to apply the level-up.n

u300cIf level-up can be done, I pray thatu2015u2015Ouch!u300du00a0(Kanami)n

A rush of heat in my right arm causes me to raise my voice.
nSuddenly, I saw that there is a cut on my arm. Blood can be seen coming out of my arm.n


I immediately look around my surroundings.

nIt is u300edeformedu300f. Floating in mid-air, there is a large deformed thing that resembles a humanu2019s head. It also has little wings. The deformed silhouette is nearby the insect creature.n


Right away, I readied myself.

nAn apathetic outlook allows me to perform efficiency in this typical game-like scenario. (T/N: someone plays a lot of video games)n

Using the hand that is grasping the sword, I slash upwards with the intent to kill. However, the deformed creature evades the attack ahead of time. Having confirmed that it had evaded my attack, I quickly ran away.n

If it had not dodged the first strike, I would have stayed and fought. But, this time the conditions were unfavorable.n

The sound of itu2019s wings buzzing could be heard as it chased me. When I could no longer hear it, I surmised there had been distances put between us.n

Of course, it is still somewhere behind me. It was chasing me, therefore itu2019s only logical.
nNow then, itu2019s only a matter time. This is the perfect chance for a counterattack.n

In my head, I go over the plan for the counterattack. Because this method is from a video game, it might not work. But, I think it is at least worth testing out.n

As it approaches, I retrieved the bag that contains water from my u300ebelongingsu300f; I then scattered out all of its contents behind me.n

The sound of its wingbeat became disturbed, and it shrieks.
nWater is very effective on creatures with wings. From game bugs (glitches) to battle strategies, these types of things were popular topics. The deformed figureu2019s mobility is obviously hindered and it falls to the ground.n

After confirming it, I use my magic.n


It may be an ordinary magic, but in its weakened state this magic could be effective on it. With this magic, I have determined that this is the safest distance to use it at.n

u300cI donu2019t expect it to be frozen, but will it stay grounded?u300du00a0(Kanami)n

Its struggles in vain as it tries to flop to me.
nHowever, simply by looking I could tell that its mobility is drastically weakened. Try as it may, its efforts were futile and it never reached me. I u300eobservedu300f the situation as to not miss anything.n


nA u300edisplayu300f was generated.
nIt revealed the deformed creatureu2019s information.n

To be honest, I found this spiteful. Most likely, if I use my weapon to defeat the monster, Dark Ring Flier, the display will disappear. Nevertheless, without reservations, it u300edisplaysu300f itself between me and the Monster.n

It can no longer receive my attacks. After some time pa.s.s, it makes a dull cry. I bring down my sword and strike it in a suitable spot.
nThe deformed creature falls and disappears in a burst of light. A dull transparent stone was left behind.n

The stone is a u300egrade 10 magic stoneu300f. By the way, the u300edisplayu300f went away. I check the change in my XP. To put things into perspective, the u300eDark Ring Flieru300f was a lower rank Monster.n

u300cWas it really a good idea to use my MP on a rank 2 Monsteru2026u2026?u300du00a0(Kanami)n

My remaining MP is 68. There is still quite a bit left, but Iu2019m unsure if that was wasteful or not.n

I correct my path and returned to the dangerous corridor; once more I advance forward.n

As I walk, I investigate more about the level-up system.

nWhat exactly do I need to do to level-up? Having an excessive amount of XP piling up is annoying me.n

I think back to my last battle.
nIt is difficult to spot a surprise attack by monsters. If it had not been a rank 2, but a more fiendish monster, I would have possibly died.n

As much as possible, I try to investigate the u300cdisplayu300d without stopping, because it is safer for me to not stop moving.
nOtherwise, if Iu2019m distracted while standing still, Iu2019ll be taken by surprise.n

While thinking to myself as Iu2019m walking, I hear a sound coming from the distances.

nThis is the first monster to challenge me head on. The giant bug has a typical single horn with two edges.n

nRipper Beetle rank 3n

Judging by its name, I can guess its style of attacking. It is best that I donu2019t stop moving. I wonder, what would happen to me if it handicaps me?
nThe Ripper Beetle noticed me, and gradually got closer.n

It is a rank 3, but how dangerous is it? That, I do not know.
nThinking back, the rank 2 wasnu2019t much of a challenge. With my strength and this sword, I could probably handle a rank 1~5. I should be alright.n

When the Ripper Beetle had reached a certain distance, it suddenly begin to charge at me. However, compared to the wolf this one is noticeably slower. As we pa.s.sed each other, I slashed it.n


The sound of iron hitting something hard can be heard. And, the sword is repel.
nIt might have been a bad spot to strike. Although, it was unexpected that the blade would be repel. I tried various things while put my all into it as I shouted out u300cShaa!u300d, but I didnu2019t even leave a dent.n

Its movements are ordinary, and itu2019s nothing worth worry about; it is slower than both the wolf and u300eDark Ring Flieru300f. I thought about targeting the gaps in-between its head. In preparation for my plan, I retrieved something from my u300ebelongingsu300f.n

The Ripper Beetle repeats the simple rush attack. First, I avoided it and then I poured oil on the Ripper Beetle. Second, I used the lighter to ignite it on fire.n

I didnu2019t expect to successfully lit the fire on the first attempt. This time I was lucky. The Ripper Beetleu2019s body that is covered in flames, and it begins to writhe in the fire.n

u300cOh, wowu2026u2026u300du00a0(Kanami)n

Before my eyes the Ripper Beetleu2019s limbs starts to fall off and become disconnected. Invertebrates are weak to high temperature. I immediately stabbed it in various places with my sword. It disappears within the burst of light as a stone falls to the ground.n

This time, a black stone falls from the defeat monster; the display reads u300eblack insect stoneu300f.
nIt bothered me; so I held it in my palm and u300eexaminedu300f it.n

u300eblack insect stoneu300f

nThe black stone has no grade. Well, it is a monster drop from a bug monsteru2015u2015n

Thatu2019s all the detail displayed hereu2026u2026
nIt is a rather convenient explanation.n

Right away, I searched for any other unknown information.n

First, I check the grade of my equipment.
nThe elven cloak and Oriau2019s longsword have a minor divine blessing. The elven cloak has resistances to high and low temperatures. While Oriau2019s longsword has a bonus to piercing damage.n

I donu2019t know the numerical values of these equipment, but I understand that their offensive and defensive properties are very beneficial to me.n

And thus, I examine the details of my magic; the information that has bothered me the most.n


nBasic dimension magic. The effects correspond to the useru2019s comprehension of support and s.p.a.ceu2015u2015n

It seems to be support magic.
nI had prayed that it was some sort of warp magic that could transport me to my home world, but it probably isnu2019t that convenient.n

u300cDimension magic u300eDimensionu300fu300du00a0(Kanami)n

For now, I need to see what happens.
nAfter reciting its name, I focus all of my five senses. Should I call this my 6th sense? Something that wasnu2019t on of my five senses, picked up a disturbanceu00a0in the surrounding area. About five meters away, I sensed a distortion in s.p.a.ce.n

u300eOh, this is good.u300fn

Although, I have obtained various advantages, this magic is indeed wonderful.
nAbove all, an ability to detect enemies is an important a.s.set. It is especially helpful to someone like me, who often gets caught up in sudden perilous encounters.n

While measuring the time limit of u300edimensionu300f, I use its abilities to avoid monsters as I made my way through the labyrinth.n

From time to time, I tried out new things to test with the system.
nThanks to u300edimensionu300f, I wasnu2019t caught off guard. It never seemed to overlook any living being.n

Making good use of u300edimensionu300f, I was able to grasp the layout of the u300emapu300f.
nI advance through the labyrinth at a greatly increased speed.n

However, it made me careless.n

After having obtaining an advantageous magic, I had become blinded from my good fortune.
nI was overconfident in my ability to get through this video game-like labyrinth.n

30 minutes had pa.s.sed since the situation began to deteriorate.nn

u2013u00a0ToCu00a0u2013 Nextn
