Akugyaku no Black Maria

Chapter 27

Translator(s): DCThanatos    Editor(s): 龙 Kai    Proofreader(s): (None)

Note: Sorry that this is out a late again, procastination, yadadada, lets move on. I’m gonna make this quick. I have updated the next project page a few times, as well as the poll, please head over there if you haven’t already and vote…Unless you really want me to dedicate all my time to AnBM…

Without further adieu, Enjoy, and むたね

Forcing her injured body forward, the girl fled from the main road into an alley.

Rather, in this case, it would probably be better to say she made her way into the alleys.


The alleyways of the Eastern Ward were no doubt the domain of the girl.

With her pet.i.te build, she could easily squeeze through gaps which normal people couldn"t.  Even if crates or debris were scattered about in disarray, rather than getting in her way, she could use them to her advantage to escape pursuit.

The hectic layout of the place offered many hiding places and worked well so that she could avoid being seen when she wished.

Conversely, if one was intimately familiar with the location that each of the narrow streets connected to one another, it was easy to ambush or corner someone.

And so she kept escaping her pursuers and continued to carry out her brutal deeds.

Everything was done for the sake of her mother, whom she had killed.

She took refuge in a corner of the alley way.

After scavenging nearby for materials to board up the corner, a small s.p.a.ce was made.

She crawled deeper into the s.p.a.ce and sat with her legs crossed, as numerous conflicting feelings made her confused.

"It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, Mother……I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry"

The girl looked looked towards the sky and mumbled apologies incoherently, as she sat in the empty s.p.a.ce.

This was only natural, because the one she was apologising to no longer existed in this world.

"I…… could not bring him to you mother!"

Said the girl still apologizing. 

She killed so that her mother would not be lonely. For her to continue killing based on this idea meant she was definitely not sane.

"I also couldn"t kill him either……"(TN: Dis b.i.t.c.h crazy, I hope for all of you guys that she doesn’t die for those who like her)

Him, as well as that person, Casca. 

It was already a while ago, but she could still remember all the details.

She hummed to herself as she remembered getting kicked and stepped on by Casca.

"I wanted to apologize to you mother…… And kill that guy for you!

The girl waited for an opportunity to kill Shizuru.

If she had had just a little more time–using the knife which had a fragrant smell of blood.–she could have driven her knife from his eye, through his throat, and into his heart.

However Casca had interrupted.

"Oh well……."

The girl wanted to angrily bang her fist against the wall. 

Although she was still holding the knife in her hand.

She noticed that it was Shizuru"s knife and stopped her arm, which she had raised.

"Oh look at that……"

She then began to a smile.

The girl put the knife to her chest and embraced it, forgetting every emotion and pa.s.sion she just felt a moment ago, and then stood up.

"Yes…Yes… You"re right mother, even if we failed this time……There is always a next time……"

I know a place where I can stay.

After that, I can wait for another opportunity to appear.

I am sorry mother, but until then, I"ll have to send you a different person. 

I am sure that the more people there are, the more the loneliness fades.


Sunddenly, she intoned his name. 

Her chest throbbed.

Yet she did not dislike the feeling.

Therefore she decided to call his name out a lot.

"Shizuru……shizuru、shizuru、shizuru、shizuru、shizurushizuru、shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru shizuru――ehehe"

(TL: I had to manually put a s.p.a.ce between 90% of all of these Shizuru"s, my G.o.d)

A comfortable heat burned within her chest whenever she said it. Her spine tingled, and gradually, her warped face changed into an innocent smile.

But, she did not dislike these feelings either.

"Haaa……I can"t wait any longer, mother"

She let out a pa.s.sionate sigh, along with some murmurs in the empty s.p.a.ce.