All in It : K(1) Carries On

Chapter 12

His next visit was about four o"clock. This time the message said:--

"A Zeppelin is reported to have pa.s.sed over Dunkirk at 5 P.M.

yesterday afternoon, proceeding in a northerly direction."

Bobby informed M"Gurk that he was a fool and a dotard, and cast him forth.

M"Gurk returned at five-thirty, bearing written evidence that the Zeppelin had been traced as far as Ostend.

This time his Company Commander promised him that if he appeared again that night he would be awarded fourteen days" Field Punishment Number One.

The result was that upon sitting down to breakfast at nine next morning, Bobby found upon his plate yet another message--from his Commanding Officer--summoning him to the Orderly-room on urgent matters at eight-thirty.

But Bobby scored the final and winning trick. Sending for M"Gurk and Sergeant M"Micking, he said:--

"This man, Sergeant, appears to be unable to decide when a message is urgent and when it is not. In future, whenever M"Gurk is on night duty, and is in doubt as to whether a message should be delivered at once or put aside till morning, he will come to you and ask for your guidance in the matter. Do you understand?"

"Perrfectly, sirr!" replied the Sergeant, outwardly calm.

"M"Gurk, do _you_ understand?"

M"Gurk looked at Bobby, and then round at Sergeant M"Micking. He received a glance which shrivelled his marrow. The game was up. He grinned sheepishly, and answered,--

"Yis, sirr!"


Having briefly set forth the character and habits of the Buzzer, we will next proceed to visit the creature in his lair. This is an easy feat. We have only to walk up the communication-trench which leads from the reserve line to the firing-line. Upon either side of the trench, neatly tacked to the muddy wall by a device of the hairpin variety, run countless insulated wires, clad in coats of various colours and all duly ticketed. These radiate from various Headquarters in the rear to numerous signal stations in the front, and were laid by the Signallers themselves. (It is perhaps unnecessary to mention that that single wire running, in defiance of all regulations, across the top of the trench, which neatly tipped your cap off just now, was laid by those playful humourists, the Royal Artillery.) It follows that if we accompany these wires far enough we shall ultimately find ourselves in a signalling station.

Our only difficulty lies in judicious choice, for the wires soon begin to diverge up numerous byways. Some go to the fire-trench, others to the machine-guns, others again to observation posts--or O.P."s--whence a hawk-eyed Forward Observing Officer, peering all day through a c.h.i.n.k in a tumble-down chimney or sandbagged loophole, is sometimes enabled to flash back the intelligence that he can discern transport upon such a road in rear of the Boche trenches, and will such a battery kindly attend to the matter at once?

However, chance guides us to the Signal dug-out of "A" Company, where, by the best fortune in the world, Private M"Gurk in person is installed as officiating sprite. Let us render ourselves invisible, sit down beside him, and "tap" his wire.

In the dim and distant days before such phrases as "Boche," and "T.N.T.," and "munitions," and "economy" were invented; when we lived in houses which possessed roofs, and never dreamed of lying down motionless by the roadside when we heard a taxi-whistle blown thrice, in order to escape the notice of approaching aeroplanes,--in short, in the days immediately preceding the war,--some of us said in our haste that the London Telephone Service was The Limit! Since then we have made the acquaintance of the military field-telephone, and we feel distinctly softened towards the young woman at home who, from her dug-out in "Gerrard," or "Vic.," or "Hop.," used to goad us to impotent frenzy. She was at least terse and decided. If you rang her up and asked for a number, she merely replied,--

(a) "Number engaged";

(b) "No reply";

(c) "Out of order"--

as the case might be, and switched you off. After that you took a taxi to the place with which you wished to communicate, and there was an end of the matter. Above all, she never explained, she never wrangled, she spoke tolerably good English, and there was only one of her--or at least she was of a uniform type.

Now, if you put your ear to the receiver of a field-telephone, you find yourself, as it were, suddenly thrust into a vast subterranean cavern, filled with the wailings of the lost, the babblings of the feeble-minded, and the profanity of the exasperated. If you ask a high-caste Buzzer--say, an R.E. Signalling Officer--why this should be so, he will look intensely wise and recite some solemn gibberish about earthed wires and induced currents.

The noises are of two kinds, and one supplements the other. The human voice supplies the libretto, while the accompaniment is provided by a syncopated and tympanum-piercing _ping-ping_, suggestive of a giant mosquito singing to its young.

The instrument with which we are contending is capable (in theory) of transmitting a message either telephonically or telegraphically. In practice, this means that the signaller, having wasted ten sulphurous minutes in a useless attempt to convey information through the medium of the human voice, next proceeds, upon the urgent advice of the gentleman at the other end, and to the confusion of all other inhabitants of the cavern, to "buzz" it, employing the dots and dashes of the Morse code for the purpose.

It is believed that the wily Boche, by means of ingenious and delicate instruments, is able to "tap" a certain number of our trench telephone messages. If he does, his daily Intelligence Report must contain some surprising items of information. At the moment when we attach our invisible apparatus to Mr. M"Gurk"s wire, the Divisional Telephone system appears to be fairly evenly divided between--

(1) A Regimental Headquarters endeavouring to ring up its Brigade.

(2) A glee-party of Harmonious Blacksmiths, indulging in the Anvil Chorus.

(3) A choleric Adjutant on the track of a peccant Company Commander.

(4) Two Company Signallers, engaged in a friendly chat from different ends of the trench line.

(5) An Artillery F.O.O., endeavouring to convey pressing and momentous information to his Battery, two miles in rear.

(6) The Giant Mosquito aforesaid.

The consolidated result is something like this:--

REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS (_affably_). Hallo, Brigade! Hallo, Brigade!



THE ADJUTANT (_from somewhere in the Support Line, fiercely_). Give me B Company!

THE FORWARD OBSERVING OFFICER (_from his eyrie_). Is that C Battery?

There"s an enemy working-party--

FIRST CHATTY SIGNALLER (_from B Company"s Station_). Is that yoursel", Jock? How"s a" wi" you?

SECOND CHATTY SIGNALLER (_from D Company"s Station_). I"m daen fine!

How"s your--


THE ADJUTANT. Is that B Company?

A MYSTERIOUS AND DISTANT VOICE (_politely_.) No, sir; this is Akk and Esses Aitch.

THE ADJUTANT (_furiously_). Then for the Lord"s sake get off the line!


THE ADJUTANT. And stop that ---- ---- ---- buzzing!


THE F.O.O. Is that C Battery? There"s--

FIRST CHATTY SIGNALLER (_peevishly_). What"s that you"re sayin"?

THE F.O.O. (_perseveringly_). Is that C Battery? There"s an enemy working-party in a coppice at--