All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 510: w.a.n.g Lufei, if you make another move, I will kill them!

Chapter 510: w.a.n.g Lufei, if you make another move, I will kill them!

“Martial intent!!!” Without saying a word, w.a.n.g Lufei directly activated Major Achievement martial intent!


Between breaths, a 100-meter martial arts giant suddenly appeared!

“Major Achievement martial intent?”

“How is it possible? This is the power of Major Achievement Martial Intent?

The three Heavenly Pill-level masters were shocked.

It is not without the existence of the Major Achievement intent in the Sea Wheel Realm.

However, such existences were rare and pitiful, as long as they didn’t die, they would surely become masters famous in the three thousand worlds in the future!

After all, the power of intent was also known as the power of Heavenly Pills!

Human cultivators could only step into the Heavenly Pill Realm if they control the power of intent.

Even many strongmen from big sects and big families, after comprehending the power of Minor Achievement level intent, eat the Heaven Mending Pill, step into the Heavenly Pill Realm, and then spend a long time to gradually be promoted to the Major Achievement level!

These powerful Heavenly Pills were also known as fake Heavenly Pills. Although their combat power was weak, they were indeed in the Heavenly Pill Realm!

But w.a.n.g Lufei in front, at the early stage of the Sea Wheel Realm, he already possessed the qualifications of a true Heavenly Pill-level powerhouse!

“His bone age is only less than twenty, and he is at the same level as me?” Seventh Elder Gong Li gasped. He couldn’t believe it.

But an even more shocking scene happened again!


w.a.n.g Lufei flipped his palm, a hundred demon cores emerged together, and with a flick of the void, they were swallowed by the martial arts giant behind him.

“???” Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

What the h.e.l.l?

What kind of technique is this? What does this w.a.n.g Lufei want to do?

“True third gear, King Susanoo!!!


The next moment, all the one hundred demon cores eaten by the giant burned up, bursting out terrifying demon energy!

This terrifying demon energy was completely absorbed by the giant, turning into a very condensed demon body!

In the breath, a huge 100-meter-long Susanoo suddenly emerged with a terrifying breath! The powerful demon energy was transformed into a demon body, and then covered with a deep invisible Colored Arm.

That was King Susanoo.

This was w.a.n.g Lufei’s new creation, which belonged to w.a.n.g Lufei’s own power!

Once, w.a.n.g Lufei himself ate a hundred demon cores and burned them in his body to fight against Morissa!

But the human body could hardly withstand the demon energy from the demon core explosion, which made w.a.n.g Lufei’s power extremely unstable, and it was difficult to fully exert the power of a hundred demon cores! But now, before w.a.n.g Lufei went online, he saw the demon power on Magical Madara’s post about Susanoo, so he was inspired and created his own King Susanoo!

As w.a.n.g Lufei leaped into the air, he fell into King Susanoo’s body! The King Susanoo was perfectly and freely controlled!


Seeing King Susanoo, the players went crazy again!

“King Susanoo, it’s so reasonable! Reasonable, it’s very reasonable!”

“Hold the gra.s.s, Brother Lufei is already invincible, and now he can even use King Susanoo?”

“It’s over, this life, I can’t even catch up with Lufe! I’d better be a salted fish honestly!”

Many players were amazed when they saw w.a.n.g Lufei’s King Susanoo, and many of them thought they could rely on Susano before. The players who almost overtook w.a.n.g Lufei even vomited blood.

“Hmph! Playing tricks! How can the power of the burning demon core compare to the power of the lava demon possessed by this demon!!!” Salo, with thirty-three demon marks, looked down. Without saying a word, he turned into a terrifying giant with a height of 100 meters. Terrible crimson lava flowed all over his body.


Salo came with a punch, the terrifying force could even blast through ten mountains!



w.a.n.g Lufei’s King Susanoo punched almost the same way, and he and Salo slammed each other fiercely. Both retreated a hundred meters in unison!

With his blow, the two sides were evenly tied!

” Salo , don’t be careless, strike with all your strength!” the Seventh Elder Gong Li said coldly, flipped one hand, and a top-grade earth weapon long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

“Let’s go together, this kid must be killed now!” Thunderhawk Clan Ying Que also said.

Boom, boom, boom!

The next moment, the two sides fought together!

w.a.n.g Lufei 1v3, but he didn’t lose at all!

With w.a.n.g Lufei’s casual blow, the body of Salo’s demon almost collapsed!


A mere human race, borrowing the power of demon energy, is stronger than the genuine demon race like himself?

d.a.m.n it!

But at this moment.

“w.a.n.g Lufei, if you make another move, I’ll kill them!!!” However, at this time, Jin Wu stepped on the head of G.o.d King enel directly, and grabbed the light red Pippi shrimp that was lightly injured with one hand, roaring loudly.

“!” w.a.n.g Lufei was startled, and had to stop temporarily.


At this time, thousands of sea race warriors put their blades on the necks of more than 2,000 handcuffed soldiers, and more than 40 players from the third test.

“w.a.n.g Lufei, if you don’t want to watch them die, then remove your power!!!” Jin Wu roared ferociously.

“…” w.a.n.g Lufei was silent, no matter how fast he was, it was impossible to save more than 2,000 people who were so far apart.

So after a few short breaths, w.a.n.g Lufei removed King Susanoo.


The next moment, Salo punched w.a.n.g Lufei thousands of meters away, and slammed into the wall of the crater.


w.a.n.g Lufei vomited blood and fell to the ground with a crash.

“Get up, come here, and continue to die! Otherwise, I will kill them!!!” Jin Wu firmly controlled the two hostages, G.o.d King Enel under his feet, and Pippi Ya’s mother in his hand, extremely proud.

This scene directly blasted the players watching the live broadcast.

“Hold the gra.s.s, this golden deep sea king is too despicable!”

“Shameless, this mob is even more shameless than me!”

“Hold the gra.s.s, the mobs in this game will actually take hostages and threaten players? This game is toxic!”

“Brother Luffy, leave them alone!”

“Yeah, Brother Luffy, let the NPC die. You’ve done a good enough job!

“You actually dealt with my Brother Lufei like this!”

Seeing this scene, the players were all worried for w.a.n.g Lufei.

The most embarra.s.sing thing was that the hostages were in the hands of the enemy! It tied one’s hands and feet!

However, this move was also the favorite of the d.a.m.n developer!

Since the strength couldn’t suppress the players, use these crooked ways!

“…” He Yiming, without saying a word, looked at w.a.n.g Lufei quietly.

He Yiming also wanted to know, in such a desperate situation, what whould w.a.n.g Lufei do?

Should he give up his previous persistence?



w.a.n.g Lufei stood up slowly under the eyes of everyone, and took a step. Another step, walking over bleeding all over.

“Hahaha! Die for me!” Salo raised his hand and sent w.a.n.g Lufei flying with another punch!

The power of Salo’s attack with thirty-three demon mark power was terrible, almost unimaginable!

Just when many people believed that w.a.n.g Lufei was going to die, that blood-stained figure once again faltered like a candle in the wind, and stood up again.


This time, even Salo was shocked.

Instead of fighting back, he used his physical body to force himself to be bombarded twice!

How could a human body withstand it?

Why is this human kid in the Sea Wheel Realm still alive?



w.a.n.g Lufei’s footsteps resounded in the extremely quiet Death Canyon.

Originally occupying an absolute advantage, Salo, who belonged to the lava demon clan and had thirty-three demon marks, couldn’t help but took a step back.

“This demon is actually scared?” Salo couldn’t believe it, and he took a look.

He wasn’t sure if it was an illusion.

w.a.n.g Lufei, who didn’t fight back and was bombarded twice using all his strength, was obviously on the verge of death…

But his aura was even more terrifying than before!

At this moment…

The golden, crimson, and blue figures with huge auras pressing across the audience suddenly appeared and landed in front of w.a.n.g Lufei!