All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 278:

Chapter 278:

78: They were all smart people, so it was better to be straightforward

“Water of Life? Grade five spirit material?” w.a.n.g Ping took a deep breath!

This so-called “little gift” was too exaggerated!

Grade-five spirit material was a cultivation resource that only existences at the Heavenly Pill bosses were qualified to enjoy!

To be honest, w.a.n.g Ping had lived for three hundred years, and the number of grade-five spirit materials he had come into contact with was not more than one.

As for w.a.n.g Ping?

He did not have a single one!

After all, there were many precious high grade pills, such as a fifth-grade Heaven Mending Pill!

It usually required thousands of spirit materials, most of which were grade-one to grade-four!

After that, it needed one or a few grade-five spirit materials to refine!

However, the hardest thing to obtain was these grade five spirit materials!

“The Water of Life can be used to concoct Vitality Pills! This is a top tier fourth grade medicinal pill! If I have the Vitality Pill…” w.a.n.g Ping’s expression changed greatly.

Back then, for the sake of breaking through to the Sea Wheel Realm, w.a.n.g Ping had spent an enormous price to obtain a low-grade Earth Sea Pill!

In order to obtain this low-grade Earth-Sea Pill, w.a.n.g Ping lost almost half of his life force in his body. Later on, he forcefully broke through to the Sea Wheel Realm and lost the remaining half.

That was why w.a.n.g Ping looked so old. Not only that, even though he had taken many medicinal pills to nourish himself, w.a.n.g Ping did not have much left. It was likely that it would be difficult for him to survive until he broke through to the mid Sea Wheel Realm!

If his cultivation base was unable to break through, his lifespan would naturally not increase!

The only thing waiting for w.a.n.g Ping was death from old age.

But now…

“This, this really for me?” w.a.n.g Ping couldn’t help but ask in a low voice. He even looked up at He Yiming.

“Of course!” He Yiming smiled.

At the same time, He Yiming spoke again.

“This is the list of materials required to refine the Vitality Pill! As long as Mister w.a.n.g Ping can gather them, I can refine them for you! The lowest, guaranteed high grade!” He Yiming said calmly.

“!!!” w.a.n.g Ping was shocked!

To be able to refine a grade-four Vitality Pill meant that He Yiming was probably a fourth-rank alchemist.

He was even a high-grade fourth-rank alchemist!

If what He Yiming said was true, He Yiming would be qualified to become a teacher of alchemy at Haotian Academy. Furthermore, he would be an experienced instructor.

If it was the first time w.a.n.g Ping had seen He Yiming three months ago, even if He Yiming had the status of the academy’s chief graduate, w.a.n.g Ping would not believe that He Yiming could refine a grade four Vitality pill!

But now, w.a.n.g Ping believed it!

After putting away the Water of Life and taking the materials, w.a.n.g Ping looked at He Yiming.

“Lord He Yiming, if you need anything from me, just say it!” There was no such thing as a free feast.

They were both smart, so it was better to be straightforward.

With a flip of his palm, He Yiming took out a green incense stick made of green wood.

“Hmm?” w.a.n.g Ping was stunned.

“This is a candle I refined myself! I need Mr. w.a.n.g Ping to light tis candle and place the burning aura on the people of Gu Hang’s faction and that member of the Guo Family! Of course, including all those who are hostile towards me!” He Yiming spoke calmly.

“!!!” w.a.n.g Ping’s expression changed!

He Yiming’s words were very ordinary, but the meaning behind his words was too frightening.

“Below the Sea Wheel Realm, I can do it! However, above the Sea Wheel Realm…” w.a.n.g Ping said hesitantly.

“It doesn’t matter. Under the Sea Wheel Realm, Old Master w.a.n.g Ping can just tell me the name. I’ll know what to do!” He Yiming smiled.

“Good! I promise to do it!” w.a.n.g Ping nodded.

After the matter was settled, w.a.n.g Ping spoke again.

“The second round of the trial of Haotian Academy will begin in three days! In the second round, you can choose 100 disciples. This old man will control these three birds and fetch you!” w.a.n.g Ping said slowly.

“I know how to get there. Thank you, Mr. w.a.n.g Ping, for your kindness! I will choose good disciples and bring them with me!” He Yiming smiled calmly.

“!!!” w.a.n.g Ping was once again shocked.

A hundred disciples, even w.a.n.g Ping’s own early Sea Wheel realm bird couldn’t carry so many people at once!

That was why Guo Ming and Guo Liang shared with the two birds.

In the beginning, He Yiming had said that he didn’t need his help. Did that mean that He Yiming had tamed some large bird?

“Alright! Then this old man would return to Haotian Academy first!” w.a.n.g Ping put away the green candle that He Yiming gave him, then stood up and left.

Turning his head to look at He Yiming’s sect, w.a.n.g Ping stepped on the giant black bird and flew away.

Guo Ming and Guo Liang’s mounts wanted to leave too.

“Emperor Zoro!”

“Disciple is here!”

“Cut!” He Yiming raised his head and spoke indifferently.


Emperor Zoro leaped into the air and slashed with his white saber!

“One Blade Technique, Flying Dragon… Slash!”

Zoro let out a low roar, and a sword qi roared out like a flying dragon. The moment it arrived behind two late Foundation Establishment Realm birds, it suddenly transformed into a heaven-shaking slash.


Two late Foundation Establishment birds instantly turned into four pieces and fell from the sky.

“Hahaha, I have a new hot pot to eat today!”

“Everyone, get out of the way. I’ll let everyone eat the braised chicken wings!”

“Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers are also very delicious. Brother A Bite of China, I want to eat them!”

Before the two birds landed on the ground, more than a hundred players had already taken out their cutlery, knives and forks and were drooling.

“A hundred people?” He Yiming thought for a moment and then asked the players to gather.

“Fellow disciples, only a hundred people can partic.i.p.ate in the second round of the test!” He Yiming said calmly.

“Ah, only a hundred spots?”

“d.a.m.n it, I must partic.i.p.ate in this new plot this time!”

“Dammit! This is a grand plot, how can we miss it!”

“w.a.n.g Lufei, First Iceman, Indomitable Bear, Beef Noodles, the four of you!” He Yiming spoke calmly.

“The four of you must partic.i.p.ate!” He Yiming made the decision, because He Yiming knew that w.a.n.g Lufei and the other three had partic.i.p.ated in the first round, so if they didn’t partic.i.p.ate in the second round, it would arouse suspicion.

“d.a.m.n, it’s them four again!”

“I can’t help it. This should be a series of plots. The four of them partic.i.p.ated in the first round, so they must partic.i.p.ate in the second round as well!”

“However, there are still 96 spots left! If nothing unexpected happened, it would definitely be the strongest 96 people!”

“Hahaha, then it must be me. I m already at the peak of Foundation Establishment!”

“Hold the gra.s.s! Although you’re at the late Foundation Establishment stage, beating you is the same as beating my son!”

“Hold the gra.s.s, what are you bragging about? Let’s go to the arena!”

As the players looked forward to it, they almost started fighting again.

He Yiming was deep in thought. How would the other 96 people be chosen? A moment later, He Yiming smiled and made a decision…