All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 380: The strongest in the second test (Part 2)

Chapter 380: The strongest in the second test (Part 2)

Chapter 380: The strongest in the second test (Part 2)

The players directly were in an uproar and looked at w.a.n.g Lufei who was so powerful at this time!

But the next moment…

“You are courting death!!!” A roar sounded, and a stream of light flashed!

w.a.n.g Lufei, who was still in the air, was pierced through his chest by this stream of light!


w.a.n.g Lufei vomited blood, and his vitality dissipated in an instant.

The power of this blow was too powerful!

“Hahahaha!” Morissa smiled proudly.

How strong was it?

Didn’t you get killed by a single blast?

But at this moment…

“Blood for Brother Luffy!!!” The 800 players on the wooden fortress raised their hands in unison!

Pseudo-divine ability, life is endless!

800 green lights erupted in unison, and landed on w.a.n.g Lufei’s body in an instant!

“I’m resurrected!!!” w.a.n.g Lufei, who was almost dying, suddenly opened his eyes that were almost closed!

“Martial Intent, giant rocket launcher!!!” w.a.n.g Lufei descended from the sky, and a pair of fists slammed out in unison, directly turning into two huge fists of 50 meters long!


Both fists slammed directly into the ground again!

Ola Ola Ora!

w.a.n.g Lufei waved the giant fist frantically, punching punch after punch, continuously bombarding the ground!

“Die!!!” Morisa’s roar suddenly sounded, and the seven streams of light shot together, directly piercing w.a.n.g Lufei’s body!


w.a.n.g Luffi suddenly felt his consciousness blurred, and he seemed to have seen the resurrection room on the other side.


“100 people use the Restoration of Life, 100 people use the Quick Healing of Life, 100 people use the Healing Art of Life, and 50 people use the Powerful Healing of Life is Endless! No more stopping. Remember, we have the True Dragon Wine!” At this time, Star suddenly gave an order, skillfully instructing 800 players to start frantically give blood for w.a.n.g Luffy!

“Ah, ah, I’m resurrected again!” w.a.n.g Lufei, who had seven holes punched through his body, was forced to live again!

Every time he was resurrected from death, the power of w.a.n.g Lufei’s martial intent of death increased once!

The more he entered life and death, the more he struggled on the line of death, the stronger w.a.n.g Lufei’s martial intent became!

“Martial Intent, Giant Headb.u.t.t!!!” w.a.n.g Lufei roared, and a giant headb.u.t.t slammed Morisa directly!


Morisa’s mind was all messed up by the shock.

“What happened?

“This b.a.s.t.a.r.d should have died twice, why did he instantly recover as before?

“Why is his regeneration ability stronger than that of the demons?

“What are those green lights?

“Someone is casting a powerful secret technique.

“d.a.m.n it!!!”

Morisa roared, and suddenly grabbed w.a.n.g Lufei’s neck!

The huge power of demon energy erupted violently, and he directly pinched w.a.n.g Lufei’s neck, almost breaking it.

“This G.o.d will kill you completely now!!!” Morisa locked on w.a.n.g Lufei and suddenly roared!

However, at this moment, beside Morisa, after a strange distortion of s.p.a.ce, a figure appeared! A terrifying figure burning with blazing black flames!

ID: Handsome Sanji!

Don’t ask why Handsom Sanji was burning with flames!

He was on fire, and the flames were haunted. Wouldn’t it make sense to show off?

“Devil’s foot!!!” Handsome Sanji kicked Morisa’s face hard with one kick!

Morisa: ? ? ?

“The Devil’s Foot… Shadowless Foot!!!” Handsome Sanji said nothing else, raising his leg is a hundred kicks in a row!

Boom boom boom!

Morissa’s face was almost deformed by this shadowless kick!

But then…

“An ant!!!” Morisa waved his hand, and a slash burst out of the air!


However, Handsome Sanji disappeared directly, like a s.p.a.ce shift, and appeared behind Morisa!

“Shadowless feet!”

“Go to h.e.l.l!”

“Shadowless feet!”


” Shadowless feet!”

“You’re riding a horse!”

“Shadowless feet!”


Morisa attacked several times, but Handsome Sanji directly moved to avoid it, and then went around to Morisa’s blind spot, which was a crazy mess!

Even Morisa couldn’t stop so many attacks. He eventually received Handsome Sanji’s relentless attacks.

With the last blow of Handsome Sanji, he was directly kicked to the ground!


Handsome Sanji landed unrestrainedly and skillfully lit a cigarette.

“Morisa? More like vegetable!” Handsome Sanji said domineeringly.

The field fell silent in an instant, and all the players were shocked!

The old players burned up. How strong would they have to be to show off like that?

[The beginning of super high energy, all the foreshadowing elements in the early stage are lll beginning to be revealed! The super outbreak of each big player has all causes and consequences. They all have their reasons, without any surprises.].