Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 0240 Our little sister is really the best

LSG Chapter 0240 Our little sister is really the best

In less than half an hour, Mai Bach had arrived at the Jiang Prefecture Medical Academy under the guidance of Zhang Junwei.

Zhang Junwei was obviously famous, and with the addition of the new Maybach, the security guards immediately let him in.

Zhang Junwei drove Maybach around the parking lot to the opposite side of the auditorium to find a parking s.p.a.ce.

He quickly got in front of the other car, cut the steering wheel in, and steadily stopped the car.

Ignoring the look of shock and helplessness in his opponent"s eyes, he continued to mutter to himself, "There"s no meeting today. Why are there suddenly so many cars?"

In the end, it was Murong Xin"er who spoke up, "Don"t you know how good your master"s lessons are?"

Zhang Junwei didn"t seem to care about these things as he turned around and looked at Murong Xin"er in astonishment.

Murong Xin"er curled her lips and then said to him, "As far as I know, there are quite a few doctors in the hospital who don"t feel satisfied watching the video lessons. They"ve already gotten their school forms and came over to try and get some lessons."

Zhang Junwei"s eyes widened as he looked at Lu Chen. In the end, he could only extend his thumb, and seriously spit out a few words, "Then, I"ll also go for some!"

Lu Chen couldn"t be bothered with the two of them. He turned around and walked swiftly in the direction of the auditorium.

"Brother Lu, if I want to stay by your side, Wei will be fine." Murong Xin"er chased after him and grabbed Lu Chen"s arm.

"I don"t think there"s much danger here?" Lu Chen looked at her awkwardly.

He was still a lecturer, so what would bringing along a beautiful a.s.sistant be worth?

"I don"t care! Since you want to protect Big Brother Lu"s safety, you can"t leave my sight. "

Murong Xin`er hugged Lu Chen"s arm, leaning on his shoulder. She was clearly acting coquettishly, but she still spoke seriously.


An a.s.sistant becoming a bodyguard?

Or did he bring a little secret?

Just as Lu Chen was about to say something, the little fox suddenly jumped out and landed on his shoulder, reminding him in a low voice:

"Milord, four or five mysterious auras have appeared in the area. You have to be careful."

"However, Little Fox reckons that they only dare to watch from afar, always monitoring the movements of their lord."

Lu Chen said coldly: "Forget it, since they like doing this, then let them monitor …"

After being watched for so long, Lu Chen was already used to it.

Although he couldn"t accurately capture these auras like the little fox, he could actually feel that he was being spied on.

The Murong family was one of the nine great families after all, so of course they had the power to intimidate them.

With Murong Xin"er by his side, he naturally had an extra layer of protection.

This was the equivalent of gaining the protection of the Murong Clan. This was the perfect opportunity to heal Murong Dancheng.

However, such a long-term plan was not something that someone like Murong Xin"er could come up with.

It was more like the words of her old man, Murong Dancheng.

"What Xin Er said makes sense, but … In front of so many students, don"t take my arm. "

"These students are still young. As a teacher, I can"t possibly teach them badly and ruin the atmosphere of our Jiangzhou Medical College, right?"

After a moment of thought, Lu Chen looked at Murong Xin"er teasingly.

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Murong Xin`er immediately released her hand and nodded her head, indicating that she would cooperate with him.

After being released by Mu Rong Xin"er, Lu Chen took the lead and walked into the cla.s.sroom.

On the other hand, Murong Xin"er followed at a distance that wasn"t too far away.

As for Zhang Junwei, he had already jogged off to take his seat.

Lu Chen was already a celebrity on the campus attached to the Jiangzhou Medical College. Every student there knew him.

"h.e.l.lo, Lu laoshi..."

"Teacher, good afternoon..."

When many students saw Lu Chen, they respectfully greeted him with smiles on their faces.

It could be seen that these people were here to listen to his lessons.

Lu Chen nodded his head with a faint smile as a form of greeting.

When Murong Xin"er pa.s.sed through these students, many male students were stunned on the spot.

With a red dress and a graceful figure, it was impossible for her not to attract others" attention.

This was absolutely a beauty on the level of a school beauty.

However, when everyone thought about it, they couldn"t remember which major it was.

After Lu Chen entered the cla.s.sroom, Murong Xin`er looked at the auditorium and suddenly realized that she had made a mistake.

Gently shaking her head, she consciously stood in the corridor outside the cla.s.sroom.

At this time, the cla.s.sroom was already filled with students.

They were very active in Lu Chen"s cla.s.s.

Not only the students of the school, many graduates who had already taken up their positions, and even doctors from other related departments had specially arranged for time to come and listen in on the cla.s.s.

Of course, even the teachers of our school are no exception.

Lu Chen was becoming more and more proficient in this kind of cla.s.sroom teaching.

Citation scriptures, easy to handle, combined with practical cases on the spot demonstration, can be said to be simple.

Gradually, everyone realized that someone was just looking for treatment.

But no one objected.

However, everyone"s thoughts suddenly became lively.

Time pa.s.sed by very quickly, and soon, it was almost six o"clock.

After the cla.s.s ended, not long after Lu Chen left the cla.s.sroom, a melodious voice rang out.

"Lu laoshi, I have a question to ask!"

Looking towards the source of the voice, Lu Chen"s face revealed a gentle smile.

Who else could this pretty girl be other than Hu Lingling?

"Lingling, what"s the problem?" This is perfect for us to walk together! " Lu Chen said with a smile.

Right now, he actually didn"t mind Hu Lingling calling him Big Brother Lu.

Even if the relationship was made public, he didn"t think it was that big of a deal.

Hu Lingling quickly came over and said excitedly to Lu Chen, "I"ve applied for my scholarship! A top scholarship! "A total of eight thousand!"

Lu Chen gave a thumbs up: "Our little sister is really the best. Keep up the good work!"

Hu Lingling curled her lips and said, "Just a verbal reward?" I thought you were going to treat me to a big meal! "

Lu Chen thought for a moment, then asked half-jokingly, "If you don"t mind, then how about I bring you to get some food tonight?"

Actually, he knew that Hu Lingling would probably refuse.

Furthermore, it was just a joke just now.

Sure enough, Hu Lingling shook her head and said, "No sincerity! I"m not going. Next time! Speaking of which, has my brother been in contact with you these days? If he knew, he would be very happy! "

When Hu Lingling saw Lu Chen walk out of the cla.s.sroom, she couldn"t help but chase him.

On one hand, he wanted to share this good news with Lu Chen, and on the other hand, he also wanted to ask Lu Chen more about his older brother.

Actually, when Hu Lingling walked over, Lu Chen was a little surprised.

He could clearly feel that Hu Lingling had her own Spiritual Energy fluctuations.

Although this fluctuation was very weak, it was definitely not emitted from the jade talisman on her body.

It seemed that the "Innate Spirit Gathering Talisman" had played its role. Hu Lingling also had the opportunity to embark on the road of cultivation!