Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 103

That was understandable.

After all, it was Monday morning. Other than some retired seniors, there were only a few like Lu Chen who had free time.

According to the online introductions, although the antique street in Jiangzhou was not listed in the domestic antique market, there were still quite a number of jade craftsmen in the area due to the nearby famous jade producing areas, the relatively developed economy, and the acc.u.mulation of history.

Regardless of size or quant.i.ty, the jade artifact store here was one of the top.

Because of the gathering of jade merchants from all over the country, there were a few rare and precious jade that appeared here.

Under the guidance of the navigation system, Lu Chen went straight to a jade artifact store called the "Fleeting Pavilion".

According to the recommendation of the netizens, this jade shop, which had six facades running through it, had an excellent reputation as a refurbished jade shop.

In addition, the quality of the jade artifacts sold were of high quality and were the 5-star item of choice for high-end players.

Overall, Lu Chen did not have a clear understanding of jades. He knew about jades, such as Jadeite, and Tian Yu, Xiuyan Yu, Duoshan Jade, Chicken Blood Stone, and Shoushan Tian Huang.

However, they only knew their names, and they were completely oblivious to their specific situation.

He needed to see what was inside and let the little fox guide him from the side. Then, he could experience the quality of the jade and cultivate his ability to distinguish it.

As soon as he entered, the jade artifact store gave Lu Chen a bright look.

The decorations were simple and unadorned. Moreover, he, who was sensitive to auras, could immediately feel it. These decorations were not simple artifacts; they were all old objects that had aged quite a bit.

That surge of historical aura shocked Lu Chen deeply.

This place was worthy of being called the jade shop by the netizens that deserved to be looked forward to on this antique street.

According to the post, if he couldn"t find the jade artifact that he liked here, then he might not even be able to find anything on the entire antique street.

Very quickly, Lu Chen adjusted his thoughts, and began to focus his attention on the dazzling jade artifacts in the counter.

"How is it, my lord? Can you feel the spirit energy from these jades?"

Unknowingly, the little fox had sat on Lu Chen"s shoulder and was looking around. Occasionally, it would sniff, as if it was sensing some sort of smell.

Lu Chen smiled: "Although the aura I can sense is very weak, after all, it"s more or less the same. Indeed, it"s worthy of its name."

"Oh right, please help me pick them out. I will study them and remember their characteristics first."

The little fox muttered to itself for a while before saying, "If it"s to improve the physique of a Yellow Rank jade, then it might not necessarily have to use emerald. "If the quality is good enough, then so be it."

"Of course, Lan Tian Yu, He Tian Yu, and Duoshan Yu of the same level can also be selected."

Lu Chen didn"t say anything else and walked straight to the counter.

"h.e.l.lo sir, how may I help you?" The person in charge of this counter was a beautiful female shop a.s.sistant who seemed to be about 24 or 25 years old. She was wearing a qipao and had a beautiful face. She had an extremely cla.s.sical charm to her.

"I"ll just take a casual look." Lu Chen replied, then went back to his own search.

In reality, although he was also feeling the Qi emitted by the jade sculptures, he was actually waiting for the results of the little fox"s search.

The beautiful shop a.s.sistant seemed to be very patient as she stood silently to the side.

Very quickly, Lu Chen"s gaze locked onto a jade carving of Guan Yin"s pendant.

The texture was heavy and simple, the color pale yellow and white.

"Nice insight!" Both the carving and the texture were first-rate. It should belong to River Jade Refining. " The little fox immediately gave his evaluation.

But Lu Chen shook his head: "This price is too expensive, actually one million and two hundred thousand. I only have enough money to buy this one. "

"Then there"s no other way." The little fox helplessly said, "I just saw the other two things. One safety b.u.t.ton, its quality is better than that, and its price is one million nine hundred and eighty thousand. "

"The other pretty Jade Cicada is slightly inferior in quality and is a bit cheaper, but it still costs a million and six hundred thousand yuan."

Lu Chen bitterly smiled, and couldn"t help but sigh: "As expected, every penny counts." This thing is really not something that ordinary people can play with. "

Even though he said that, Lu Chen still called over the beauty shop a.s.sistant, asking her to invite this Yu Guanyin over for a look.

Through the touch of his hand, Lu Chen could truly feel the beauty of this type of river grinding jade.

It was worthy of being called a top-grade jade comparable to He Tian Yu. The quality of the jade was pure and tough, and the sense of grease was very strong.

Following that, Lu Chen once again used the same method to compare the safety b.u.t.ton and Yu Chan that the little fox had mentioned.

Sure enough, these two jade artifact sculptures were even purer in quality, both more pure than the previous Xiuyan Jade Guan Yin.

No wonder when compared to Yu Guanyin, it was much bigger and more complicated to carve. In fact, the price was a bit lower.

Lu Chen continued to stroll around, planning to see the other three jades mentioned by the little fox.

Although he quickly found a jade that could be used to make jade talismans, the price was still ridiculous.

Especially for He Tian Yu, due to the ma.s.sive influx of funds over the years, the price had risen year by year due to the hype, surpa.s.sing the value of his body.

Just as Lu Chen was about to use the money in his hands to buy two pieces of cheap jade that barely qualified for practice, he was suddenly caught by a conversation between two people.

"Old Diao, how"s the wool you collected in Damu recently? Are the goods out?"

A chubby middle-aged man in his early fifties who wore a pair of gold-rimmed returned the jade token in his hand to the beauty shop a.s.sistant, turned around and asked a person of similar age beside him.

The two of them had been standing in front of the Emerald Platform ever since Lu Chen came in, browsing through all kinds of jade carvings while chatting.

However, they were mostly commenting on the Jade Carvings in their hands at the beginning, but now they changed the topic.

Although the two of them spoke softly, with Lu Chen"s extraordinary hearing, he had learnt quite a bit about Emerald from their conversation.

The man called Old Diao looked rather lean. Suddenly, he let out a soft sigh.

"Old Xue, it"s not like you don"t know about it. There have been too many people playing these past few years. Anyone who doesn"t know would come and join in on the fun."

"Furthermore, due to excessive mining, the production is getting smaller and smaller, and the quality is getting worse and worse. This price, on the other hand, is going up because of the unceasing stirrings of the bats."

"If it wasn"t for this, I wouldn"t have taken the risk to gamble all on this. I think my heart disease and high blood pressure will kill me for it sooner or later. "

The fat middle-aged man adjusted his, narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Old Diao, I still don"t know about you. If you had really bought yourself out, you would have started yelling all over the place for comfort. "

The man called Old Diao was stunned for a moment, and then he chuckled. "Old Xue, I won"t hide it from you! "There were a total of sixteen pieces of stones. I had seven pieces in a row at the beginning, but three of them performed pretty well. It"s a pity that I was too greedy and ended up getting all of them."