Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 105

Although Lu Chen knew that this kind of Gla.s.s Emperor Jade was extremely rare and was the highest grade existence among jadeite, from the very beginning, Lu Chen never had any interest in jadeite.

In terms of the density of his spiritual energy, the gla.s.s ring on his hand was not much different from the jade carvings he had seen earlier.

This was not surprising.

All jades were formed from the essence of heaven and earth.

Thus, wherever there were jade mines, the spiritual energy would be abundant.

For example, Qing Hai Yu, who was not highly regarded at the moment, was actually only 300 kilometers away from Tian Yu, who was being stir-fried, and Tian Yu, who came from the Kunlun Mine at the same time.

East of Kunlun is called Kunlun Jade or Qinghai Jade, north is called Hetian Yu.

Top quality Qinghai jade is fine, light and refreshing, oily and transparent.

It was a pity that Lu Chen did not find any trace of the Azure Sea Jade after taking a look around.

He saw quite a lot of He Tian seed material.

There was indeed a small amount of spiritual energy within, but the price was extremely extravagant, far surpa.s.sing other jade seeds of the same level.

Naturally, it was not within Lu Chen"s choice.

One must know that Mount Kunlun was the ancestral land of ten thousand mountains, and it was also known as the birthplace of the Chinese dragon vein.

After experiencing the highest quality jadeite, Lu Chen took a few of the weaker jadeite and observed them for a while.

Although he could not use these inferior jades, since he was going to choose material, he would definitely find some of them.

As long as the price was suitable, he would naturally get it as well.

After all, picking wool was a matter of luck, no matter how good one"s eyesight was.

He had already made up his mind. If he couldn"t find what he was looking for within this woolen cloth, he might as well choose a few more items that were of value and open up. Then, he could earn some money to buy the sculptures he desired.

According to what the little fox said, he could even bring some of the material that was of relatively low value, but there was a place where they could show their worth. Then, they would open a window on the material and make a move.

However, this suggestion was immediately rejected by Lu Chen.

Of course he wouldn"t do something like cheating.

However, looking at the little fox"s expression, it seemed to be very satisfied with its own thoughts. Its eyes were rolling around, trying to figure out something.

Lu Chen couldn"t be bothered to deal with it either.

As long as he adhered to his principles, there was nothing he could do.

However, as this profession was absolutely new, Lu Chen felt that it was necessary to make more friends.

Firstly, he could obtain some knowledge from them.

Otherwise, if someone who didn"t know anything were to appear out of nowhere and start attacking, it would definitely attract the attention of the people involved.

Where there were people, there would be martial arts world. In the end, it could lead to unnecessary trouble.

Although Lu Chen was not afraid, there was no harm in being cautious.

After his walk in the Ghost Market the previous day, Lu Chen had finally experienced some tricks up his sleeves.

Presumably, the water in this jade trip was also unfathomably deep.

The second point was that even if Lu Chen had looted some valuable things, if he wanted to make a move, he would need someone who was knowledgeable!

Since the two in front of him had met by fate, it might be a good choice.

At the very least, he could get some price guidance from them, so that he wouldn"t be treated as a big fish in water.

I"ll do it if I want to.

Lu Chen took the initiative to walk over and cupped his hands towards Diao Ge, "Senior, please excuse me!"

The old man pointed at himself. "You called me?"

Saying that, he looked at Lu Chen vigilantly.

Lu Chen nodded his head: "I am Lu Chen, a lecturer at the Jiang Prefecture Medical School. I know a little about medicine." I just heard you keep coughing and it seems like there"s something wrong with your lungs. "

"From the sound of your cough, it seems like there are signs of tuberculosis. You need to deal with it quickly. Otherwise, with your current physical condition, I"m afraid there might be a big problem."

"Eh? How do you know? " The look in Old Monk"s eyes towards Lu Chen became even more vigilant.

As for the lecturers from the Jiang Prefecture Medical Academy, he didn"t really care.

Old Xue looked at Diao suspiciously and took half a step back subconsciously. "Diao, is there tuberculosis? How come I didn"t know. "

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Mr Xue, Mr Diao"s tuberculosis is called old tuberculosis, and it is not contagious. Occasionally, however, it would recur. "So you don"t have to worry."

Old Xue once again looked towards Lu Chen in confusion: "You two know each other? That"s not right! You know me too? "

Lu Chen shook his head: "I just happened to overhear the two seniors chat while I was looking at something and benefited greatly from it. That"s why I couldn"t help but come over to get to know you and ask you for advice."

Old Xue nodded in realization, but the doubt in his eyes had not been completely dispelled.

This was not surprising.

The water in the Jade Artifact Trading Company was very deep. There were all sorts of ways to deal with it. It was simply impossible to guard against.

Whether it was Old Xue or Old Diao, they were both old foxes.

Just now, their conversation had been very quiet. Other than the beautiful shop a.s.sistant standing in front of them who could hear it, it was hard for others to hear it clearly.

"Lu laoshi, right? Then tell me what happened to my illness?" The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Chen with a burning gaze.

Knowing that the other party was purposefully trying to test him, Lu Chen tried to find out the truth. He immediately explained with a smile:

"From what I see, this old tuberculosis of yours must have been accidentally infected, and by the time you discovered it, it had already naturally healed."

"In other words, she wasn"t treated in the beginning. In the end, the lesion was left behind and was not completely cured. Over time, it became like this. "

When Lu Chen"s words came out, a trace of surprise flashed through Diao Ge"s eyes. He immediately nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Lu Chen took advantage of the situation and continued, "However, Mr. Diao, your situation isn"t as good as the average person"s."

"From the looks of your body, it should recur once every two or three years. It should be more than 10 years of history! "

Old Diao nodded heavily. "You"re right. My old illness has been torturing me for 15 years. "You know, in the past, I was pretty much the same as Old Xue."

Old Xue, who was at the side, also nodded thoughtfully. "I was still wondering why you suddenly lost weight more than ten years ago. I thought you were having trouble because of the sale. So that"s why! "

Old Diao smiled wryly. "To be honest, I feel uncomfortable again these few days. My chest feels stuffy and I feel like I"m about to relapse again."

As he spoke, he took out a small medicine bottle. On top of the bottle was written "Compound Feverfew Capsule".

"Compound Feverfew?" Lu Chen repeated, then said to Diao Diao, "Mr. Diao, can you show me one?"

Old Diao did not hesitate and immediately pa.s.sed one to Lu Chen.