Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 106

Old Diao knew very well that there were many things that Old Xue did not know, and neither did his wife and daughter. Yet, Lu Chen was able to deduce his illness through his own knowledge.

Even though there was still vigilance hidden in his heart, Old Diao already had some trust in Lu Chen.

Moreover, he also wanted to hear what kind of dao this young man who called himself a lecturer from the medical academy could say.

This old problem had been bothering him for fifteen years.

If there was a way to cure him, even if this young man in front of him was plotting something, as long as it didn"t go too far, he would accept it.

Lu Chen pried open the capsule, placed it before his nose, and sniffed it. As if talking to himself, he said, "Dried willow leaves, wild chrysanthemums, white flowers, snake Tongue Gra.s.s. Clearing away heat and detoxifying the poison, that"s just barely right! "

"Is there something wrong?" Old Monk frowned.

Of course, he could understand the meaning behind Lu Chen"s words and wasn"t optimistic about the effects of these medicine.

"Mr. Diao"s disease should have some silent tuberculous bacteria. Whenever the body"s resistance is weak, it will invade again."

"If you take good care of yourself and your diet, you can rely on your own resistance to slowly recover."

"But now that Mr. Diao has inflammation in his kidneys and prostate, the problem is not so simple. At least they might not be able to. "

Listening to Lu Chen"s words, the old man stared at Lu Chen with wide-open eyes for a few seconds, before finally asking sincerely, "Mr Lu, do you have a better treatment plan?"

"If you trust me, Mr. Diao, I"ll prescribe some medicine for you. If the situation improves after three days, then we"ll continue to eat for another three days to consolidate our strength. " Lu Chen said confidently.

"Only six days?" Old Diao asked in surprise.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Not only are you boasting, but your body already belongs to the Regeneration cla.s.s. Otherwise, you just need a set of medicine and that would be enough. It"s three parts medicine and one part poison. It"s not good to eat too much. "

Before Diao could open his mouth, Old Xue, who was standing by the side, had already asked the beautiful girl to help him prepare pen and paper.

Lu Chen did not hold back. He opened up the recipe and introduced the related points, leaving his name and contact details on it.

Seeing Lu Chen"s beautiful hand with the calligraphy brush, the two of them quickly exchanged glances.

After receiving the prescription, Old Diao went straight to the point. "Teacher Lu, there"s no need to thank me for this favor. If there"s anything I can help you with, just tell me."

Lu Chen could tell that Diao Kui was still wary of him.

However, he did not answer directly. Instead, he sat down and wrote another prescription on another piece of white paper.

However, this time, he handed it to Old Xue.

"For me?" Old Xue asked, frowning.

Lu Chen nodded his head: "Mr Xue is well-off, but his blood pressure and blood lipids are too high. There are also signs of coronary heart disease and fatty liver disease. He is often short of breath and unable to control his strength."

"This prescription can be taken to an experienced doctor for consideration. It should be able to help. "It"s always good to be prepared."

Old Xue was completely convinced now.

This was because only he himself knew of his current situation. In fact, it was only during the previous physical examination that Lu Chen had described such a situation.

Actually, at his age and with this kind of body, this was a rather common situation, and was often ridiculed as a rich disease.

He didn"t even care.

But now, a young stranger like Lu Chen had pointed it out and even wrote a prescription for it, he had no choice but to take it seriously.

"Old Diao had also mentioned it earlier. He did not say a word of thanks for this great favor. This is my phone number. Seeing that Lu laoshi is also a lover of jade, let"s get closer in the future. "

Lu Chen kept the contact information of the two of them, then said with a smile, "If I have good jade materials in my hands in the future, I"d like to ask the two seniors to help me out."

"This is it?" Old Xue looked at Lu Chen in confusion.

Old Shou said, "I wonder if Teacher Lu has any goods on hand?"

Lu Chen shook his head: "Not yet, but it should be here soon." If you want to make a move at that time, I hope that the two seniors will be generous with your advice. "

Old Diao burst out laughing, "Mr. Lu, you must be a foreigner, right? In fact, the jade shop we are in only collects high-quality materials. Sometimes they even open their windows, taking in half the betting materials that performed well. And the price is fair. "

Old Xue laughed as well. "Just tell me, when we saw all these things just now, there are actually quite a few materials that were transferred from Old Diao or his friends."

"The only reason why we don"t buy it is to a.s.sess how much profit this Boss Fang has made from taking the goods."

Only then did Lu Chen finally understand and nodded his head, then he cupped his hands towards the two of them: "Then, many thanks seniors. I still have a matter I need to take care of, so I can"t stay. "

"If the two of you still have any doubts about the formula, you can look for an experienced Chinese doctor to help you take a look. "Mr. Xue is fine, but Mr. Diao must take it as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

Saying so, Lu Chen prepared to turn around and leave.

He had just understood from the conversation between the two of them that a new batch of wool had recently arrived in Jiang Prefecture City. It was too early to be late, so there was a little more s.p.a.ce to choose first.

"Mr Lu!" "Please wait a moment."

The one who spoke was the beauty shop a.s.sistant from before.

Lu Chen looked at her doubtfully: "Is there something you need?"

"If it"s convenient, I would like to ask you to help my grandpa take a look at his illness." The beautiful shop a.s.sistant looked at Lu Chen with expectation, as if she was afraid that he would refuse.


At this time, Wishui actually opened her mouth.

"Teacher Lu might not know this, but this Miss Bai Jinyu is actually the young master of this place. Her grandfather is the founder of Fleeting Pavilion, a person at the top of our line."

"It"s a pity that I accidentally caught a cold last year. As a result, my legs suddenly became numb and I was unable to move. Otherwise, if you come over here, you will definitely be able to see his figure. "

Old Xue, who was at the side, also said, "That"s right, Old Master Bai is a highly respected senior in our Jadestone Trading Company." He has always been well-behaved, and definitely is not a fake. "

Lu Chen thought for a moment, then asked Bai Jinyu for her phone number. He said that he would contact her on his own accord later on and hurriedly left the room.

The trio saw that he really did seem like he had something urgent to take care of, so naturally, they did not try to force him …

The woolen market in the mouth of the pickled water was located in an open s.p.a.ce outside of Jiangzhou.

Or more accurately, the alley with two rows of facades at the southeast corner of the Ghost Market yesterday was where the woolen market was located.

Under He Qian"s lead, Lu Chen had already come here once last night. Together with the fact that they were close to where he was now, he quickly found a relatively secluded woolen market.

Compared to the antiques market outside, this place seemed even more deserted.

At this moment, all the roller shutter doors had been pulled up and a large amount of various materials was piled up on the ground.