Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 107

Lu Chen took a casual glance around and discovered that not only was there jadeite wool, there were also various other materials for jade.

However, only a small portion of the good gambling materials or half of the gambling materials were carefully placed on the shelves, and the price of the sales was marked on the shelves.

Occasionally, one or two customers would hold a powerful flashlight or something like that and observe closely.

Unlike the jade stores outside, the goods here were all made of the same kind of stone.

Gray, white, black, and yellow. There were all kinds of raw, leathery stones. It was simply too tiresome to look at.

Lu Chen stood in front of the first market. He secretly took a deep breath and emptied his senses, preparing to feel the quality of the wool on the floor.

Just as Lu Chen was deep in thought, a familiar voice sounded from behind him.

The voice was full of surprise and excitement, "Little brother, you didn"t leave yesterday! "He actually ran over here."

Lu Chen turned around and saw that the person who spoke was none other than the person he met last night at the Ghost Market, Mr. Qi, the Second Brother.

Lu Chen was slightly surprised to find that this old man who looked like he was in his sixties was still in such high spirits after a night of hard work.

He smiled and asked, "So it"s Boss Qi, why are you here? "What, didn"t you sleep last night?"

"You can"t!" Qi Changgen smiled and said, "Thanks to your blessings yesterday, after I made that deal, I went back to bed before 1am. The rest is left to the two disciples. "

Lu Chen looked at Qi Zhang Gan from head to toe, and asked doubtfully, "Boss Qi, this is..."

"Being old and having light sleep, I was woken up early in the morning by the construction teams around me, so I decided to take a stroll around. I didn"t expect to meet you, little brother. If this isn"t fate, then what is? " Qi Changgen said with a smile.

"What a coincidence." Lu Chen casually agreed, but in truth, he did not want to argue with Qi Changgen any longer. He only wanted to send him off.

Suddenly, Qi Changgen asked, "Little brother, are you here to see wool?"

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment before nodding his head.

"Little brother is indeed well-informed. Just this morning, several large wagons of wool were brought here. I heard that they were all directly brought here from the Burmese government."

As he spoke, he glared at Lu Chen, as if trying to find some clues from his face.

Lu Chen had a rough idea of what this antique vendor was up to.

After all, the scene yesterday had probably provoked him greatly.

Who knew how he would guess the true value of that jade carving.

"Boss Qi, let"s be frank, I"m afraid I did pick up a big mistake yesterday."

"But to be honest, I don"t know the exact value. Anyway, those two people found me and wanted to rent it for three days at a high price."

"I don"t know exactly what they did, and I didn"t take their money. Of course, I"m not afraid of them not accepting it. "

Lu Chen"s words were half true and half false, especially the last sentence that was full of confidence.

As expected, Qi Changgen was stunned for a moment, and he roughly understood that Lu Chen"s last sentence was a warning.

He laughed self-deprecatingly, "How can I not wet my shoes when I often walk by the river? "For a treasure trove, you can only blame yourself for not being good at it."

"To tell you the truth, that toy was actually exchanged with a child for five yuan when I brought my disciple to dig up land in the countryside."

"I have carefully observed it for a long time. Although I have been able to exclude things that are imitated and do not appear to be carved, I am unable to understand its true value."

"The rules of our antique shop, as long as you don"t understand it, you definitely won"t touch it, we"ll treat it as handicrafts. "If you can earn a little bit, then it"s a little bit. Sometimes you have to pay even when you are losing."

"So, yesterday, I originally bid eight thousand, but I only hoped that I could sell for two or three thousand and that would be enough."

"Even if it was the five hundred yuan you paid me back then, it was still a hundred times more than that. For me, it can be said to be a big loss."

"Later on, because of those two uninvited guests, the deal ended with twenty thousand dollars in cash. It was no different from a windfall."

"Of course, I"ve been in this business for most of my life, more than this. However, I"m still a bit curious about that Jade Silkworm from yesterday. "

"I want to find out what"s so special about the stuff that"s flowing out of my hands, not because of regret, but because I want to gain some insight."

As he said that, he cupped his hands towards Lu Chen with a smile.

Hearing Ji Changen"s words, Lu Chen nodded his head lightly.

However, regarding the Jade Silkworm, he had made up his mind to keep it a secret. Naturally, it was impossible for him to solve the mystery in Ji Zhang Gen"s heart.

"Little brother, I"m very familiar with this woolen market, why don"t we take a walk together?"

"Of course." Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, but still nodded in agreement.

This was his first time at the woolen market, and he was unfamiliar with the place. He also wanted to have someone he knew accompanying him.

Moreover, Lu Chen could see that Qi Changgen was clearly an existence at the level of a sly old fox in this industry. With him by his side, he could save quite a bit of trouble.

He might even be able to exchange some information about antiques or jade that could not be found on the internet.

As expected, having an acquaintance leading the way was different.

It turned out that in some relatively secluded areas, there were actually people gambling with each other.

Gambling had always been prohibited in China.

Although there was no strict ban on stone gambling, the current stone gambling market in Jiangzhou was still relatively hidden due to the recent rise of the market.

No wonder he was so careful when he mentioned the woolen market and purposely lowered his voice.

However, after looking at it for a while, Lu Chen"s interest was immediately deflected.

There was a bold boss who managed to open five stones, but all of them ended up losing the bet.

Counting the time, it had only been less than an hour and he had already wasted more than 200,000 yuan.

This kind of exciting game was indeed not something normal people could play.

All along the way, Lu Chen had been constantly searching.

However, although he had discovered quite a few valuable materials, he had yet to find a single one that could actually satisfy the requirements to refine jade talismans.

Actually, Qi Changgen had been secretly observing Lu Chen the whole time, but the more he looked, the more he felt like he couldn"t understand.

He realized that every time Lu Chen picked a target, he would just randomly glance at it, before sighing and putting it down again.

After walking through seven stalls consecutively and about to finish half of the entire woolen market, Qi Changgen finally couldn"t help but ask,

"Lu laoshi, what kind of jade are you looking for?" I have seen your journey. Whether it"s jadeite wool, or Xiuyan Yu, or Tian Yu, or Qing Hai Yu, Duoshan Yu has all seen it once. "