Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 110

Hearing Li De"s words, Lu Chen couldn"t help but turn his head to look at Qi Changgen.

It was true that one could not judge a book by its cover, and one could not judge a book by its cover.

Just a moment ago, he had thought having this shop in front of him was already very impressive.

If he hadn"t heard it with his own ears, who would have thought that this inconspicuous Qi Changen was actually a plentiful tyc.o.o.n?

It seemed that this person had indeed acquired quite a bit in the antique shop.

"Boss Li, since you"ve said so much, state your price!" If it"s appropriate, I"ll choose a few pieces and try my luck. "

"You said it already, we, Second Master Qi, are used to watching people"s luck. Now that he actually took a fancy to me, I guess my luck is not bad at all."

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Li De was stunned for a moment, then he burst out laughing.

He gave Lu Chen a thumbs up and said, "Little brother is awesome, looks like I have to make a fortune today! "Since that"s the case, how about I give you a price?"

Lu Chen nodded: "Then I"ll have to thank Boss Li first."

Li De said, "Little brother De, look, this pile of wool came from Dragon Pond. It"s also commonly called Dragon Pit wool."

"This batch is mainly made up of gray and white meat. Once the meat comes out, there is nothing to talk about. Also, the color of the meat is very positive, and it can often produce expensive varieties."

"If someone else were to buy it, it would definitely be impossible to negotiate with them for less than five hundred yuan. If you want, I can give you a hundred dollars a kilo. "

As Li De spoke, he intentionally glanced at Qi Zhang Yuan.

The meaning could not be clearer.

Although he did not say it out loud, Lu Chen could naturally hear it. What he meant was that he was willing to pay a price for Second Master Qi"s sake.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen had been observing Li De the entire time.

In fact, he didn"t even need to look to feel it. Although Li De"s words sounded good, but the price he stated just now must have something to do with it.

Moreover, the amount of water he had was not small.

With regards to the scam of the emerald, Lu Chen was able to rely on his powerful memory to scan through the online introductions and gain some basic common sense.

Li De said that the wool came from Longtang, so he believed him.

Because on the surface, these jadeite furs were indeed the embodiment of a grayish-white fish skin.

How could these old geezers in the jade shop be so easy to talk to?

Needless to say anything else, just seeing this pile of wool so casually thrown into the inconspicuous corner, one could roughly guess Li De"s att.i.tude towards them.

As a businessman, profit determines att.i.tude.

Naturally, the cost of these items was self-evident.

Lu Chen looked at Li De with a smile, but didn"t say anything.

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Li De awkwardly smiled. "Little brother, if you feel that it"s inappropriate, then you should pay a price!"

"It just so happens that it hasn"t opened yet. If it"s suitable, then we"ll just treat it as making friends. There"s still a long way to go."

Hearing the other party loosen his mouth, only then did Lu Chen say: "Let"s not beat around the bush. I"m just trying to test my luck with these materials."

"If the price is suitable, I am prepared to buy some from Boss Li. including the window openings on your stage. "

Actually, anyone would brag. Naturally, Li De would not completely believe Lu Chen"s promise.

However, when he thought about the true situation of this batch of wool, Li De clenched his teeth and said, "Since that"s the case, then two hundred and fifty …" "Hm, 241 kilograms?"

"Alright! I was going to ask for two hundred and one kilos, but it doesn"t matter. Boss Li, can you help me weigh this piece? "

Lu Chen casually pointed at the piece he really wanted.

As for the rest, he didn"t want to waste that money.

Moreover, he was very sure that Li De also had a lot of profit margin for this price.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, this kind of all-betting blindfold could be counted in kilograms, ranging from a few dozen to three hundred or four hundred.

However, at least someone else had shipped over from such a far distance, so it was reasonable to add on the price.

Since he was certain that he was going to earn a lot, there was no need to bargain with him anymore.

"Just this one?" Li De frowned.

He had originally thought that even if Lu Chen didn"t buy the jadeite wool, he would at least pick a few pieces.

The most important thing was, he noticed that Lu Chen had clearly taken a liking to a larger piece, but now he had chosen a smaller piece.

"I"m just testing my luck." Lu Chen said casually.

Li De nodded. "Alright then!"

As he spoke, he directly took the ball sized piece of wool that Lu Chen had pointed to and weighed it on the electronic scale.

"21.3kg, 5,882 yuan, even if..."

"Six thousand!" Lu Chen took the initiative to ask.

Li De was obviously stunned for a moment before he smiled and said, "Little brother, you"re too generous!" I said only five thousand eight hundred. "Yes, five thousand eight hundred will do."

Lu Chen smiled, then quickly paid the bill. Only then did he hold the piece of gambling material in his hand.

Seeing that the transaction was complete, Ji Long finally opened his mouth.

"Does Lu laoshi want to open the windows or cut the windows?"

At this moment, the people who were originally watching from the sidelines also came over.

This was the att.i.tude of a gambler.

Even if he didn"t want to, he would like to see the gambling going on.

However, basically no one was optimistic about the stone in Lu Chen"s hand.

There were even some people who brazenly gave Li De a thumbs up, meaning that it went without saying.

In their hearts, the bet was probably only worth two or three thousand dollars, and no one was willing to do it.

This piece of material looked a little bit black and had no l.u.s.ter to speak of. On the surface, it did not show any expression at all, and even if it was struck with a powerful light flashlight, it would not appear green at all.

Anyone who knew anything would know that it was basically impossible to get meat out from this kind of wool.

In other words, Lu Chen spent an average person"s month"s salary to buy a c.r.a.ppy stone.

Lu Chen nodded and said: "We were just betting on our luck to begin with. Opening the window is too torturous. He might as well solve it now! I hope second master can bring me some good luck. "

Although almost no one was optimistic about the stone, there was nothing to watch anyway, so everyone gathered.

Only the middle-aged man was still holding onto the half piece of wool tightly, as if he was lost in thought and did not care about what was happening.

Li De enthusiastically called over the employees who were originally watching the commotion to prepare the stones for them.

Arriving at the stone disa.s.sembling machine, the surroundings suddenly quieted down. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Even if no one was optimistic, as gamblers, almost everyone was looking forward to this one in ten thousand chance.

Thus, at this moment, everyone"s thoughts were the same. They all hoped to be able to witness a miracle.

Originally, Li De wanted to help, but who would have thought that the nearby Qi Shenggen actually jumped out.

"If you want to try your luck, then do it yourself! I"ll teach you. " Qi Zhang said to Lu Chen with a smile.