Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 114

Lu Chen was well aware of his sudden appearance, so he didn"t display much surprise on his face.

This was because all of these things were recorded in the pieces of information given to him by the Eye of Merit.

And this ability was the same as the color of the eyes and the color of the eyes and the color of the four diagnosis methods of traditional Chinese medicine.

Of course, most people would only be able to touch the edge of the qi technique used in traditional Chinese medicine, and would only be able to judge whether the body was healthy or not based on the color of the other party"s skin.

However, it was said that some experts could determine life or death with a single glance because they could see things that ordinary people couldn"t.

Lu Chen"s Yin Yang Eyes allowed him to see a person"s soul. Even though he had yet to achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation, with the acc.u.mulation of the power of karmic virtue, this ability was further exposed.

According to the little fox, the man"s head was covered in black air, indicating that he was about to die.

As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-layered paG.o.da.

Lu Chen originally needed to acc.u.mulate a large amount of karmic power. In this kind of situation, he naturally couldn"t just stand by and watch as a living life was destroyed.

It was unknown whose son, husband or father this man before him was.

However, being in his forties and in his prime, he must be a pillar of the family.

When he falls, it often means the collapse of the whole family.

Lu Chen, who was behind him, lightly patted the man"s shoulder.

The man trembled and stopped. He turned around and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

Lu Chen smiled at him and went straight to the point: "This Big Brother, perhaps I can help you with your trouble."

"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness." But help. How can I help you? " A wry smile appeared on the man"s face. He shook his head miserably. "I"ve lost everything I have now!"

"There are still more than 200,000 yuan in the bank. How are you going to help? "It"s over, it"s all over."

At the end, the man actually smiled. It was just that his smile was uglier than crying.

He wiped away the tears on his face as if he was choked with sobs, then slowly turned around and continued to stagger forward.

Lu Chen smiled faintly and followed the man"s footsteps, confidently saying: "If I say I can help, then naturally I can."

As he spoke, he took out the piece of crystal from his bosom and showed it to the man.

As expected, the man"s body trembled as if he had been electrocuted. His steps came to a halt once again.

His eyes were fixed on the piece of material. It was glowing like a wolf, as if he was stuck on it and could not move any further.

"This is …" "This is …" The man seemed to be under a curse as he muttered to himself.

"It was just cut out, and it"s still warm! How about you touch it? " Lu Chen said with a smile.

The man finally shifted his gaze and asked with great difficulty, "Did you really cut it out?"

However, he had no intention of taking the piece of paper.

Lu Chen purposely rolled his eyes in an exaggerated manner: "Didn"t you see that group of people surround them just now? Wasn"t it I who did it in front of them? "

Lu Chen said as he pointed to Li De"s shop.

Only now did the man notice that almost everyone had surrounded Li De.

Some were haggling while others surrounded the cutting machine once again.

The familiar sound of the cutting machine made the middle-aged man"s eyes bloom with a trace of light.

Lu Chen sighed inwardly.

As a doctor, he was well aware of the fact that heart doctors were required to treat heart ailments.

This middle-aged man had lost his entire fortune because of the stone gambling, thus he had the thought of living a light life.

Perhaps some other way might have gotten him out of it for the time being, but it wasn"t safe.

As the saying goes, send Buddha to the west to save a man to the end, he had to solve his problem once and for all.

The middle-aged man embarra.s.sedly said, "I saw it, but I thought …"

Lu Chen sneered, and said, "Do you think everyone is as unlucky as you? "To tell you the truth, I don"t know how much I lost, but I still earned it in the end."

As Lu Chen said this, he purposely waved the jade token in his hand in front of the man"s eyes.

The man looked at the item with envy and sighed. "You"ve not only earned back, you"ve also made a huge fortune this time."

"This piece of emperor green gla.s.s is absolutely outrageous! If you meet a suitable buyer, you won"t even be able to hit eight digits! "

Lu Chen frowned and glanced at him: "King of Green Gla.s.s?"

"That"s right! The royal green gla.s.s species with fly wings. " The middle-aged man earnestly repeated himself.

"Here, take a good look. Is that an imperial jade?"

The man quickly wiped his hands on his pants, then carefully took the materials from Lu Chen"s hands and carefully observed them.

As he watched, he took out a magnifying gla.s.s and a powerful flashlight from his pocket.

"Right, right!" More accurately speaking, it was a positive sun green. However, he was also one of the top of the True Sun Jade. "However, it is still a windfall, a windfall." As the man spoke, he returned the materials to Lu Chen.

"What money? I"m not selling it!" Lu Chen replied impa.s.sively.

"Not selling?" The man looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Chen nodded, and said as if it was a matter of course: "Jadeite stone and the like, is in fact a hobby. I just want to use my eyes to find a decent piece of material. "

"Then, ask the great sculptor to make a few items that can be pa.s.sed down as a family heirloom from generation to generation. I"ll give it to my family and friends to think about it. "

"Of course, I will keep one myself. After all, this is the first time I"ve unraveled something so good. "

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Chen as if he was a monster, clearly not understanding what he was thinking.

"How is it? Do you want to gamble again?" Lu Chen suddenly asked.

The man was obviously stunned for a moment, then laughed bitterly and shook his head: "But what am I going to bet! This life? "

Lu Chen curled his lips: "How much can you sell these hundred pounds for?" I mean, can I lend you some money? "

"You"re lending me money?!" The man looked vigilantly at Lu Chen, then shook his head, "I"ve got a pile of bad debts, but it"s not up to you yet."

"Did you see this gentleman?" Lu Chen pointed at Qi Gensheng, who was standing not far away from him.

The man frowned and thought for a while. Then, he nodded. "I have."

"I seem to have seen it before? That meant he had never seen it before! "I told you, since you don"t even know the famous Second Master Qi, it"s no wonder you suffered such a terrible loss." Lu Chen put on a disappointed expression.

The man had a stupefied expression.

Lu Chen deliberately lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "The Second Master Qi is a Buddha on our antique street, perhaps even in the entire Jiang Prefecture City. He has a special ability, which depends on the luck of others. "

The man widened his eyes. "Depends on a person"s luck?"