Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 115

Lu Chen nodded, and seriously said: "You definitely don"t know, our Second Master Qi and I only met each other in the Ghost Market last night. I just came over with a friend and spent twenty thousand dollars on something. "

"But guess what! The old man had been waiting for me since early in the morning. I was a bit bored, I came here today on the spur of the moment, how did he know I would come? "

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, the middle-aged man also looked up and down curiously.

However, he did not know that Lu Chen"s words were half-truths and half-truths, so he naturally could not tell the reason.

Lu Chen continued, "When he told me, he just thought that I, with my glowing face and my love for jade, should earn a lot from this."

"After thinking about it, I feel that a few wagons of wool have arrived here recently. Maybe they should be here."

The middle-aged man asked in disbelief, "You mean, he also came to try his luck?"

Lu Chen gently smiled: "Human luck is a mysterious thing, who can truly grasp it?!"

"Otherwise, why would Second Master Qi not earn his own money if he has the ability to do so?" So at the beginning, I also had some doubts about his motives. "

"However, I soon found out from Boss Li that the row of seven facades belonged to Second Master Qi"s property."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and then nodded his head as if he was deep in thought, "In that case, you bought this because you got his guidance, and then gave out this top grade item?!"

As he said this, his eyes were already glinting at Qi Changgen.

Coincidentally, Qi Changgen was looking in their direction. Even though he couldn"t hear the conversation clearly, when he saw the middle-aged man look over, he smiled and nodded to him subconsciously.

This action of his was directly misunderstood by the middle-aged man.

The doubt in the middle-aged man"s heart vanished, he immediately turned around and grabbed Lu Chen"s arm: "You came over because of his pointers?!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

Who would have thought that a man would have such a thought?

However, he reacted very quickly and nodded heavily, "Yes! He was the one who guided me here. I don"t know if you"ve heard of a saying, "It"s called the "Negative Extreme Tai"."

The man"s eyes lit up and said excitedly, "You"re saying that I should be transporting them?"

Lu Chen smiled: "Isn"t it time to transfer them? I think you even had the heart to die just now. "

As if he had been stabbed in the heart, the man smiled awkwardly, "Just now, I really had the thought of jumping down from Qing He Bridge."

Lu Chen let out a sigh of relief in his heart, but on the surface, he said lightly: "Then it"s better if you quickly put aside those thoughts! Later on, you should think about how to do a good deed every day. "

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly, staring at Lu Chen with a burning gaze.

Lu Chen calmly met his gaze and seriously said, "I received second master"s guidance, but only on one condition. After the matter is completed, you must insist on doing a good deed every day."

"Today, I have obtained a heavenly great benefit and have come here to fulfill my promise. "However, before that, you must also guarantee that you will do a good deed in the future."

"Moreover, I estimate that this time, your luck will be used up. Only after you"ve done enough good deeds can you have a chance to strike it rich!"

Although he was skeptical of Lu Chen"s words, he was still a lifesaver for the man who had already had the thought of saving his life.

An ant sneakily living.

Who would be willing to die until the end of the road?

As Lu Chen spoke, he kept the ingredients in his hands and dragged the man towards the last store.

Actually, Lu Chen"s actions were not only being closely watched by Qi Changgen, but many others as well.

Seeing Lu Chen walk over, the owner of the shop across from Li De immediately brought out his enthusiasm.

Although he himself also felt that the G.o.ddess of Luck could not possibly continue befriending someone, he still hoped that Lu Chen would be able to reap some benefits from him and not let Li De take the initiative.

After all, he was fighting against Li De, and the impact would be the greatest.

The better Li De"s business was, the worse his business would be.

Moreover, just like eating in a small restaurant, there were usually some people who were originally prepared to take care of his business. However, when they saw that the opposite side was bustling with noise and excitement, they naturally headed towards the other side.

Therefore, compared to the others, he was more anxious to resolve this awkward situation. He didn"t mind taking advantage of any possibility.

"Teacher Lu, right? Welcome." This lowly one is Su Changchun, just like boss Li De Li, I have all kinds of material here. "

"In addition to all the gambling materials, there are also some half-gambling materials that have opened their windows."

"If you choose any piece, I will definitely give you the lowest price. Let"s be friends." "In the future, cooperate more."

Lu Chen had a rough idea of what Su Changchun, Boss Su, was up to.

He nodded and began to slowly search.

This was also the last store on the street with 14 jade ores.

However, after taking a look, it did not meet the requirements for Lu Chen"s jade talisman crafting materials.

Of course, even if there really was such a high quality jade, Lu Chen did not intend to reveal it.

It was because he wanted to help this middle-aged man that he had thoughts about Qing Shui. Giving him too many things might not be a good thing.

Old Master Lu often told him that he needed to grasp a good measure when helping others.

Ascending to a Mai En, fighting for a Mi Chou …

To save someone until the end, to send the Buddha to the west...

All of these theories embodied the highest philosophy of the Old Ancestors.

Even though Lu Chen wasn"t old, he had taken them for words of wisdom and firmly remembered them in his heart.

It was precisely because of this that he had coaxed the middle-aged man into doing a good deed every day.

This might help him acc.u.mulate more merits, but he didn"t want the other party to go down the wrong path.

If that happened, it would go against Lu Chen"s original intention to save her.

Very quickly, Lu Chen chose the most suitable target.

In order to let the middle-aged man have a deeper memory, although Lu Chen found a better choice, after weighing it over, his gaze finally landed on a corner.

Since the middle-aged man had decided to fight to the death because of his outstanding performance, this time, he was going to have a good look. This kind of performance actually had good results.

Lu Chen casually searched around, and the way he searched seemed very unprofessional to experts. There were even a few times when the middle-aged man was prepared to pa.s.s his tools to him.